Zirkoff B. - Foreword (BCW vol.5)

by Boris de Zirkoff
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 5, page(s) xxiii


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In planning an American Edition of H. P. B.’s Collected Writings, it has been thought advisable to start with new material, heretofore unpublished in chronological sequence, leaving the writings published earlier, and now out of print, to be dealt with at a later date.

The English translations of the original French text are the work of Dr. Charles J. Ryan. They have been carefully checked by Irene R. Ponsonby and the Compiler.

In connection with the present volume, a special debt of appreciation is due to Manly Palmer Hall, Founder and Director of the Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, California, for his whole-hearted endorsement of this project, and his unflagging interest in carrying it to a successful conclusion.

The Compiler is indebted to Sydney A. Cook, Vice-President, The Theosophical Society (Adyar), for the valuable assistance rendered in supplying with meticulous care, both material and information from the Adyar Archives. Grateful acknowledgment is made of vital help received from Irene R. Ponsonby, Audrey Hollander, Elayne Ayers, Audrée Benner Dreher, Nancy Newsom Browning, Dee Worth, Adhir Mukherjee, Louise Smith, Hector Tate, Sarah Hunt Woodard, Joaquin Navarro, and Enrique Haeussler, of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Jimmie Howard, Washington, D. C.; W. Emmett Small, and Dr. W. Y. Evans-Wentz, San Diego, Calif.; Dr. Osvald Sirèn, Lidingö, Sweden; and Mary L. Stanley, London, who have contributed of their time and knowledge either in preparing the MSS or in checking quotations, proofreading, indexing, and offering valuable suggestions on technical points. Sincere thanks are also due to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Donath for many helpful actions in connection with the publicity and the supplies incidental to the production of the MSS.

Recognition should be made also of the extreme care exercised by Franklin Thomas in the linotype composition of the manuscript, which, on account of many Sanskrit diacritical marks, called for much patience and intelligent handling.

The publication of the present volume would not have been possible without the material assistance of a number of students from many parts of the world, who prefer to remain anonymous. In acknowledging their help with sincere gratitude, we wish to make special mention of the very valuable donation received from the Trust Fund set up by the executor of Dr. Henry T. Edge’s will. We cannot help feeling that this last touch with one of H. P. B.’s personal pupils adds a special blessing to this our labor of love.



September 8th, 1950.