
577 bytes added ,  10:03, 17 June 2022
Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Gautama |person=No |origin={{tip|Sk}} |description=The Prince of Kapilavastu, son of Sudhôdana, the Sâkya king of a small realm on the borders of Nepaul,..."
{{ETG article
|description=The Prince of Kapilavastu, son of Sudhôdana, the Sâkya king of a small realm on the borders of Nepaul, born in the seventh century B.c., now called the “Saviour of the World”. Gautama or Gôtama was the sacerdotal name of the Sâkya family, and Sidhârtha was Buddha’s name before he became a Buddha. Sâkya Muni, means the Saint of the Sâkya family. Born a simple mortal he rose to Buddhaship through his own personal and unaided merit. A man— verily greater than any god! {{etg-source|TG}}.
