
859 bytes added ,  06:29, 4 February 2022
Created page with "{{ETG article |term=B |person=No |description=The second letter in almost all the alphabets, also the second in the Hebrew. Its symbol is a ''house'', the form of ''Beth'', th..."
{{ETG article
|description=The second letter in almost all the alphabets, also the second in the Hebrew. Its symbol is a ''house'', the form of ''Beth'', the letter itself indicating a dwelling, a shed or a shelter. “As a compound of a root, it is constantly used for the purpose of showing that it had to do with stone; when stones at Beth‐el are set up, for instance. The Hebrew value as a numeral is two. Joined with its predecessor, it forms the word Ab, the root of ‘father’, Master, one in authority, and it has the Kabalistical distinction of being the first letter in the Sacred Volume of the Law. The divine name connected with this letter is the early dynasties, is an ''aspect ''of Baal and Ammon as also of Siva, Jehovah and other gods. Baal is the all devouring Sun, in one sense, the fiery Moloch {{etg-source|TG}}.
