local ctd = {} -- See main module at https://ru.teopedia.org/lib/Module:CTD
local function isempty(s)
return s == nil or s == ''
-- Convert local links [[link|text]] and URL [link text] to plain text.
-- See original function in module PM.
local function remove_links( wiki_str )
local str = wiki_str
-- remove local links
i = mw.ustring.find(str,'[[',1,true)
j = mw.ustring.find(str,']]',i,true)
while i ~= nil do
local link_text = mw.ustring.sub(str, i+2, j-1)
local k = mw.ustring.find(link_text, '|', 1, true)
if k ~= nil then
link_text = mw.ustring.sub(link_text, k+1)
str = mw.ustring.sub(str, 1, i-1) .. link_text .. mw.ustring.sub(str, j+2, -1)
i = mw.ustring.find(str,'[[',1,true)
j = mw.ustring.find(str,']]',i,true)
-- remove URL
i = mw.ustring.find(str,'[http',1,true)
j = mw.ustring.find(str,']',i,true)
while i ~= nil do
local link_text = mw.ustring.sub(str, i+1, j-1)
local k = mw.ustring.find(link_text, ' ', 1, true)
if k ~= nil then
link_text = mw.ustring.sub(link_text, k+1)
str = mw.ustring.sub(str, 1, i-1) .. link_text .. mw.ustring.sub(str, j+1, -1)
i = mw.ustring.find(str,'[http',1,true)
j = mw.ustring.find(str,']',i,true)
return str
-- Create short description without hyper links
-- Used in : Template:CTD article
-- Call example:
-- {{#invoke: CTD | shortly
-- | short_text = Short description, if exist
-- | long_text = Long description
-- }}
function ctd.shortly( frame )
local result = ''
-- check if sort description specified
if not isempty(frame.args['short_text']) then
result = frame.args['short_text']
result = frame.args['long_text']
-- keep only text before Category
local i = mw.ustring.find(result,'[[Категория',1,true)
if i ~= nil then
result = mw.ustring.sub(result, 1, i-1)
-- convert all links to plain text
result = remove_links(result)
-- take only first 100 characters; string.sub() uses bytes instead of chars
if mw.ustring.len(result) > 100 then
result = mw.ustring.sub( result, 1, 100) .. '...'
-- Use function point_at_end() when finished
-- return point_at_end(result)
return result
return ctd