Blavatsky H.P. - Important Notice

Important Notice
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 6, page(s) 53-55

Publications: The Theosophist, Vol. V, No. 3(51), Supplement to December, 1883, p. 23

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The Supplement to The Theosophist has hitherto been the only channel of communication between ourselves and our numerous Branches and unattached Fellows, scattered far and wide all over the globe. The Supplement was first added for the benefit and convenience of the latter alone, non-theosophical subscribers, in general, caring very little to get acquainted with our Society’s business, its progress, the various discussions and—to our great regret—disagreeable polemics published from time to time in its columns. Therefore, if subscribers, whether connected or unconnected with the Theosophical Society, have regularly received text and Supplement, it is only because the two were bound up together. As some of the last named class of subscribers have latterly objected to this arrangement, and expressed a desire to have the Supplement replaced by more interesting matter, we are forced to address to them the following respectful remark. They evidently forget that they received the Supplement gratis, and above the promised number of pages in the text, which, again, with very few exceptions, has always exceeded the limits originally proposed, i.e., “no less than 48 columns or 24 pages.” Their complaints, though unreasonable,—since it was easy for them to leave the supplement matter unread and even to detach it from the main body—have led us to adopt an-other and a better course that will, we hope, satisfy all parties. Since it is perfectly impracticable for us to personally 54correspond with all the Branches, and answer the inquiries which pour in upon us from all quarters of the globe, a Journal of the Theosophical Society is absolutely necessary to enable us to hold communication with our numerous Members and Fellows. Our readers and subscribers all over the world are therefore notified that from January, 1884, the Supplement will issue as a separate publication under the name of the Journal of the Theosophical Society. For those who do not subscribe for The Theosophist, its annual cost will be Rs. 2. It will contain all the discussions and information connected with our Society, and its work, which may not be interesting to the general public, although of supreme importance to our Fellows and well-wishers. Each number will contain no less than 8 pages and may contain far more as occasion may require. We have, since the commencement of the Supplement, spent, on an average, Rs. 700 annually for that additional publication. As the expenses of the Headquarters are constantly on the increase in consequence of the rapid and steady growth of the Society, some new arrangements are rendered absolutely necessary. To relieve us, therefore, of double postage and all other unnecessary expenses, those of our subscribers who are not Theosophists, unless they apply to us formally for it before January next, will no longer receive the Supplement beginning with that month; for our foreign subscribers, however, the rule will not come into operation before February 1884. The main body alone will be sent to them. No need of stating that every Fellow of the Society who subscribes to The Theosophist will of course receive the Journal as heretofore with its Supplement, without any extra charge; while those of our Fellows who are now unable or unwilling to subscribe to the whole Magazine, will thus be enabled to get the Supplement,—a Journal in itself—separately at the nominal cost of Rs. 2 annually. It may as well be brought back to the recollection of the reader that the Supplement has been, and will ever be, quite a distinct portion from the main Journal. From the beginning of next year, moreover, the Supplement 55will contain the minutes and reports of personal phenomenal experiences of our Fellows—those observations and investigations in occultism, mesmerism, magnetism and psycho-physiology in connection with the private researches and work of the Society, most of which were hitherto withheld to avoid ridicule and idle remarks painful to the Chelas and Followers of our Mahatmas.