HPB-SB-3-187: Difference between revisions

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{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |Spiritualism Put to Use|3-186}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |Spiritualism Put to Use|3-186}}

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{{Style P-No indent|believed that he had gone to Orange to visit with his mother. A week had elapsed since he had set out for Jersey City, and his parents in alarm telegraphed to Orange, but the message was returned that he had not been seen there. Then search was made through Jersey City and Brooklyn, and every means taken to trace his whereabouts, but no tidings could be obtained of him subsequent to his parting with Van Liew at the Hoboken car. His parents have advertised in the local and in the New York papers, and offered a reward for information of his whereabouts and for his safe return, but they believe that he has been led away and murdered. “He must be dead,” said the mother in conclusion, “for if he were not he would not stay away so long, he was so fond of his home and of me.”}}
{{Style P-No indent|believed that he had gone to Orange to visit with his mother. A week had elapsed since he had set out for Jersey City, and his parents in alarm telegraphed to Orange, but the message was returned that he had not been seen there. Then search was made through Jersey City and Brooklyn, and every means taken to trace his whereabouts, but no tidings could be obtained of him subsequent to his parting with Van Liew at the Hoboken car. His parents have advertised in the local and in the New York papers, and offered a reward for information of his whereabouts and for his safe return, but they believe that he has been led away and murdered. “He must be dead,” said the mother in conclusion, “for if he were not he would not stay away so long, he was so fond of his home and of me.”}}

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Young Bucahout is about 21 years old, of medium height, with very dark hair, eyes, and mustache, and of slender physique. He had money in the savings bank in Sing Sing, but he left it untouched when he went away. It is not, therefore, believed that he set out on his own accord. A story is told in the village that a New York detective professes to have seen him working as a deck hand on a fall river steamer, the officer has not appeared to claim the reward, and the report is discredited.
Young Bucahout is about 21 years old, of medium height, with very dark hair, eyes, and mustache, and of slender physique. He had money in the savings bank in Sing Sing, but he left it untouched when he went away. It is not, therefore, believed that he set out on his own accord. A story is told in the village that a New York detective professes to have seen him working as a deck hand on a fall river steamer, the officer has not appeared to claim the reward, and the report is discredited.
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