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Elementals ; Nature Sprites; Genii. The ''Djins'' or ''Jins ''are much dreaded in Egypt, Persia and elsewhere [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Elementals without heads; lit., “headless” ; used also of the first two human races [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Elementary substances, the origin and the germinal essence of the elements [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Eliphas Lévi calls them “the chiefs of the souls who are the spirits of energy and action” ; whatever that may or may not mean. The Oriental Occultists describe the ''Egregores ''as Beings whose bodies and essence is a tissue of the so‐called ''astral light''. They are the shadows of the higher Planetary Spirits whose bodies are of the essence of the higher divine light [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Emancipation from repeated births [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Embodied spirit, the Conscious Ego in its highest manifestations; the reincarnating Principle; the “Lord” in us [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Esoterically and literally, the dwelling of the God Amen, or Amoun, or the “hidden”, secret god. Exoterically the kingdom of Osiris divided into fourteen parts, each of which was set aside for some purpose connected with the after state of the defunct. Among other things, in one of these was the Hall of Judgment. It was the “Land of the West”, the “Secret Dwelling”, the ''dark ''land, and the “doorless house”. But it was also ''Ker‐ noter'', the “abode of the gods”, and the “land of ghosts” like the “ Hades” of the Greeks (q.v.). It was also the “Good Father’s House” (in which there are “many mansions”). The fourteen divisions comprised, among many others, ''Aanroo ''(q.v.), the hall of the Two Truths, the Land of Bliss, ''Neter‐xev ''“the funeral (or burial) place” ''Otamer‐xev'', the “Silence‐loving Fields”, and also many other mystical halls and dwellings, one like the Sheol of the Hebrews, another like the Devachan of the Occultists, etc., etc. Out of the fifteen gates of the abode of Osiris, there were two chief ones, the “gate of entrance” or ''Rustu'', and the “gate of exit” (reincarnation) ''Amh''. But there was no room in Amenti to represent the orthodox Christian Hell. The worst of all was the Hall of the eternal Sleep and Darkness. As Lepsius has it, the defunct “sleep (therein) in ''incorruptible ''forms, they wake not to see their brethren, they recognize no longer father and mother, their hearts feel nought toward their wife and children. This is the dwelling of the god All‐Dead. . . . Each trembles to pray to him, for he hears not. Nobody can praise him, for he regards not those who adore him. Neither does he notice any offering brought to him.” This god is ''Karmic ''Decree; the land of Silence—the abode of those who die absolute disbelievers, those dead from accident before their allotted time, and finally the dead on the threshold of ''Avitchi'', which is never in Amenti or any other subjective state, save in one case, but on this land of forced re‐birth. These tarried not very long even in their state of heavy sleep, of oblivion and darkness, but, were carried more or less speedily toward ''Amh ''the “exit gate”. [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>.
Esoterically, the early, tentative, malformed races of men. Some Kabalists interpret them as “sparks”, worlds in formation disappearing as soon as formed [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Eternal thought, impressed on substance or spirit‐matter, in the eternity ; thought which becomes active at the beginning of every new life‐cycle [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Every ark‐shrine, whether with the Egyptians, Hindus, Chaldeans or Mexicans, was a phallic shrine, the symbol of the ''yoni ''or womb of nature. The ''seket ''of the Egyptians, the ark, or sacred chest, stood on the ''ara''—its pedestal. The ark of Osiris, with the sacred relics of the god, was “of the same size as the Jewish ark”, staves passed through its rings in sacred procession, as the ark round which danced David, the King of Israel. Mexican gods also had their arks. Diana, Ceres, and other goddesses as well as gods had theirs. The ark was a boat—a vehicle in every case. “Thebes had a sacred ark 300 cubits long,” and “the word ''Thebes ''is said to mean ark in Hebrew,” which is but a natural recognition of the place to which the chosen people are indebted for their ark. Moreover, as Bauer writes, “the Cherub was not first used by Moses.” The winged Isis was the cherub or ''Arieh ''in Egypt, centuries before the arrival there of even Abram or Sarai. “The external likeness of some of the Egyptian arks, surmounted by their two winged human figures, to the ark of the covenant, has often been noticed.” (''Bible Educator''.) And not only the “external” but the ''internal ''“likeness” and sameness are now known to all. The arks, whether of the covenant, or of honest, straightforward, Pagan symbolism, had originally and now have one and the same meaning. The chosen people appropriated the idea and forgot to acknowledge its source. It is the same as in the case of the “Urim” and “Thummin” (q.v.). In Egypt, as shown by many Egyptologists, the two objects were the emblems of the ''Two Truths. ''“Two figures of Re and Thmei were worn on the breast‐plate of the Egyptian High Priest. ''Thmé'', plural ''thmin, ''meant truth in Hebrew. Wilkinson says the figure of Truth had closed eyes. Rosellini speaks of the ''Thmei ''being worn as a necklace. Diodorus gives such a necklace of gold and stones to the High Priest when delivering judgment. The Septuagint translates Thummin as ''Truth”''. (Bonwick’s ''Egyp. Belief.'') [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>.
Evil desire, lust, volition; the cleaving to existence. Kama is generally identified with ''Mara ''the tempter [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Evil female demons in popular folk‐lore. In the Esoteric Philosophy occult and evil Forces of nature. Elementals known in Sanskrit as '''''Dakini''''' [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Existence. He who exists; corresponds to Kether and Macroprosopus. [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Exoterically and superficially the god of wine and the vintage, and of licentiousness and joy; but the esoteric meaning of this personification is more abstruse and philosophical. He is the Osiris of Egypt, and his life and significance belong to the same group as the other solar deities, all “sin‐bearing,” killed and resurrected; e.g., as Dionysos or Atys of Phrygia (Adonis, or the Syrian Tammuz), as Ausonius, Baldur (q.v.), &c., &c. All these were put to death, mourned for, and restored to life. The rejoicings for Atys took place at the ''Hilaria ''on the “pagan” Easter, March 15. Ausonius, a form of Bacchus, was slain “at the vernal equinox, March 21st, and rose in three days”. Tammuz, the double of Adonis and Atys, was mourned by the women at the “grove” of his name “over Bethlehem, where the infant Jesus cried”, says St. Jerome. Bacchus is murdered and his mother collects the fragments of his lacerated body as Isis does those of Osiris, and so on. Dionysos Iacchus, torn to shreds by the Titans, Osiris, Krishna, all descended into Hades and returned again. Astronomically, they all represent the Sun ; psychically they are all emblems of the ever‐resurrecting “ Soul” (the Ego in its re‐incarnation) ; spiritually, all the innocent scape‐goats, atoning for the sins of mortals, their own earthly envelopes, and in truth, the poeticized image of DIVINE MAN, the form of clay informed by its God [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Exoterically, elementals and evil, gods— considered maleficent; demons, and '''''no '''''gods. But esoterically—the reverse. For in the most ancient portions of the ''Rig Veda, ''the term is used for the Supreme Spirit, and therefore the Asuras are spiritual and divine It is only in the last book of the ''Rig Veda'', its latest part, and in the ''Atharva Veda, ''and the ''Brâhmanas, ''that the epithet, which had been given to Agni, the greatest Vedic Deity, to Indra and Varuna, has come to signify the reverse of gods. ''Asu ''means breath, and it is with his breath that Prajâpati (Brahmâ) creates the Asuras. When ritualism and dogma got the better of the Wisdom religion, the initial letter '''a '''was adopted as a negative prefix, and the term ended by signifying “not a god”, and Sura only a deity. But in the Vedas the Suras have ever been connected with ''Surya, ''the sun, and regarded as ''inferior ''deities, devas [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Famous for its great metaphysical College where Occultism (Gnosis) and Platonic philosophy were taught in the days of the Apostle Paul. A city regarded as the focus of secret sciences, and that Gnôsis. or Wisdom, which is the antagonist of the perversion of Christo‐ Esotericism to this day. It was at Ephesus where was the great College of the Essenes and all the lore the Tanaim had brought from the ''Chaldees'' [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Fate, destiny, whose agents were the three Norns, the Norse ''Parcæ'' [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Female demons, vampires and blood‐ drinkers ''(asra‐pas''). In the ''Purânas ''they attend upon the goddess Kâli and feed on human flesh. A species of evil “Elementals” (''q.v.'') [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Finite or conditioned time in contradistinction to infinite time, or eternity—''Kala.'' [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +
Fire Star; the planet Mars; in Tibetan, ''Mig‐mar'' [[Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)]]<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%; font-style: italic;"> (<span style="font-style: italic; border-bottom:1px dotted gray; cursor:help;" title="'Theosophical Glossary' by H. P. Blavatsky">TG</span>)</span>. +