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from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 3, p. 124
vol. 3 (1875-1878)
page 124


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< The Russian Investigation (continued from page 3-123) >

first offer made by M. Mendeleyeff, nor will they satisfy those who certify to the existence of such manifestations. The committee forgets that the mediumistic power has its origin, force and support in domestic circles and in their own experiments against which the policy of negation and fraud is powerless. Such questions which have attained a social importance, can not be solved by negation and an ignorance of them. Let Science and knowledge be on the side of the negators and skeptics, but upon the other side we have the conviction in the reality of facts; which conviction we have obtained by the evidence of our senses and by reason.

A. Aksakoff.

St. Petersburg, March 4, 1876.

Madame Leymarie Replies to Home


Appearances of the Holy Virgin in France


<... continues on page 3-125 >

Editor's notes

  1. Madame Leymarie Replies to Home by Leymarie, M.; Leymarie, J., Spiritual Scientist
  2. Appearances of the Holy Virgin in France by unknown author