
716 bytes added ,  02:56, 12 February 2022
Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Causal Body |person=No |description=This “body”, which is no body either objective or subjective, but ''Buddhi, ''the Spiritual Soul, is so called beca..."
{{ETG article
|term=Causal Body
|description=This “body”, which is no body either objective or subjective, but ''Buddhi, ''the Spiritual Soul, is so called because it is the direct cause of the Sushupti condition, leading to the ''Turya ''state, the highest state of ''Samadhi''. It is called ''Karanopadhi'', “the basis of the Cause”, by the Târaka Raja Yogis; and in the Vedânta system it corresponds to both the ''Vignânamaya ''and ''Anandamaya Kosha'', the latter coming next to Atma, and therefore being the vehicle of the universal Spirit. Buddhi alone could not be called a “Causal Body ”, but becomes so in conjunction with Manas, the incarnating Entity or EGO {{etg-source|TG}}.
