Blavatsky H.P. - Miscellaneous Notes (55)

Miscellaneous Notes
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 11, page(s) 384

Publications: Lucifer, Vol. IV, No. 24, August, 1889, p. 510

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[Lucifer, Vol. IV, No. 24, August, 1889, p. 510]

[H.P.B.’s comment on the following paragraph from the Washington Post of July 9, 1889: “The Blavatsky Theosophical Society and Universal Brotherhood of the District filed a certificate of incorporation yesterday. The object is to form a nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood without distinction as to race, creed or colour; to promote the study of Aryan and other Eastern literature . . . to investigate the unexplained laws in nature and the psychical powers latent in man. Anthony Higgins, Reovel Savage, Nina Savage, and Marie Musaeus are the managers.”]

This is the second Branch Theosophical Society which has become chartered or incorporated in the United States, the Aryan Theosophical Society of New York having first given the example. Thus no bogus Theosophical Societies—a danger that threatened us closely—are henceforth possible, either in the New York or Columbia Districts. Many other branches will follow in their respective States. This news is indeed welcome. All our best thanks and warmest gratitude are due to the courage and promptitude with which our honoured Brother, Mr. Anthony Higgins, has placed the name of the Society of which he is President beyond the reach of enemies and imitators.