Zirkoff B. - Index (BCW vol.1): Difference between revisions

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Galatinus, 131, 463-64.
Gardiner, Dr., and Olcott, 72, 301.
Garibaldi, H.P.B. not on Staff of, 55 fn.
Gebhard, Mary, and E. Levi, 49495.
Geluk-pa, Order of, and yellow hats, 240 fn.
Geniuses: not mediums, 363 (367); spiritually inspired, 295.
Geometrical, figures and fourth dimension, 359-60.
Gerebko, Clementine: 54; H.P.B.’s business-connection with, 5556, 83-85.
Ghebers, 118.
G. K. 89.
Gnomes, sylphs, etc., 284 et seq.
Gnostics: and later Gospels, 382;
Ophites and Basilideans, 105.
Goblins, elementary, 111.
God: contradictory ideas of Christians about, 333; Hugo on, 199; man can become a, 73; spirit means both, and alcohol, 332; symbol of harmony, 199-200.
Gods, on reviling the, 237.
Golden Gate: between two worlds, 191; leading to Infinite Truth, 130.
Golos, art. by Mendeleyev, 217.
Good, and Evil, 200.
Go-pâla, cowherd, 356.
Gopura, 355-56.
Gorchakoff, Prince, 259, 464.
Gosain [Gosâîn]: 241; performs phenomenon at Cawnpoor, 27577.
Gospoja P—, 166 et seq.
Gougenot des Mousseaux, H. R.: 139; biogr., 464.
—, La magie, etc., on Home and de Ravignan, 196.
Govinda, Sikh guru, 373.
Gravitation: nature of, 242-43; various scientists on, 243.
Gray, Dr., 244.
Great Dionysiak. See Brown, R.
Greek, ideas about constitution of man, 292-93.
Guegidze, Michalko, a servant, 32. Guide to Theosophy, on formation of T.S., 123, 464.
“Guides:” and “controls” unreliable, 284, 295; as earth-bound elementarles, 270.
Guido of Arezzo: 154; biogr., 465. Guillemain de Saint-Victor, Handbook of the Women Freemasons·. on adoptive masonry, 312; 465.
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Guppy, Mrs., medium, 272.
Guriya, and Imeretia, 387.
Guru-Brahmans, generations of trained, 267.
{{Style P-Subtitle|H}}
Hahn, Nicholas von, H.P.B.’s cousin, 436.
Hahn, Col. Peter A. von, dies at Stavropol’, 83.
Halley: 243; biogr., 465.
Hallock, Dr., 226.
Hammond, Dr.: 245; biogr., 46566.
Handbook. See Guillemain.
Hardinge-Britten, Emma: biogr., 466-67.
–, Art Magic·. 143; how many printed, 238; 467.
–, Nineteenth Century Miracles: on formation of T.S., 122; 466.
Hare, R.: 213; biogr., 467-68.
Harmony: God a symbol of, 200: Home and, 201; law of, and analogy, 289; touchstone of truth, 296.
Harrison, W. H., 290 in.
Harrisse, Mons.: 414, 429; portrait of Master by, 407, 435.
Hartmann, 332.
Haug, C. F., Allgemeine Ge- schichte·. on Chinese, 109; 468.
Haug, Martin: on Vedas. 227; biogr., 468.
Haynau, J. J., 22.
Herald (N.Y.), art. in, 429.
Hermann, juggler, 316.
Hermetic Philosophers: books of, difficult to understand, 131; magicians and giants of intellect, 138; price exacted for following in their footsteps, 128; proved what they claimed, 138.
Herodotus, 232.
Higgins, G., Anacalypsis, 380, 468. Hilarion (Illarion); 407,424,435;
and Atrya, 90; story of, about de Lassa, 161-62.
Hilton, and the Jews, 262.
Hindustani, 241.
Hindustani-English Diet. See Shakespeare, J.
Hinrichs, Fred. W.: 96, 97-98; letter from, to Jinarajadasa on “Hiraf” Club, 99-100.
“Hiraf,” art. on Rosicrucianism, 99-100.
“Hiraf” Club, historical background of, 95-100.
History. See Livy.
Hist, of Civil. See Buckle.
Hist, of Diplomacy. See Horvath. History of India. See Elphinstone and Mills, J.
Holloway-Langford, Laura: and Olcott. 517, 526; unpubl. MS. of, 2.
Holmes, Mr. and Mrs.: 422; and their mediumship, 59 et seq., 75 et seq.; caught cheating, 12021; exposure of, and H.P.B.’s role, 73.
Home, D. D.: a renegade, 197; and anonymous letters, 220; assails Leymarie, 195; beseeches di Raulica, 196; calumniates H.P.B., 198; demonized, 196; distorts harmony, 201; doubts H.P.B.’s mediumship, 203; never met H.P.B., 469; statements of, unreliable, 245; twice tried for swindling, 204.
–, Incidents in my Life·, on advice of his spirit-mother, 198; untruthful, 196-97; upholds Catholic clergy’s conspiracy, 202.
Hommons, Capt., a Rosicrucian, 428.
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Homo, genus, and the horse, 22930.
Hooke, R.: 243; biogr., 469-70.
Horrocks, J.: 243; biogr., 470.
Horse: and Orohippus, 229; and Protohippus, 230.
Horvath, J., Hist, of Diplomacy, 23.
Howitt, W., 139.
Hugo, Victor, on God, 199.
Human, nature same through the ages, 130.
Humanity, Brotherhood of, 377.
Hungary, H.P.B.’s Travel-Impressions from, 11-17(17-22).
Hurrychund, C.: 407, 409, 426, 433: data on, 435; on the Vedas, 383; snubs the Council. 424.
–, Commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita: on exoteric and esoteric knowledge, 306; 470.
Huss, John, 260.
Huxley: contrasted with Slade, 228; New York lectures on evolution, 226 et seq.; on human testimony, 231; surprise of, about U.S.A., 225.
Huygens, on nature of light, 243.
Hyneman, Leon, 312.
Hyslop, J. H., biogr., 470-71.
{{Style P-Subtitle|I}}
Iconoclasm, of scientists, 243.
Idiots, congenital, and reincarnation, 298, 364(368).
Illarion. See Hilarion.
Illuminati, 108, 111.
Illustrated Weekly, The, Turgue- nyev’s poem in, 253.
Imagination, and materialized forms, 267.
Imeretia, and Guriya, 387, 388.
Immortality: conditional, 293, 298; of atoms, 331; of soul, 102.
“Impossible,” and “never” should be erased as terms, 109.
Incantations, magical effects of, 352-53.
Incidents. See Home.
Incidents. See Sinnett.
I'lnde. See Rousselet.
Independence Beige, and H.P.B., 1. India: future fateful hour for, 404; magic in, 141-42; women of, and Christianity, 405.
Indian Spectator, The, on Dayananda Sarasvati, 382.
Indian Tribune, The, on Dayananda Sarasvati, 382.
Inductive, method, 230.
Initiates, hard to catch, leave no trace behind, 161.
Initiation, ordeals and trials of, 115.
Inman, Thos., Ancient and Pagan Christian Symbolism, 380, 471.
Inquisition, danger to Hermeticists, 131.
Intelligences, ten and Sephira, 112. Interviews, H.P.B. on reporters’, 237.
Isis, lifting veil of, 115, 118.
Israelites. See Jews.
Isvara-Bhava [Isvara-Bhava], 335. Italians, in U.S.A, and Mazzini, 390-91(391-92).
Ivins, Wm. M.: 2, 95, 97, 98, 99; on H.P.B.’s lawsuit, 84; biogr., 471.
I yam, earth, 227.
Izvertzoff, story about, and the magical evocation of the Shaman, 339-53.
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{{Style P-Subtitle|J}}
Jacolliot, L., on levitation, 244.
–, The Bible in India: 240;
471; on Bhagavad-Gita and Krishna, 249 el seq.
Jadar-Christna, 251.
Jadugar, conjurer, 275.
Jadupati [Yadupati], 251.
Jainas, Sutras of, 373 & fn.
James, on sensual nature, 297.
Janmotsar, festival of, 250.
Jehovah, originated with Moses, 110.
Jennings, H., The Rosicrucians; 104 fn., 105; 471; ablest book on symbols, 126.
Jenny, H.P.B.’s maid, 423, 425, 428.
Jesuitism, object of T.S. is to antagonize, 394.
Jesuits, and Home, 195 el seq.
Jesus: a Cabalist, 129; and Chrestos, 383; trained by Essenes, 106.
Jews, condition of, in Russia, 26263.
Jezeus Christna. See Krishna.
Jinarajadasa, C., Did Mad. Blavatsky Forge, etc., 438.
–, Letters from the Masters, etc.: 87; 471-72; on the lost Rosy Cross jewel, 439.
Jiva-Bhava [Jiva-Bhava], 335.
Jones, Elder, 261.
Jones, Sir Wm., errors of, 239.
Journalism: heliocentric, 241; recrimination is soul of American, 322.
Jude, on psychical nature, 297.
Judge, John H.: goes on board to take leave of Founders, 431; helps with Isis Unveiled, 473; initiated into T.S., 430.
Judge, Wm. Q.: 413, 416, 426, 427; goes on board to take leave of Founders, 431; goes out with H.P.B., 429; H.P.B. visits, 412; in consultation with Master M., 430; life-story and writings of, 472-90; telegraphs Wimbridge, 423; to dinner, 409, 410, 425.
Justice, nature of, 200.
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Kabak, saloon, 263.
Kabbalah. See Knorr.
Kali (Mrs. Olcott), 411, 437. Kalindjikoulosek, 179.
Kama-rupa [Kâma-rûpa], M. appearing in, 90.
Kaniya [Kanyâ], Sign of Virgo, 252.
Kant, 332.
Kapila: 296, 332; despised psychical nature, 294; H.P.B.’s regard for, 398(402); on perisprit, 362(366); Sutras of, 30203.
Karageorgevic, Alexander, 164 & fn.
Karapapahs, 258.
Karikal, 251.
Katardzi, Maria, 165 fn.
Kepler, on magnetic nature of sun, 243.
Keshub Chunder Sen, and Brâhmo Samâj, 381.
Khunrath, H., 138, 330.
–, Amphitheatrum Sap. Eter- nae: on elementaries, 286-87, 298, 329; 490.
Kiev, full of Jews, 263.
King, John: 60; H.P.B. brings out face of, 73.
King, Katie: 57 et seq.; and Holmes discussed, 75 et seq.; and Miss F. Cook, 190; biography of, 63 fn., 65, 66; H.P.B. brings out face of, 73.
Kingdom. See Elphinstone.
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Kislingbury, Emily: 271, 324, 406, 409, 410, 412, 413, 414, 418;
Coleman misrepresents, re Olcott, 320; on loss of spirituality, etc., 288-89; resigns, 424.
Kittara, Prof., interested in Spiritualism, 213.
Knorr von Rosenroth, C., Kabbalah denudata, 131-32 & fn., 145 fn., 491.
Knowledge: always respected, 138; true, retarded by men of science, 24.
Kolozsvar (Cluj), and E. Agardi. 161.
Koran, 181, 373.
Kossuth, 325.
Kotwal, chief of Police, 275.
Kotzebue, Count Paul, 263.
Krishna [Krishna]: 356; derivation and spellings of, 250-52; washes feet of Brahmans, 261.
Kutais, H.P.B. at, 387.
{{Style P-Subtitle|L}}
Lachaud, counsel for Levmarie, 195.
Lamas, do not wear yellow robes, 240 fn.
Lampsakano, errors of, 239-41. Lancaster, and Lankester, 222. Language(s) : limitations of Western, in regard to metaphysics, 332, 360; symbolic, of high- priests, 131; symbolic, very ancient, 126.
Lankester, and Slade, 228.
Lankester-Donkin, alliance and Slade, 222 et seq., 318.
Lao-tse, 108.
Larvae, 293, 330.
Lassa, story of Vic de, 151 et, seq. Lavater, and Nikoladze, 386-88. Laws, immutable, govern universe, 296-97.
Leadership, Founders did not offer, to Spiritualism, 322.
Leibnitz, on planetarv motions, 243.
Letters. See Jinarájadása.
Letters. See Sinnett.
Lévi, Éliphas: a magician, 139; and term “elementary,” 265, 299; defines Cabala, 130; Home defames grave of, 198; on Christian Cabalistic Scriptures, 132; biogr., 490-95.
–, Dogme et Rituel, etc.: 283; on afterdeath condition of the soul, 288; on elementarles and second death, 329-30; on evocation of Apollonius of Tyana, 144 et seq.; on occult elements in conception, 285.
–, La Science des esprits: 283; on vampirism, necromancy and mediumship, 286.
Levitation: and opposite polarities, 244; of fakirs and tables, 243, 244; witnessed by H.P.B., 352.
Leymarie: 225; assailed by Home, 195, 198, 201; victim of Jesuits, 195, 198-99; unjustly sentenced, 202.
Liberal Christian, The, and formation of T.S., 121-23.
Light, wave and corpuscular theories of, 243.
Linden, van der, 410, 437.
Lippit, Gen. F. J.: 410, 437; biogr., 496-97.
Litolff, Henri, 22-23.
Little Dorrit. See Dickens.
Livy, History, and Niebuhr, 232, 495-96.
Lodge (s) : of adepts divided into Sections, 107; H.P.B. a member of the Grand Lodge, 142; secret, in Asia Minor, 105; 106; mysterious events connected with, 107 fn.
Logos, or Verbum, 129.
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Long, Col. Chaille, 422, 424.
Longfellow, not a Spiritualist, 282.
Loris-Melikoff, 258, 259.
Louis, Chevalier, and Art Magic, 467.
Love: a nightmare, 5; spiritual, as attraction, 36.
Luca, de, Italian Consul in N.Y. traffics in boys, 390-91(392).
Lucifer, on formation of T.S., 123.
Lully, Raymond: 138; supplies Edward I with funds, 107 fn.
Lundy, Rev. J. P., Monumental Christianity, on washing disciples’ feet, 261; 497.
Luna, Isaac b. S., Treatise on the Revolutions of the Souls: 154 & fn.; 497; on three kinds of spirits, 330.
Luxor; Brotherhood of, 85; Circular from, 85-88; Section of Grand Lodge composed of living mortals, 142-43.
{{Style P-Subtitle|M}}
M∴ Jn., i.e., Olcott, 407, 410.
Macbeth. See Shakespeare.
Mace, J., Comm, of Police, 195.
MacKenzie, K., Royal Masonic Cyclop. : on Brotherhood of Luxor, 87; on various rites, 309; 497.
Mackey, A. G., Encyclop. of Freemasonry: on adoptive masonry, 312; 497.
Madagascar, password of, 428.
Madonnas, change color acc. to climate, 372.
Magic: and esoteric Theurgy, 139; and will power, 150; as a science, 137; ceremonial, and elementaries, 287; course of, 141; does exist, 141; H.P.B. defends reality of, 134 et seq.; is psychology practically applied, 324; performance of, by a Shaman, 346 et seq.; performance of Dervishes, 177 et seq.; relation to Spiritualism, 101-02;
White and Black, 117, 118, 141: White or sacred, 139.
Magicians: ancient High Priests were, 139; control spirits, 137; Dervishes at work, 181 et seq.
Magie. See Gougenot.
Magiism, 126.
Magnetism: and gravitation, 244; current of, in a circle, 352-53; possibilities of animal, are infinite, 399(403).
Mahan Singh, 373.
Mahatma Letters. See Sinnett.
Man: atom becomes a, 334; a trinity, 331, 361(365); can assume any shape, 227; can become a God, 73, 293; can surpass in phenomena average “spirits,” 296; cycle of, incomplete without terrestrial life, 363 (367); elementary, reborn on our planet, 112; evolution of, and of horse, 228-29; inner, and astral light, 284; must be one before becoming a spirit, 298; riddle of, and Oedipus, 361 (365); triune nature of, 29294, 298.
Manasa-sarovara, lake of, and the Aryans, 383.
Mand, of Todas, 356.
Mango-tree, phenomenal growth of, 273-74.
Manifestations: and other spirits than excarnate humans, 283; nature of objective, 294; subjective and objective, 293.
Mantras, and evolution of Earth, 227.
Manu, 296.
Manu, Laws of, 240, 497.
Marble, Mortimer: 246, 409, 411, {{Page aside|557}}413, 414, 419, 427, 428, 430; faithful, 424; fixes day for auction, 425; good and honest soul, 426; most active at auction, 428.
Markoff, V., letter of, on Commission's work, 216-17.
Marquette, Dr. L. M., 246, 408, 436.
Marriage. See Beaumarchais.
Marshall, Wm. E., A Phrenologist Among the Todas: unreliable, 353, 354; 497.
Martyrdom: fate of genuine students of Hermeticism, 128; rare now, 102.
Marvins, Dr., 136.
Maskelyne, and Cooke, jugglers, 274.
Masonry: adoptive, 311, 312; Geo. Corbyn and, 281; corpse without Eastern philosophy, 310; H.P.B. and, 281, 289, 307 et seq.
Massey, C. C.: 325, 326, 411, 438; letter from, read by H.P.B. unopened, 415; biogr., 497-99.
Master (s): and portrait by Har- risse, 407, 435; appearing in kama-rupa, 90; H.P.B. meets, bodily, 3-4; M. and H.P.B.’s phenomena, 73; M. borrows $100 from Olcott, 429; M. brings orders to found Society, 73; M. dissatisfied, 412; M. forbids H.P.B. to help Mrs. Holmes, 120-121; M. furnishes $5, 412; M. gives money for stamps, 423; M. in consultation with Judge, Wimbridge and Olcott, 430; M. probably “Sahib,” 414; M. reads fortunes in cards, 421; orders Circular of Luxor to be issued, 87; present at casting of de Palm’s ashes into sea, 421; Serapis, 87; voice of, heard by Billing, 427.
Materialism, and Spiritualism, 73. Materialists, and evolution, 228-31. Materializations; nature of, 26667; role of elementaries in, 286; role of H.P.B. in the, at the Eddys, 35.
Matter, universe called forth out of pre-existing, 268.
Mayer, A. M., The Earth a Great <nowiki>Magnet:</nowiki> 244; 497.
Mayfair Gazette, The, on Abdul Ghafur, 374-75.
Mayo, murder of Lord: 370; biogr., 499.
Mazzini, monument to, and H.P.B., 390-91(391-92).
McClellan, David, 309.
Mediator: conscious, and mediums, 295, 363(367); of ancient days, 299-300.
Medium(s): and shells, 35; and Russian investigation, 205 et seq.; at the mercy of elementary spirits, 141; attitude of Roman Church towards, 197; breathe in emanations of corpses, 286; considered possessed by ancients, 140; contrasted with mediators, 295; controlled by spirits of many kinds, 199; could be cured in Temples, 140; evolved man can surpass, in phenomena, 363(367); geniuses are not, 363(367); H.P.B. mediumistic in earliest youth, 203; H.P.B. not a, 73, 191; irresponsible, 267, 300; may be directed by Adepts in psychic science, 289; passive, cannot discern good spirits from bad, 295, 363(367); should be searched, 278; slander H.P.B., 190-191; spurious, try to swindle, 119-20; stand on shaky ground, 303-04; testing, by occult methods, 201; to be selected for Russia, 91, 120; transformed {{Page aside|558}}into another shape by force, 137; worst enemies of, are mediums, 190.
Mediumship: and vampirism, 286;
H.P.B. never practiced, 198; malpractices of, 269-70; of Sibyls and Pythonesses guided by High Priests, 139; phenomena of, 351-52.
Memories. See Flint.
Mendeleyev, D. I.: and Committee of St. Petersburg, 91, 205 et seq., 215 et seq.; biogr, 499.
Mendenhall, and Luxor, 142.
Menelao, Pasquale, of Corfu, 409, 437.
Mentana, H.P.B. at, 55 fn.
Mercury (N. Y.), 53, 54.
Mercy, and justice, 200.
Mesmer, 137.
Mesmeric, exhalations and spiritualistic manifestations, 294.
Mesmerism, powers of, 159-60.
Mesmerizer(s): learned, are magicians, 137; French, entrances sensitive, 168 et seq.
Metanoia, 293.
Metempsychosis, real meaning of, 362-63 (366-67), 294-95.
Metz, Rev. F., and the Todas, 353.
Mian Gul, 369 fn.
Mill, James, The Hist, of British India, on fakirs, 240, 499.
Mind: as phren, 292; cannot return to earth after joining nous, 233.
Miracle (s): not a violation of law, 137; occultists deny, 242.
Miracle Club, 88.
Mirville, de, 139.
Mirza, Prince, and Pr. Vorontzov, 371.
Misl, division of Sikhs, 373.
Missionaries: blot upon Christianity, 379-80; caused Sepoy mutiny, 433.
Mitchell, Isabel B. : 406, 417, 419, 434; comes to see H.P.B., 429; moves to Orange, 415.
Mitrovich, Agardi and Teresina: 9-10; testimony about, from N. A. de Fadeyev, 10, 11 fn.
Mittra, Peary Chand, on Spiritualism, 282.
Modern Priestess. See Solovyov.
Mohammedans, 369 fn., 370, 371, 372. See Mussulmans.
Mohottiwatte, G.. 414, 416, 422, 438.
Molecules, material and astral, enter plants and animals, 36263(366-67).
Molière, Tartuffe, 38.
Moloney: nickname for Olcott, 277, 406, 420; sings on board, 434.
Monachesi, H. D.: 246; and Consul de Luca, 391(392); data on, 500; defines original programme of Founders, 133.
Monck, Dr., and child-apparition, 351.
Montecchi, and Capuletti, of the 19th century, 128.
Monumental. See Lundy.
Moon, man from the, and science, 384-85.
Morphy, Paul, 325.
Moscow Vedomosty, 263.
Moses: initiated in Egypt, 110; responsible for Jehovah myth, 110.
Moses, Wm. Stainton (“M. A. Oxon.”) : 291, 407, 435; challenges from, 302 et seq.; biogr., 500-01.
Mosheim: 105; biogr., 501.
Mukhtar Pasha, lies of, 258.
Müller, F. Max, and spelling of Indian terms, 250.
–, Chips, etc.: on Wm. Jones and Vedas, 239; 502.
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Mussulmans: prophesy about, 374; secret societies among, and Abdul Ghafur, 370. See Mohammedans.
Mysteries: ancient, and Spiritualists, 118; mixed with fables and fiction, 105; of Samothrace, 141.
Mythology. See Coleman.
{{Style P-Subtitle|N}}
Nana Sahib, 275.
Nanak, and Sikhs, 372.
Narayan: called by Olcott “old horse,” 428, 439; “leaves watch” to Sahib, 414, 420; letter from, 438; message from, 439; signature of, in Diary, 431, 439-40; symbol of, 426.
Nasr-ed-Din, as title, 371.
Nations, unknown to history, 104. Nature: provides antidote against moral poisons, 380; secrets of, 102, 108.
Necromancy: 74; and the Roman Church, 197.
Negre, Marconis de, 309.
Nepal, metaphysical schools of, 268.
Neurine, of brain and child, 297. Nevermore. See Poe.
New American. Cyclopaedia, on Todas, 357-58, 502.
Newark Daily Journal, 214.
New Chemistry. See Cooke.
Newton, H. J.: pays with Olcott for de Palm’s cremation, 233; biogr., 502-03.
Newton, Sir I.: 242; anticipated by Borelli, 243.
Nicholas, Grand Duke, 257.
Niebuhr: biogr., 503; butchers Livy’s History, 232.
Night-Flower, Legend of the, 6-7 (7-8).
Nikoladze, on H.P.B.’s book, 385 et seq.
Nilgiri Hills, 357.
Nineteenth, See Hardinge-Britten. Nir-Narrain, sect, 241.
Nirvana [Nirvana]: and Saha- jânanda, 335; progress towards, 294, 298.
Nivritti, and pravritti, 268.
Notebook. See Blavatsky.
Notes, etc. See Yarker.
Nous: 298; and psyche in Paul, 292; at second death, 294; no return of mind after joining, 233; or ruach, 299; or spirit and psyché, 361(365) ; union of soul and, 293; whisperings of our, 335.
Novoye Vremya, on séances with Slade, 315.
{{Style P-Subtitle|O}}
Obrenovic, Prince Milos (17801860), 23, 164 fn.
Obrenovic, Prince Mihailo (182368): 23; murder of, 163,164 fn.
Obrenovic, Pr. Milan (1854-1901), 165 fn. 1V, Pr. Milan, 165 fn.
Obsession, and mediumship, 140.
Obzor: insults H.P.B., 389; on H.P.B. and her book, 385 et seq.
Occlilt, training in schools, 267.
Occult Sciences: superficial knowledge of, dangerous, 127; world not prepared for, 73.
Occultism: believes in immutability of nature’s laws, 242; booklearning in, insufficient, 103; book-study of, and journey to Orient, 133; Chaldean, and offshoots, 107 fn.; Colleges of, exist today, 103; denies
miracles, 242; dual in nature, {{Page aside|560}}117; East as cradle of, 103; gave rise to Church rites, 118; is essence of Spiritualism, 295; mysterious lever of intellectual forces, 128; or ancient Spiritualism, 199; origin of most of what we know, 116; practical, 103, 106-107, 126; science of sciences, double-edged weapon, 101; sects of, guilty of heresies, 104; works on, written for the few, 132.
Occultist: duty of, towards Science and Theology, 128-29; must be ready for persecution, 128; must not scorn public opinion, 129; must unlearn all he knew before, 128; well-nigh insurmountable difficulties to become practical, 130.
Odessa, H.P.B. witnesses uprising in, 263.
O’Donovan: 410; sculpting H.P.B.’s head for plaque, 40910.
Oedipus: and enigma of Sphinx, 127, 291; and riddle of man, 361(365).
Olcott, Emmet R., Col. Olcott’s brother, 422.
Olcott, H.S.: and Buddhism, 51012; and H.P.B. as Hermetic Science Twins, 187; and John Brown, 506; and the E.S., 51415; appointed Commissioner of Government, 429; art. of, on ancients, 88; as M. Jun., 407, 410; buys tickets, 431; calls a Brother “old horse,” 429; chosen to form T.S., 94-95; destroys papers prior to leaving, 431; fate of, depends on being ready, 424, 439; first inspiration of, always better, 412; gets samples of ore for M., 426; goes to Orange, 429; goes to Philad.. 416, 425; goes to see Edison.
429; Government credentials of, 426, 439; had access to store of knowledge, 302; idea of cremation and, 278; in Boston, 72: in consultation with M., 430; in danger, 433; investigates Holmeses, 60; Kislingbury on, and Coleman’s falsehood, 320; lends $100 to M., 429; lifestory and writings, 503-18; nicknamed Moloney, 406; on crisis in Spiritualism, 95; on de Palm, 233; on Indian Press, 378; on physical phenomena, 292; on Mrs. Thayer’s phenomena, 121, 122; promotes Syndicate, 415, 416, 418, 421, 422; rabid Spiritualist, 34; receives message from Divine Brother, 415; receives orders for indignation meeting, 412; returns from Philadelphia, 414; rushes into print, 328; seasick, 434; sings on board, 434; throws out worthy hints, 303; unselfish Spiritualist, 188; wife of. thinks of arresting him, 429, 431, 433.
–, Diaries·. 379 fn.; entries in, 415-16, 417-18, 420-22.
–, Old Diary Leaves: on E. G. Brown, 46; on Circular of Brotherhood of Luxor, 87; on first Circular about T.S., 375 fn.; on formation of T.S., 122, 123; on H.P.B.’s “First Occult Shot,” 100; on H.P.B.’s land, 83 fn.; on “old horse” incident, 439; on de Palm’s burial, 214; Vol. I of, written from memory, 123; writing of, 516-17.
–, People from the Other World: 2, 32, 462, 509; date when published, 321 & fn.; on H.P.B.’s mediumship, 203; on Mrs. Compton, 339; reviewed by Wagner, 212.
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Old Diary Leaves. See Olcott. “Old horse” incident, 428, 430. Oliver, J. F., 246.
Ookerdhaboy Shewjee, publ. Jaina Bible, 373 fn.
Ophites, offshoots of, 105.
I’Opinione Nazionale, Editor of, a Theosophist, 391 (392).
Orders: to go from Philadelphia, 429; to leave Dec. 18, 431: to sail for India, 415, 420, 421; to sell furniture, 424.
Orient, journey to the, might open doors to mysteries, 133.
Oriental, philosophy and Spiritualism, 270.
Origin. See Darwin.
Orohippus, and horse, 229.
O’Sullivan, and black lock of H.P.B.’s hair, 408.
Otechestveniya Zapisky, on Spiritualism, 217.
d’Ourches, Count, 160-61.
Outflowing, and inflowing, 113.
Owasso, control of Slade, 225, 316. Owen, R. D.: 53, 59; and Holmes, 60 et seq.; defended by H.P.B., 68; biogr., 518-20.
{{Style P-Subtitle|P}}
P***, 89.
Padârtha, and abhâva, 332.
Palm, Baron de: 428; ashes cast into sea, 421 ; H.P.B. on, 214, 233.
Pancoast, Dr. Seth: 123; biogr., 520-21.
Parabrahma [Parabrahman], 335.
Paracelsus, 106, 131, 138, 141.
–, Philosophia sagax, on astral light and inner man, 284, 521.
Parker, Mrs. S., 411, 414.
Parker, Theodore, humbugging spirit, 135.
Pashkoff, Countess L. de: 375 fn.: biogr., 521-22.
Path, The, letter of H.P.B. in, 224 fn.
Pathans, clan of Yusafzai, 369 fn. Paul I, Emperor, 92-93.
Pavlovsky, Military College, 93.
Pedactyl, horse and Huxley, 228. 232.
Peebles, Dr. J. M.: 264, 269, 282. 290; is enjoined secrecy by Brahmans, 305.
Pentateuch, symbols of, and Moses, 111.
People. See Olcott.
Peretti, Felice. See Sixtus V.
Perisprit: after death becomes outermost body, 364(368); and skandhas, 362(366); as psychic, 361(365); Greek division of, 361 (365); nature and source of, 361-62(365-66): reincarnation of the, of dead child, 363( 368): union of. with spirit makes man a god, 362(366).
Petty, boys, 205.
Phantasma, 293, 299.
Phantoms: real, evoked by Slade, contrasted with opaque, 223-24.
Phasma, 293, 299.
Phenomena: and other spirits than excarnate humans, 283: and starting of T.S., 393-94; learn what they are and what they are not, 274; man can produce, greater than mediums, 296; must be defended, 45; role of elementaries in, 285-86; witnessed by strangers, 246.
Phenomenalism, not true Spiritualism, 282.
Philadelphia Inquirer, and biogr. of Katie King, 63 fn.
Philalethes, Eugenius, 138.
Phillips, W.: lecture on Lost Arts, 231 & fn.; biogr., 522-23.
Philosophers. See Hermetic.
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Philosophia. See Paracelsus. Philos, of Magic. See Salverte. Phonograph, 429, 430, 439. Phren: and périsprit, 361(365);
as mens or mind, 292.
Phrenologist. See Marshall.
Physiognomy, and reviewing books, 386 et seq.
Pico della Mirandola, 131.
Planetary, spirits inspire men, 295.
Pliny, 232.
Plutarch, on afterdeath states, 294, 362(366).
Pneuma: and Demeter, 295; or nous and second death, 294.
Poe, E., Nevermore, 60.
Polarities, and levitation, 244. Pope, blesses Moslems, 259-60.
Popular Science Monthly, 272, 322.
Portraits, “spirits” as, of dead people, 34.
Poseidon. See Brown, R.
Possession, and mediumship, 140.
Potter, Miss, 413.
Power(s), hidden, in man which can make a god of him, 73; inherent in man, 273-74; real, and the people, 130.
Prague, protest of Czechs in, against Pope, 260.
Pratt, Judge C. E., 54, 84.
Pravda (Odessa) : 407, 417, 435;
H.P.B.’s writings in, 313.
Pravritti, and nivritti, 268.
Preamble and By-Laws of T.S., 150, 523.
Precipitations, nature and rationale of, 488-89.
Pretences, false, of scientists, 226 et seq.
Principle: everlasting, and the Ârya Samâj, 383; one indefinable, and its correlations, 334; pure, 112.
Programme, original, of Founders, 133.
Propagandism, sacred flame of, 102.
Prophecy of Ezekiel, Cabalistic treatise, 132.
Prophets, Schools of, still extant, 302.
Proserpine: and the dai'mon, 294; and the périsprit, 362(366).
Protest, by Russians against Report on Spiritualism, 217-20.
Protohippus, 230.
Providence Journal, 306, 407.
Psyché: and Eve, 128-29; and nous in Paul, 292; compound nature of, 292-93; parts of, indestructible, 299; dissolution of, and second death, 294; or périsprit, 361(365); same, must be reborn in case of dead child, 298.
Psychical, nature, 297, 298.
Psychological, science to be studied by Theosophists, 339.
Psychology: magic is, practically applied, 324; a debatable land, 228-29.
Psychophobia, in Russia, 210-11, 212, 216.
Public Opinion, dangerous Hydra, 129-30.
Public Opinion (London), on Isis Unveiled, 323, 388.
Puñjab [Pañjáb], 372, 373, 382. Pythagoras: on nature of light, 243; penetrates the mysteries, 360; Tetraktys of, and fourth dimension, 360.
Pythoness, guided by High Priest, 139.
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Quarterly Review. See Deutsch.
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{{Style P-Subtitle|R}}
Rakas, shrines, 263.
Rammohun Roy, outstanding leader, 381.
Ramsay, on Tennessee, 231.
Ramsgate, and H.P.B., 3-4.
Randolph, P.B., 269.
Ranjit Singh, 373, 374.
Ravignan, Father, 196, 201.
Ravleigh, Lord, cautious observer, 224.
Reade, W. W., The Veil of Isis, 273 in., 523.
Rebus, 338 fn.
Red, hats, 240 fn.
Regazzoni, 137.
Reincarnation: and metempsychosis, 294-95; of child, 298; of children and congenital idiots. 363-64(367-68).
Religio-Philosophical Journal, 75, 77, 92, 142.
Religions, originated in Vedas, 398(402).
Reminiscences. See Wachtmeister.
Reporters: H.P.B.’s definition of 396(400-01); misquote H.P.B., 237, 242; New York, 225.
Revolution of the Souls. See Loria.
Revues des Deux Mondes: and H.P.B., 1; on Babinet, 243.
Revue Spirite, La, 195, 396(400), 397(401).
Rig-Veda, teaches evolution, 232, 523.
Rites, Christian, and symbolism, of occult origin, 118.
Robinson, James C., 98.
Rolling-pot, phenomenon of the, 276.
Roman Church: and Home, 19697; and necromancy, 197; attitude of, towards mediums and “spirits,” 197.
Rope, knots tied in, 314-15.
Ros, meaning dew, 105.
Rosencrantz, role of, 105-06.
Rosicrucians: do not exist any longer, 104; had to struggle alone, 115; offshoots of, 105; Oriental, 107; origin of the, 105-06; term should be restricted to one sect only, 104.
Rosicrucians. See Jennings, H.
Rosicrucianism, art. on, bv “Hiraf,” 99-100.
Rossetti, G., Disquisitions, etc.: on symbolic language, 126; 523.
Rosy Cross, seventh rule of, 103, 115.
Rosy Cross Jewel, lost, 425, 439. Rotura, Dr., on suspending life in sheep and goats, 389-90, 399 (403).
Rousselet, L., I’Inde des Rajah. etc., 408, 436, 523.
Royal. See MacKenzie, K.
Ruach, or nous, 299.
Russian(s): chairman of Scientific Comm, coming to America, 21213; Comm, on Spiritualism a disgrace, 210-11, 215 et seq.; compared with the English, 355: investigation of Spiritualism, 204 et seq.; Protest of, against Mendeleyev’s Report, 217-20.
Russkiy Vestnik, 408, 436.
Russo-Turkish War, 253 et seq.
{{Style P-Subtitle|S}}
Saddarshana Chintanika, 414, 415. Saffar Ali Bek, 32.
Sahaj ananda, perfect bliss, 333.
Sahib: gives stamps, 423; H.P.B. goes on errand for, 425; relieves Narayan, 414; row with, about stamps, 425; taken for a drive by Mrs. Mitchell, 423.
Saidu, Pope of, 374.
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Saif-ed-Din, as title, 371.
Saint-Germain, Count de: 141; a living mystery, 109; autographed MS. of, 107 fn.; predicts French Revolution, 107 fn.
St. Paul: on anastasis, 293; on triune man, 292.
St. Petersburg: Committee of, for Spiritualistic investigation, 91, 94; new Comm, from Medical Society, 213; University of, and its investigation, 120, 204 et seq., 210-11, 212-13.
St. Petersburg Vedomosty: 204, 216; Aksakov’s art. in, 359; on seances with Slade, 315 et seq.
Salverte, Des Sciences occultes: on evolution, 232; 523.
Samothrace, mysteries of, 141.
Sankey, D., hymn by, 187 fn.
Sargent, Epes, fooled by medium, 220-21.
Sarpa-rajni, 227.
Sat B’hai, secret organization in India, 311, 407, 435.
Saxon, Mr., 189.
Scheol, 187 & fn.
Schewitsch, Helene von: 408, 415; biogr., 436.
Schools: of Prophets still extant, 302; psychological training, 267.
Schopenhauer, helps to understand Theosophy, 332.
Schuyler, Mr. 255.
Schwartzenberg, Prince: 260; biogr., 523.
Science: and scientists, 221, 38485; colleges for neophytes of secret, 103; iconoclasm of, 243; of discerning spirits, 139; modern, and knowledge of ancients, 116; past of, a Potter’s Field of exploded superstitions, 221; prejudices of, 221-22; secret, 101, 103; Theology and Occultism, 128.
Science. See Lévi, É.
Sciences. See Salverte.
Scientists: are not science itself, 384; are runaways, 109; data of, as uncertain as those of Spiritualists, 230; prejudiced, 221; Russian, prejudiced, 210-11, 215 et seq.; should investigate any new phenomenon, 385; unfair and biased, 232-33.
Scin-lac, spectral form, evocation of, 171 & fn.
Scriptures, Hebrew and hidden signs, 115.
Scrutator, term analysed, 327.
Secrecy: and privacy in study of phenomena, 393; enjoined upon Peebles by Brahmans, 305; in connection with work of T.S.. 395.
Sects, occult, guilty of heresies, 104.
Seers: generations of trained, 267; trained, on elementáis, 268; where are the, 303; who are the, 289.
Self-discipline, results of, 299.
Selger, Dr., 81.
Sepher Yetzirah, 131, 524. Sephira, and Ain-soph, 111-12. Sepoy Mutiny: and Abdul Ghafur, 371; caused by missionaries, 433.
Serapis: Adept of Egyptian Section, 438; and date of sailing, 431; on the lost Jewel, 439; orders to leave for India, 415, 420.
Serpents, Queen of the, 227. Seymour, Sanctuary of, 309. Shakespeare, John, Hindustani- English Diet.: 241; on gopura, 356; biogr. of author, 524.
Shakespeare, Wm., Macbeth, 170.
Shaman, evocation by a, 346 et seq.
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S h am j i, Krishnavarma: 409; biogr., 437.
Shaw, Miss May, medium, 267.
Shedim, four classes of intermediate spirits, 111.
Shells: and Devachan, 36; and mediums, 35; magnetic attraction, of, 36.
Sheppard, Jesse, medium, 92.
Shield, story of the magic, 177 et seq.
Shimon ben Yochai, and Zohar, 110-11.
Shishac, and Sakya, 239.
Showers, Mrs., medium, 355.
Sibyls, guided by High Priests, 139.
Siddhartha, lofty philosophy of, 398(402).
Sikhs: enemies of Abdul Ghafur, 372; religious principles of the, 372-73.
Simmons, Chas. E., biogr., 524.
Simmons, Mr., partner of Slade, 224, 315, 316.
Simulacra, spirit-forms mere, 160.
Sinnett, A. P., Incidents, etc.: 525; on H.P.B.’s arrival in New York, 224 fn.; on mediums, shells and H.P.B.’s role in manifestations, 35.
–, The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky, etc.: 525; on Mitrovich, 11; on the Story of the Double, 173 fn.
–, The Mahatma Letters, etc.: 525; K.H. on H.P.B.’s art. on triune nature of man, 300.
Sirdar, chief of a misl, 373.
Sixtus V, Pope, compared with Abdul Ghafur, 369-70.
Skandhas: 296; and animal forms, 294-95; and peregrinations of molecules, 362(367); are the perisprit, 362(366); def. 294; spirits liberated from, 363(367).
Sketchbook. See Blavatsky.
Slade, Dr. H.: 274; contract with, 211, 216; contrasted with Huxley, 228; evokes real phantoms, 223; genuine medium, 223; golden hour of, 225; pretended exposure of, and Lankester- Donkin alliance, 222 et seq.; Russian message to H.P.B. through, 224; triumph of, 314 et seq.; biogr., 525.
Slanders, H.P.B. and, 247-49. Smith, Deacon Richard, 241.
Socrates: 300, 387; daimonion of, 229.
Solomon, a Cabalist, 111, 115.
Solovyov, V.S., A Modern Priestess of Isis: on H.P.B. and Dickens, 2; on Isis, 264 & fn.; 525.
Some Unpublished. See Corson, E. R.
Sorcery, 137.
Sosiosh [Saoshyant], 417.
Sotheran, Chas.: 121, 193, 194, 324; abused H.P.B. but amends, 290; and title of Isis, 237 fn.; and Yarker, 311-12; as labor socialist, 403-04; biogr., 433, 525-28; learned member of Rosae Crucis, 126; publ. Echo, 369 fn.
Soul(s): afterdeath condition of, acc. to Levi, 288; atom becomes a living, or man, 334; disembodied, and adept-psychologist, 352; first envelope of the, and astral light, 284; mind and nous, 233; nature of, acc. to “Zeus,” 287-88; potential annihilation of, 284; three kinds of, taught by Jews, 330; union of, and nous, 293.
Spencer, H.: 266; read Isis, 413. Spheres, seven, and ours, 112.
Spirit: evolution of, 230; latent, in every atom, 330-31; meaning both God and alcohol, 332; misuse of term, 292-93; must be {{Page aside|566}}recognized for real expansion of science, 233; or Nous, 361 (365); state of pure, attained only through experience as a man, 363(367).
Spirits: adjuged demons by R. Church, 197; and elementáis, 73; as portraits of dead people, 34; belief in agency of, foolish, 53; can be commanded, 140; disembodied, not elementary, 112, 142; elementary, their nature, 112, 141; -forms as mere simulacra, 160; high Planetary, inspire men, 295; Hindu views about, 336; humbugging, and Diakkas, 134, 140; inferior nature of materialized, 335-36; land of, terra incognita to Spiritualists, 192; larvae as materialized, 293; materialized, and astral emanations, 286; never descend into our sphere, 36; of many kinds and mediums, 199; other than excarnate human, involved in phenomena, 283; pure, attracted by harmony, 201; pure, rarely descend to our sphere, 140.
Spiritual: agencies associated with material life, 295; body and psyche, 293; genuine, substances, 223-24; sight developed in pagodas, 289.
Spiritual Scientist, 122.
Spiritualism: ancient, or occultism, 199; and communication between worlds, 118; and materializations, 267; and phenomenalism, 282; contest of, with Theosophy, 301; crisis for, 194 et seq.; defended by H.P.B., 67; East may send nurses to take care of, 117; Founders did not offer leadership to, 322; H.P.B.’s attitude towards, 19092; H.P.B. practical follower of Eastern, 110; magic and sorcery, 137; malpractices of, 26970; meaning of term acc. to H.P.B., 74; plight of modern, 47-49; reason for H.P.B.’s identification with, 73; relation of, to magic, 101-02; Russian investigation of, 204 et seq., 21011; 215 et seq.; school of magic or controllable, 353; should be a true philosophy, 304; true, degraded by followers, 305; unconscious magic, 295; spread of true, helped by antagonists, 223; will become a science, 110; will progress only when illumined by Oriental Philosophy, 270; will triumph over opposition, 113-14.
Spiritualist(s): and evolutionists, 228 et seq.; anthropomorphic ideas of, 333; as neophytes of mysteries, 118; Circular about, from Brotherhood of Luxor, 8588; data of, uncertain, 230; debase name of spirit, 296; def., 140; H.P.B. a true, 192; persecuted by clergy, 394, 395; Saxon, confuse spirit and perisprit, 361(365); true, has no fear of death, 115; warned by H.P.B. about a Russian scientist, 212-13.
Spiritualist, The·. 53, 271, 281, 282, 284, 305, 313, 330, 337, 359, 414; H.P.B. pays tribute to, 290 fn.
Standard (London), on Turkish barbarities, 257.
Star (N.Y.),413, 427.
Stavropol’: H.P.B.’s father dies at, 83; his grave at, 43, 44.
Stewart, Balfour, The Sun and the Earth, 244, 528.
Stewart, James M., 407, 435. Strygis, elementary spirits, 145 fn. Sturge, Rev., 433.
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Substance (s): ethereal, filling universe, as source of périsprit, 361(366); genuine spiritual, contrasted with opaque phantoms, 223-24.
Summerland, 192.
Sun: Kepler on magnetic nature of, 243; nature of, key to gravitation, 243.
Sun (N.Y.) : 189, 233, 239, 241, 261, 323, 413, 414; infamous editorial in, 411; Olcott’s art. on Mrs. Thayer, 121, 122.
Sun. See Stewart, B.
Sunday Herald, 203.
Sunday Mercury, The (N.Y.), 54, 133.
Supernatural. See Cassels. Survival, of the fittest, 297. Sûtra-Sangraha, of Jainas, 373.
Sûtras, of Gautama Buddha, 398 (402).
Sutras. See Kapila.
Svabhavat; or Anima Mundi, 293; pre-existing matter, 268.
Svâmis: errors about, fakirs and dervishes, 240-41, 245.
Swat: Akhund of, 369 et seq.; location of, 369 fn.
Swedenborg, E., a seer but deluded, 304.
Syeverniy Vestnik, on Turkish barbarities, 257.
Symbols, Christian, derived from ancients, 129.
{{Style P-Subtitle|T}}
Taffy. See Bates, Rosa.
Talismans, mesmerized, of Pope Sixtus V, 370.
Talmud, 132 & fn., 528.
Tarboosh, 181.
Tartuffe. See Molière.
Tatmos, girl-sensitive from Damascus, 181 et seq.
Tattvabodhini-Sabha, 381.
Temple, destruction of second, and Cabala, 110-11.
Teratology, should include reporters, 396(400).
Ternary, as Cabalistic symbol, 129 fn.
Tertullian, 300.
Tetraktys, and fourth dimension, 360.
Textor de Ravisi: on Krishna, 251-52; biogr., 528-29.
Thackersev, Mooljee, 409, 422, 437.
Thayer, Mary Baker, her flower apports, 121, 122.
Theft, objects of, recovered phenomenally, 275-77.
Theistic Annual, The, 381.
Theologians, revile the gods, 237. Theology: Christian, particularly pernicious, 377; dogma and faith as pillars of, 304; Science and Occultism, 128.
Theosophic, seminary, 110.
Theosophical Society: affiliated with Arya Samaj, 395; as a secret society, 193-94; Circular drafted by Olcott and H.P.B. on objects of, 375-78 & fn.; has no dogmas, 304; historical background of, 121-24; made into secret body, 376, 393-95; members of, sworn to secrecy, 380; most important object of the, 394; object of, cleansing of Spiritual truth, 306; ordered formed by M., 73; orders to found, and choose Olcott, 94-95; pioneer of free thought, 395; statement by Committee of the, 245-46; secret organization, 245-46; the “formers” of the, 124; three Sections of, 375 fn., 376; to aid in saving heathen from Christianity, 381.
{{Page aside|568}}
Theosophist, The, 162, 163, 173 in., 338 fn.
Theosophists: adhere to facts, 304; essential beliefs of, 331-35; have no dogmas, 304, 361 (365); not infallible, 300, 304; tread path worn by footsteps of sages, 291.
Theosophy: adversely received by public, 394; and true Spiritualism, 74.
Theravada School, and yellow robes, 240 fn.
I Thessalonians, on man as a trine, 292.
Theurgy, esoteric, is magic, 139. Thomas, Fred, unfair art. by, 214. Thought: T.S. pioneer of free, 395.
Thumos: and perisprit, 361(365); passional nature, 292.
Thury: 223; on levitation, 244.
Tibet, lamas of, and their robes. 240 fn.
Tijlisskiy Vestnik. 388, 389; H.P.B.’s writings in, 313.
Tile Club, 415, 438.
Time, and timelessness, 335.
Tirieri, of Todas, 356.
Todas: 353; customs and character of, 356-58.
Toes, evolution of, 229.
Topcider, murder at, 164 fn.
Trance: of Damascus girl, 182 et seq.; of sensitive, 168 et seq.
Tree-trick, performed by fakirs, 273-74.
Tribune (N.Y.), 322.
Truth: Cause of, 199; cleansing of spiritual, object of T.S., 306; hurricane of, imminent, 116; light of, beacon of H.P.B.’s life, 127; to help readers to seek the, 136; various means of disseminating, 380; will triumph over all opposition, 114.
Tsong-kha-pa, 240 fn.
Tuitit Bey: 87; orders from, 89.
Tulku, doctrine of, 481.
Turguenyev, I.S., poem of, 25354.
Turks, barbarities of, 255 et seq., 262.
Tyndall, 225.
{{Style P-Subtitle|U}}
Unity, and Duad, 200.
Universal Masonry, Yarker in, on adoptive masonry, 311-12.
Universe: called forth out of preexisting matter, 268; material and invisible, governed by same laws, 296-97.
Unknown, object of terror to people, 130.
{{Style P-Subtitle|V}}
Vampirism, and necromancy, 286. Vanderbilt, H.P.B. subpoenaed in, case, 419-20.
Varley, C.F. : 31; biogr., 529-30.
Vartamana, 335, 336.
Vaughan, Thos., 106, 109.
Vay, A. von: 410; on Isis and elementáis, 281.
Vâyu, lord of airy regions, 227. Vedas: 373; and Dayânanda Sara- svati, 383; and Wm. Jones, 239; Aryans as authors of, 383; Buddha based himself on esoteric meaning of, 398(402); common center of all religions, 398(402) ; Haug on age of, 227.
Veil of Isis, The: magus lifting the, 329; original title of H.P.B.’s first book, 237 fn., 302.
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Ventura di Raulica, 196.
Verbum, or Logos, 129.
Verulam, Lord, on superstition and natural causes, 233.
Vestnik Yevropy, art. of Wagner, 90.
I'ihiva Pûnnûttee Sûtra, 373 fn., 530.
Virchow, and Slade, 317-18.
Virgin Mary, appears in Maringen, 317.
Vishama, 336.
Vishnu Bawa Brahmachâri, on padârtha and abhâva, 332, 530.
Vlasto, Solon J., 246.
Vlukolak (vukodlak), evil spirits, 168, 169.
Voice of Truth, 384.
Volney: 251; biogr., 530.
Vorontzov, Prince M.S.: 55; and Prince Mirza, 371.
Vourdalaki. See Vlukolak.
Vucic, 164 fn.
Vyatireka, 336.
{{Style P-Subtitle|W}}
Wachtmeister, Countess C., Reminiscences, etc.: on H.P.B.’s Sketchbook, 4; 530-31.
Wagner, N. P.: 89, 90, 215, 223, 531: champions phenomena, 212; reviews Olcott’s book, 212, 216.
Wahhabees, 370-71.
Wallace, A. R.: 223, 224, 272, 273, 274; on Isis, 323.
Wand, seven-jointed, and magical feats, 150.
Warner, Dr., 244.
War of Roses, 222.
Washing, disciples’ feet, 261.
Wave Theory, and corpuscular theory of light, 243-44.
Wellesley, Col., and Turkish barbarities, 256-57.
Westbrook, R. B., 246, 531;
White, Eliza: medium, 58 et seq.; and Mr. Owen, 61.
Whitney, Prof., 250.
Wiggin, Rev. J. H., 121, 122.
Wilder, Dr. A.: 407, 411, 417, 423, 435; biogr., 531-33.
Will, and Force, 334.
Will power: and escape from death, 299, 364(368); and magical feats, 150; magician can form circle by, 352-53; sovereign power, 364(368).
Willis, and persecutors, 211.
Wimbridge, E.: 407, 409, 411, 413, 414, 422, 423, 430, 431; afraid of prison, 425, 426; drunk, 430; makes portrait of H.P.B. for engraving, 409; plays his last card, 427; winds up matters safely, 430; biogr., 533.
Windsor, croquet at, 253-54.
Windthorst, and “miracles,” 317, 533.
Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, 315. See Zöllner.
Witte, A. Y. de: 255 fn.; on Turkish barbarities, 258 & fn.
Witte, K. A. de, 255 fn., 258 fn. Witte, S. Y. de, Prime Minister, 258 fn.
Witte, Y. F. de, 258 fn.
Wittgenstein, Prince: 220, 410; death of, 414; biogr., 533-34.
Wodan (Odin), and Buddha, 239. Woldrich, Dr., on Elementaries, 265 et seq.
Wong Chin Foo, 248.
Word, influence of books and spoken, 380.
World (N.Y.): 239, 244, 246, 278, 396(400), 423; and Rotura’s experiments on goats, 389, 399 (403).
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Worship, exoteric, falls before fact and logic, 305.
Wren, 243.
Wyld, Dr. George, 409, 436.
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Yadavas, Yadu, 251.
Yahontov, R. N. de, 255 fn.
Yarker, John: and H.P.B.’s Masonic diploma, 308 et seq., 311-12.
–, Notes on the Scientific, etc.: 311; on degradation of Masonry, 310-11; on Rites of Grand Orient, 309; 534.
Yellow, robes of bhikkus, 240 fn.
Youmans, Prof. 255.
Zadecki, Martin, calendar of, 386. Zanoni. See Bulwer-Lytton.
Zeitung des Judenthums, Das, and H.P.B., 1.
“Zeus,” a cabalist, on nature of the soul, 287-88.
Zhelihovsky, Vera P. de: 258 fn., 420; H.P.B. helps, financially, 313; package for, arrives, 427; package for, lost, 426; sells her bird, 427; biogr. and writings, 534-37.
Zohar: 131, 538; and Shimon ben Yohai, 110-11.
Zöllner: 413, 538; on four-dimensional beings and experiments with Slade, 314-15, 360.