HPB-SD(ed.1) v.2 p.1 st.9 sl.37

The Secret Doctrine
The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Verbatim first edition
volume 2 Anthropogenesis, part 1 Anthropogenesis, stanza 9 The Final Evolution of Man, sloka 37 Every androgynous unit is separated and becomes bisexual
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the transformation of the earth.

37. The One (androgyne) became Two ; also all the living and creeping things, that were still one, giant-fish, birds, and serpents with shell-heads (a).

This relates evidently to the so-called age of the amphibious reptiles, during which ages science maintains that no man existed ! But what could the ancients know of antediluvian prehistoric animals and monsters ! Nevertheless, in Book VI. of the Commentaries is found a passage which says, freely translated : —

“ When the Third separated and fell into sin by breeding men-animals, these (the animals) became ferocious, and men and they mutually destructive. Till then, there was no sin, no life taken. After (the separation) the Satya (Yuga) was at an end. The eternal spring became constant change and seasons succeeded. Cold forced men to build shelters and devise clothing. Then man appealed to the superior Fathers (the higher gods or angels). The Nirmânakaya of the Nâgas, the wise Serpents and Dragons of Light came, and the precursors of the Enlightened (Buddhas). Divine Kings descended and taught men sciences and arts, for man could live no longer in the first land (Adi-Varsha, the Eden of the first Races), which had turned into a white frozen corpse.

The above is suggestive. We will see what can be inferred from this brief statement. Some may incline to think that there is more in it than is apparent at first sight.

* The Commentary explains that the apes are the only species, among the animals, which has gradually and with every generation and variety tended more and more to return to the original type of its male forefather — the dark gigantic Lemurian and Atlantean.