Zirkoff B. - Compiler’s Notes on the Diaries

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Compiler’s Notes on the Diaries
by Boris de Zirkoff
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 1, page(s) 434-440


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[These Notes correspond with the superior numbers in the text of H.P.B.’s Diaries.]

1 Mrs. Isabel B. Mitchell (Isabella Buloid), born Feb. 23, 1835, married in May, 1860, to Wm. H. Mitchell. She was Col. H. S. Olcott’s oldest sister for whom he had a deep affection all his life.

2 Charles Sotheran, one of the original “formers” of the T.S. He was a relative of the London booksellers of the same name. He was also with Sabin & Sons, booksellers in New York, and connected in a literary way with their journal The American Bibliopolist. Sotheran had a peculiar temperament. Three mouths after the Society was founded, trouble arose, as Sotheran made inflammatory speeches at a political street meeting and wrote bitterly in the newspapers against H.P.B. and the Society. His resignation was accepted, and, for the sake of protection, the Society was made into a secret body, with signs and passwords. Later on, Sotheran apologized and was taken back into membership. He gave useful help to H.P.B. during the writing of Isis Unveiled, and published a small short-lived journal called The Echo, in which H.P.B. wrote a couple of articles. After the Founders’ departure for India, his name was not again mentioned. See Bio-Bibliogr. Index for further data.

3 Emily Kislingbury.

4 Nickname which H.P.B. gave to Col. Olcott.

5 Edward Wimbridge. See Bio-Bibliogr. Index for data.

6 A manner in which Col. Olcott used to refer to himself.

7 Miss Nadyezhda Andreyevna de Fadeyev (1829-1919), H.P.B.’s favorite aunt, her mother’s sister who was only two years her 435 senior. Many of her letters to H.P.B. are in the Adyar Archives. For a time she was on the Council of the T.S. She remained unmarried and died in Prague, Czechoslovakia.

8 The “Seven Brothers,” a secret organization then existing in India, having as a Ritual something akin to Masonry. John Yarker who issued to H.P.B. her Masonic certificate in the “Rite of Adoption” had evidently a copy of the Sat B’hai ritual and sent it to H.P.B At the time a ceremony of admission for members of the T.S. was planned, but nothing further was done in this matter.

9 The Adept-Brother known as Hilarion, Ilarion, and Hillarion Smerdis, who, among other things, collaborated with H.P.B. in the writing of her occult stories.

10 Hurrichund (or Harichandra) Chintamon was the representative in Bombay of Swâmi Dayânanda Sarasvatî, the head of the Ârya Samâja, founded in 1875. The T.S. in New York joined hands with this organization and for a while diplomas were issued with the words: “The Theosophical Society of the Ârya Samâj of Âryavarta.” Later on acute differences occurred, which are outlined in the Supplements to The Theosophist of this period, and all association with the Ârya Samâja was severed. A good deal may be found on this subject in Col. Olcott’s Old Diary Leaves, Volume I.

11 James M. Stewart, Editor of the Franklin Register, Franklin, Mass.

12 Religio-Philosophical Journal published in Chicago, Ill.

13 “M. A. (Oxon.)” was the pseudonym of Rev. William Stainton Moses (or Moseyn) (1840-92), at one time Editor of the Spiritualistic magazine Light, and a very good friend of the Founders. Consult Col. Olcott’s Old Diary Leaves, Vol. I on this subject. See also the B.-B. Index, s. v. MOSES.

14 Pravda (Truth) was a daily newspaper published at Odessa, Russia, 1877-80. Its Editors-Publishers were Joseph Dolivo-Dobrovolsky and K. E. Rosen. Starting in early 1878, H.P.B. wrote for it a number of “Letters,” under the general title “From Across the Sea, from Beyond the Blue Ocean.”

15 Monsieur Harrisse was a Frenchman in New York with whom the Founders were on friendly terms. He was an amateur artist. One evening H.P.B. asked him to draw the head of a Hindu chieftain, as he should conceive one to look. Evidently with the unspoken help of H.P.B. who sat near him, Harrisse produced in black and white crayons the first portrait of Master M. ever drawn. After the portrait was finished, the cryptograph signature of the Master was precipitated upon it. Vide Col. Olcott’s Old Diary Leaves, I, 370-72, for a full account of the circumstances involved.

16 Dr. Alexander Wilder (1823-1908), well-known physician and a deep scholar of Classical languages and philosophies. Collaborated in the production of Isis Unveiled. See the Bio-Bibliographical Index for comprehensive sketch of his life and work.

436 17 Most likely the then recently published work by Louis Rousselet entitled l’lnde des Rajahs. Voyage dans l’lnde Centrale, Paris, 1875.

18 Dr. L. M. Marquette, a woman-physician, who met H.P.B. in Paris in 1873, when she stayed with her cousin Nicholas von Hahn and his friend M. Lequeux, and who knew her intimately. Vide Col. Olcott’s Old Diary Leaves, I, 27-28, for Dr. Marquette’s testimonial in regard to H.P.B.’s character.

19 Russkiy Vestnik (Russian Messenger), very well-known Russian monthly Journal published in Moscow. It was founded by the outstanding journalist and political leader M. N. Katkov, in 1856. It was in this journal that appeared for many years H.P.B.’s Series “From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan,” “The Enigmatical Tribes of the Azure-Blue Hills,” and “The Durbâr in Lahore.”

20 Gen. Abner Doubleday (1819-93), a prominent figure in the Civil war days and founder of baseball. He was Vice-President of The Theosophical Society and a close friend of H.P.B., Col. Olcott and W. Q. Judge. See Bio-Bibliographical Index for further data.

21 Mrs. Helene von Schewitsch was an early friend of H.P.B.’s. She was an author and socialite, born at Munich, March 21, 1845, as the daughter of Baron von Dönniges (also spelt Tönniges); her mother was a cultured Jewish lady. Helene was first married to a Rumanian Boyar, Janko von Racowitza who died soon; then to the actor Siegwart Friedman from whom she was divorced; then to Serge von Schewitsch, a Russian; this was about 1875. Unfortunately, Helene committed suicide at Munich, October 3, 1911. She also seems to have been the cause of Lasalle’s duel and death. In spite of being a very erratic and temperamental individual, she was deeply interested in Theosophy and wrote about her experiences with H.P.B. in a most friendly and understanding way. See her work entitled Wie Ich Mein Selbst Fand (C. H. Schwetschke und Sohn, Berlin, 1901; 2nd ed., M. Altmann, Leipzig, 1911) published under her name of von Schewitsch. An English translation by Cecil Mar was published by Constable & Co., London, 1910, under the title of Princess Helene von Racowitza. An Autobiography. Pages 349-355, and 391 concern H.P.B. Excerpts from the original German work have been published in translation in The Theosophical Review, Vol. XXIX, January, 1902, pp. 386-88, 470-71.

22 Dr. C. Carter Blake seemed for a time to be devoted to Theosophical work, but was a member of the Jesuit order when he joined the T.S. He was expelled from the Society at a later date. See The Mahatma Letters, etc., Letter No. LIV, in this connection.

23 Dr. George Wyld of Edinburgh.

24 Swâmi Dayânanda Sarasvatî of the Ârya Samâja in India.

25 Otho Alexander, an early member of the T.S. resident in Corfu, Greece.

437 26 Pasquale Menelao, President of the Corfu Lodge of the T.S. which was founded in 1877.

27 Mooljee Thackersey. Col. Olcott mentions meeting him on one of his early travels before he had met H.P.B. The Founders started corresponding with him in 1877.

28 Pandit Shamji Krishnavarma was a man of stirling worth and great integrity of character. He was born in 1857 and was at one time connected with the Ârya Samâja. It was he who sent to the Founders in New York an English translation of the Samâja’s Rules, which led them to rescind the Resolutions of the Council to amalgamate the T.S. with Swâmi Dayânanda’s Society. Shortly after the Founders settled in Bombay, Krishnavarma left India for Oxford, England, accepting the position of Oriental Lecturer of Balliol College. Before taking this decision, he had a serious consultation with H.P.B. and Col. Olcott. Within an incredibly short time, he had mastered Greek and Latin and passed difficult examinations in Law and Political Economy. He was appointed Lecturer in Sanskrit, Marâthî and Gujarâtî and assisted Prof. Sir Monier Monier-Williams who had originally sponsored his arrival. Upon his return to India, he was appointed to the Dewanship of the State of Junagadh. (See The Theos., IV, Nov., 1882, p. 27 and Supplement to June, 1883, p. 12; V, Suppl. to Oct., 1883, p. 14; and XVI, March, 1895, pp. 403-04).

29 General Francis J. Lippitt (1812-1902), a distinguished American military man and Lecturer on Law. Was a friend of Lafayette and of De Toqueville whom he assisted in the preparation of his works. He was an ardent Spiritualist and a great friend of the Founders. See the B.-B. Index, s. v. LIPPITT.

30 C H. Van der Linden and Peter van der Linden, father and son, who joined together and remained loyal members of the T.S. in America to the time of their death.

31 A reproduction of this plaque appears as frontispiece in Col. Olcott’s Old Diary Leaves, Vol. I, but this illustration is of a copy in bronze now at Adyar, evidently copied from the original plaster. H.P.B.’s name in Tamil was most likely added when this copy was made in India.

32 Caroline Rollins Corson, wife of Prof. Hiram Corson of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., both of whom were close friends of H.P.B.’s in the early days. She was born in France and educated in her native country and in Germany. Aside from translation work, she also wrote some valuable articles on Faust, Machiavelli, Victor Hugo and others.

33 Prince Emil-Karl-Ludvigovich von Sayn-Wittgenstein. See Bio-Bibliogr. Index for data.

34 Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-90), British explorer and Orientalist, celebrated translator of the so-called “Arabian Nights.”

35 “Tom” was Miss Sarah Cowell of New York, an actress.

36 Nickname for Col. Olcott’s wife. She was Mary Epplee Morgan, 438 daughter of the Rev. Richard U. Morgan, D. D., rector of Trinity parish, New Rochelle, N. Y., whom the Colonel married April 26, 1860.

37 Described by Col. Olcott in his Diary as “the Irish Lady who agitates for Women’s Rights, etc.”

38 Charles Carleton Massey was an English Barrister-at-Law and literateur keenly interested in Spiritualism. He was one of the ablest metaphysicians in England and a lucid and scholarly writer on psychic subjects. He visited the U.S.A. in 1875, and went to Chittenden, Vt. to verify for himself Col. Olcott’s accounts of the Eddy phenomena Massey became one of the original “formers” of the T.S. However, after several years of friendship, differences arose between him and the Founders. He resigned when the Society for Psychical Research at tacked H.P.B. and gave allegedly damaging evidence against her. He died in 1905. See Bio-Bibliogr. Index for further data.

39 Dr. Harry J. Billing.

40 This is A. N. Aksakov’s article entitled “The Scientific Hypothesis Respecting Mediumistic Phenomena,” translated by H.P.B. and published in the Avoca Mail and Pyrenees District Advertiser of Australia August 27, 1878.

41 Rev. Mohottiwatte Gunânanda, Buddhist Chief Priest of Dipaduttama Vihâra, at Colombo, Ceylon, and a member of the General Council of the T.S.

42 An Adept-Brother spoken of by H.P.B. as “the Old Gentleman.” He contributed a great deal of material during the production of Isis Unveiled. There exists only one letter from him preserved in the Adyar Archives. It is written in red pencil and its facsimile may be found in Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, Second Series, No. 24, as well as in C. Jinarâjadâsa’s booklet, Did Madame Blavatsky Forge the Mahatma Letters, Adyar, 1934, p. 43. This Adept was living near Arcot, not far from Madras, when H.P.B. and Col. Olcott saw him about April 30, 1882. A letter to The Theosophist from him, refuting the accusations of Swâmi Dayânanda Sarasvatî against the Founders, appears in the June, 1882, Supplement, pp. 6-8. It is dated “Tiruvallam Hills, May 17,” and signed “One of the Hindu Founders of the Parent Theosophical Society.”

43 Most likely Master M. H.P.B.’s entry hints very plainly at the little understood fact of the overshadowing of her consciousness by the higher consciousness of Initiates.

44 The Adept-Brother known by the name of “Serapis” belonged to the Egyptian Section of the Brotherhood and was very active in the initial stage of the Theosophical Movement. A considerable number of original letters from him to Col. Olcott have been preserved.

45 The members of the Tile Club were artists who met monthly at each other’s studios and painted designs on tiles supplied by the host, whose property they became.

46 This phrase does not occur anywhere else, and it is not known what particular Adept is referred to.

439 47 H.P.B.’s cat. In a later entry the disappearance of Charles is alluded to with consternation.

48 More correctly Saoshyant, one of the Saviours to come, according to the Zoroastrian religion, the other two being Oshêdar Bâmî and Oshêdar Mâh.

49 Most likely Master M.

50 Madame Vera Petrovna de Zhelihovsky, H.P.B.’s sister. She was born in 1835 and died 1896. She was a very well-known authoress in Russia specializing in children’s stories.

51 Apparently the cryptograph of an initiate; very similar to the one which appears in H.P.B.’s letter to A. P. Sinnett, No. XI, p. 20, of the well-known volume of letters.

52 Nickname for Miss Rosa Bates.

53 One of these trunks is now at Adyar, still in good condition.

54 Emmet Robinson Olcott, one of Col. Olcott’s brothers, who was born October 12, 1846.

55 Jenny was the maid.

56 These words are written in red pencil, in large letters, and in a handwriting which C. Jinarâjadâsa thought to be that of Master Serapis. There is by their side a short sentence in red also and signed by the symbols of which H.P.B. says in a letter “the Old Gentleman your Narayan.”

57 The “I.—” most likely stands for Master Ilarion.

58 There is some evidence that this jewel had originally belonged to Cagliostro.

59 There is a short letter from Master Serapis in which he says that “the lost one is restored in its proper place. The gueburs made it invisible out of malice.” Vide Letter No. 22 in Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, Second Series.

60 Colonel Olcott arrived at Bombay bearing official credentials from the U.S. Government as a Commercial Commissioner.

61 Symbol for Master Narayan.

62 Words in a script that has not been identified.

63 Symbol for an Adept whom H.P.B. went to meet at “The Battery,” a point in New York harbor.

64 Word illegible.

65 Symbol for either an Adept or a Lodge.

66 Symbol for Master Narayan. The incident about calling him “old horse” is related by Col. Olcott in Old Diary Leaves, Vol. I, pp. 247-48.

67 Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), the famous inventor and scientist, who became a member of the T.S.

68 As far as is known, this photograph must have been brought to Bombay when the Founders went to India.

69 Name undecipherable.

70 As the facsimile shows, there is over this entry a large symbol in red pencil, an arrow pointing down to a circle containing a cross, and 440 the signature of Master Narayan at the side. “Consummatum est” (It is finished, or accomplished) is written in large letters, in blue pencil, and underlined. It is not certain whether these two words are in H.P.B.’s handwriting or not.

71 A reporter writing in the New York Sun of December 19, 1878, had this to say: “Charles in the meantime had been sent to a good Theosophist’s house, but had disappeared from the basket in transitu, and has not been seen since. ‘I don’t know where he is,’ said the Hierophant [H. S. Olcott], ‘but I presume we will find him in Bombay when we get there’.”

72 The words “took leave of the chandelier” are underlined in blue.

73 Most likely Master Serapis.