Property:CTD term short description

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Countess of Caithness and Duchess de Pomar. She was communicating with V. P. Zhelikhovsky, sister of...  +
Covetousness: cupidity, a son sprung from Brahmâ in an evil hour Category: Theosophical Glossary (CT...  +
Creation: the origin of the principles, said to be Intelligence born of the qualities or the attribu...  +
D (a) B (a) R (im), meaning the “Word”, and the “Words” in the Chaldean Kabbala, ''Dabar ''and ''Log...  +
Dancing girls; the same as the Indian ''nautchies, ''the temple and public dancers. Category: Theoso...  +
Daughter Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-s...  +
Daughter of Vaivaswata Manu; wife of Buddha, the son of Soma; one month a woman and the other a man ...  +
Daughter of the Voice: the Divine afflatus, or inspiration, by which the prophets of Israel were ins...  +
Dawn; one of the bodies assumed by Brahmâ the morning twilight Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD ...  +
De Lapide Philosophico. An alchemic treatise by an unknown German author; dated 1677. It is to be fo...  +
Deities and very mysterious gods with the ancient nations, including the Israelites, some of whom—as...  +
Deities, held in the highest veneration at Thebes, in Lemnos, Phrygia, Macedonia, and especially at ...  +
Desire for liberation (from reincarnation and thraldom of matter) Category: Theosophical Glossary (C...  +
Divination by means of a cock, or other bird; a circle was drawn and divided into spaces, each one a...  +
Divine incarnation. The descent of a god or some exalted Being, who has progressed beyond the necess...  +
Dual‐sexed; a male and female Being, whether man or animal Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD term...  +
During this state was developed the gift of prophecy. The two words are nearly synonymous. One was a...  +
Edomite Kings. A deeply concealed mystery is to he found in the allegory of the seven Kings of Edorn...  +
Eggs were symbolical from an early time. There was the “Mundane Egg”, in which Brahmâ gestated, with...  +
Egypt had the “celestial labyrinth” whereinto the souls of the departed plunged, and also its type o...  +