Blavatsky H.P. - Practical Occultism (1)

Practical Occultism
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 9, page(s) 285-286

Publications: Lucifer, Vol. II, No. 9, May, 1888, pp. 257-258

Also at: KH

In other languages: Russian

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[Lucifer, Vol. II, No. 9, May, 1888, pp. 257-258]

In a very interesting article in last month’s number entitled “Practical Occultism” it is stated that from the moment a “Master” begins to teach a “chela” he takes on himself all the sins of that chela in connection with the occult sciences until the moment when initiation makes the chela a master and responsible in his turn.

For the Western mind, steeped as it has been for generations in “Individualism,” it is very difficult to recognise the justice and consequently the truth of this statement, and it is very much to be desired that some further explanation should be given for a fact which some few may feel intuitively but for which they are quite unable to give any logical reason.

S. E.


EDITORS’ REPLY.—The best logical reason for it is the fact that even in common daily life, parents, nurses, tutors and instructors are generally held responsible for the habits and future ethics of a child. The little unfortunate wretch who is trained by his parents to pick pockets in the streets is not responsible for the sin, but the effects of it fall heavily on those who have impressed on his mind that it was the right thing to do. Let us hope that the Western Mind, although being “steeped in Individualism,” has not become so dulled thereby as not to perceive that there would be neither logic nor justice were it otherwise. And if the moulders of the plastic mind of the yet unreasoning child must be held responsible, in this world of effects for his sins of omission and commission during his childhood and for effects produced by their early training in after-life, how much more the “Spiritual Guru”? The latter taking the student by the hand leads him into, and 286introduces him to a world entirely unknown to the pupil For this world is that of the invisible but ever-potent CAUSALITY, the subtle, yet never-breaking thread that is the action, agent and power of Karma, and Karma itself in the field of divine mind. Once acquainted with this no adept can any longer plead ignorance in the event of even an action, good and meritorious in its motive, producing evil as its result; since acquaintance with this mysterious realm gives the means to the Occultist of foreseeing the two paths opening before every premeditated as unpremeditated action, and thus puts him in a position to know with certainty what will be the results in one or the other case. So long then, as the pupil acts upon this principle, but is too ignorant to be sure of his vision and powers of discrimination, is it not natural that it is the guide who should be responsible for the sins of him whom he has led into those dangerous regions?