Here we list all the changes we make in the text of The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky in twenty first century edition.

Table of contents

Table of contents is enlarged with page, diagram and table titles. Some items in original table of contents (TOC) match the page title, some are not. In the last case, if the title is slightly different, the more verbose one is left, if the difference is substantial, the title of page is added, leaving the original item next to it. In several cases the original item is slightly altered to reflect the context. For example:

  • The planetary divisions and the human principles → Diagram I. The planetary divisions and the human principles

If TOC item and page title mutually related they are combined. For example:

  • The square of the tabernacle → The square of the tabernacle (the real meaning of the tabernacle)

Some other changes:

  • Slokas indication was added with appropriate hyperlinks.
  • Extra spaces removed: “ rest ” → “rest”; sciences ? → sciences?