HPB-SB-10-122: Difference between revisions

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{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |Sir,-As my first letter...|10-121}}
{{Style P-HPB SB. Title continued |Sir,-As my first letter...|10-121}}
In fact, the Theosophic Society appears to be seeking to revive Gnosticism. The pride of intellect shall find out God. Science shall supersede revelation. “Base mechanic,” stand aside: I am more learned than thou! It is riot so iii the Christian faith. From the Word of God we find that, the knowledge of God is often hid from the “wise and prudent” and “revealed unto babes.” And actual experience confirms this truth.
It is interesting to notice how far Mr. Farquhar was indebted to the Word of God for those truths which he so ably expounded. For instance, I might enlarge on those Scriptural titles, “Son of God” and “Son of Man.” Mr. Farquhar admits the possibility can union of the Divine and human in man; and surely no more than One can sum up in his own person the essential and the highest attributes of each.
Seeing, therefore, that knowledge of Divine things is derived, consciously or unconsciously, from the Hebrew Scriptures, I would earnestly recommend to the Theosophic Society a careful and prayerful perusal of the Old and New Testament writings. it Nevertheless, I remember the case of that king who, when bid go wash in Jordan, turned and word away in a rage. And may others, tempted perhaps on the first impulse to do likewise, afterward repent and receive all those blessings that are promised to those who will but exercise a humble faith.
{{Style P-Signature in capitals| A Young Clergyman.}}
October 22nd, 1879.
