
1,400 bytes added ,  08:56, 25 August 2022
Created page with "{{ETG article |term=Horus |person=No |origin={{tip|Eg}} |description=The last in the line of divine Sovereigns in Egypt, said to he the son of Osiris and Isis. He is the great..."
{{ETG article
|description=The last in the line of divine Sovereigns in Egypt, said to he the son of Osiris and Isis. He is the great god “loved of Heaven”, the “beloved of the Sun, the offspring of the gods, the subjugator of the world”. At the time of the Winter Solstice (our Christmas), his image, in the form of a small newly‐born infant, was brought out from the sanctuary for the adoration of the worshipping crowds. As he is the type of the vault of heaven, he is said to have come from the ''Maem Misi, ''the sacred birth‐place (the womb of the World), and is, therefore, the “mystic Child of the Ark” or the ''argha'', the symbol of the matrix. Cosmically, he is the Winter Sun. A tablet describes him as the “substance of his father”, Osiris, of whom he is an incarnation and also identical with him. Horus is a chaste deity, and “like Apollo has no amours. His part in the lower world is associated with the judgment. He introduces souls to his father, the judge” (Bonwick). An ancient hymn says of him, “By him the world is judged in that which it contains. Heaven and earth are under his immediate presence. He rules all human beings. The sun goes round according to his purpose. He brings forth abundance and dispenses it to all the earth. Everyone adores his beauty. Sweet is his love in us.” {{etg-source|TG}}.
