
837 bytes added ,  11:56, 18 December 2021
Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Arya |person=No |понятие с ударением=Ârya |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=Lit., “the holy”; originally the title of Rishis, those who..."
{{ETG article
|понятие с ударением=Ârya
|description=Lit., “the holy”; originally the title of Rishis, those who had mastered the “Âryasatyâni” (q.v.) and entered the Âryanimârga path to Nirvâna or Moksha, the great “four‐fold” path. But now the name has become the epithet of a race, and our Orientalists, depriving the Hindu Brahmans of their birth‐right, have made Aryans of all Europeans. In esotericism, as the four paths, or stages, can be entered only owing to great spiritual development and “growth in holiness ”, they are called the “four fruits”. The degrees of Arhatship, called respectively Srotâpatti, Sakridâgamin, Anâgâmin, and Arhat, or the four classes of Âryas, correspond to these four paths and truths {{etg-source|TG}}.
