Property:CTD term short description

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Hindu Sacred Books. Works composed by, and for Brahmans. Commentaries on those portions of the Vedas...  +
Holy Scriptures''. Orientalists show seven such books: the Books of Mamit, of Worship, of Interpreta...  +
Holy hermits, sages who dwelt in ancient India in forests. Also a portion of the Vedas containing Up...  +
Horned, an attribute of Ashtoreth and Astarte; those horns typify the male element, and convert the ...  +
Horns, the elder: the ancient name of a solar god: the rising sun represented as a god reclining on ...  +
House, dwelling Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)<span style="color: grey; font-size: 90%;...  +
Human Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, or incarnated Dhyan Chohans Category: Theosophical Glossary (CTD terms)...  +
Identical with ''Malcuth'', the tenth Sephira. ''Lit''., Matrona is the “inferior mother” Category: ...  +
Illusion ; the cosmic power which renders phenomenal existence and the perceptions thereof possible....  +
Imposing ruins in the province of Siamrap (Eastern Siam), if ruins they may be called. An abandoned ...  +
In Alchemy the final completion, the “Great Labour” or Grand ''Œuvre''; the production of the “Philo...  +
In Buddhism one of the six Paramitas of perfection, a state of abstraction which carries the ascetic...  +
In Buddhism, the five sons of the Dhyani‐Buddhas. They have a mystic meaning in Esoteric Philosophy ...  +
In Buddhism—both Southern and Northern—and also in Hinduism, it means simply a ''mantra ''or ''mantr...  +
In Egyptian ''Issa'', the goddess Virgin‐Mother; personified nature. In Egyptian or Koptic ''Uasari,...  +
In Egyptian symbolism Typhon was called “the hippopotamus who slew his father and violated his mothe...  +
In Esoteric philosophy the “Sons of Adi” are called the “Sons of the Fire‐mist”. A term used of cert...  +
In Esoteric philosophy, identical with the Kumâras those who first incarnated into the men of the Th...  +
In Esoteric symbology he is said to be identical with Jehovah or the “Lord God” of the fourth chapte...  +
In Esotericism a purified Soul. A Seer and an Initiate; one who has attained full wisdom Category: T...  +