
From Teopedia

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 7, p. 24
vol. 7 (March-September 1878)
page 24


  • HPB note
  • HPB highlighted
  • HPB underlined
  • HPB crossed out
  • <Editors note>
  • <Archivist note>
  • Lost or unclear
  • Restored
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< The Evolution Theory Considered in its Relation to Theosophy (continued from page 7-23) >


"Isis Unveiled" and the Todas


<Untitled> (Captain Burton's work entitled Goa)


Editor's notes

  1. image by unknown author. colored butterfly
  2. "Isis Unveiled" and the Todas by Baikie, R. (signed as R. Baikie, M.D., late H.E.I.C.S.), Spiritualist, The, March 22, 1878
  3. image by unknown author. House in trees on the bank. Note above house: "Temple of Theosophy"; note on roof: "TRUTH"; note above houses on the left: "Roman Cath. Church".
  4. Captain Burton's work entitled Goa by Blake, C. Carter, Spiritualist, The, March 22, 1878
  5. image by unknown author. crocodile