[The superior numbers occurring in the text of the Diaries refer to Compiler’s Notes appended at the end of them.]
[Among the most valuable documents in the Adyar Archives are the many volumes of Colonel H. S. Olcott’s Diaries. He was in the habit of writing down daily the occurrences of the day, to mention those whom he met and to recount briefly various events that were taking place at the time. He kept such Diaries at least from 1875 on, and almost to the time of his death in 1907. The Diaries of 1875-77 mysteriously disappeared years ago, and the Colonel had no idea what could have become of them. For this reason, the Diaries for the year 1878 are the first ones available. They are especially interesting because they are the only ones in which H.P.B. wrote. In those days, Col. Olcott had to absent himself on business rather frequently, and during his absences, H.P.B. made all kinds of entries in his Diary. When he returned, he resumed writing himself. The 1878 Diary gives a vivid picture of the life of H.P.B. and Col. Olcott in the last year of their stay in America, before embarking for India. Col. Olcott’s entries are printed in small type, and only those from October 23rd are included. It has been thought advisable to preserve as much as possible the original punctuation which at times is very ambiguous. No alterations have been made in H.P.B.’s often peculiar abbreviations.]
February 6. Visitors—Hyneman.—Shut up in the room H.P.B. and Isab. Mitchell.1 Sotheran2 brings Richard Harte of the N.Y. Echo—insists upon H.P.B. writing an Editorial for Wednesday following. Entrance and visits forbidden. H.P.B. writes her corresp. for Russia.
Letters received: From E.K.3—to Moloney4—sends back the astral letter. Dr. Bloede, acknowledges his error as to his pitching into H.P.B. for accepting diploma and Sotheran writing his letter to the “Banner.”
407 February 7. H.P.B. writes letters the whole day. At four comes Dr. Bloede,—to dinner Paris, Wimbridge5 and John Marshall the engraver. Letter from M... Jun.6 from Boston. Announces return home early on Friday morning. Wimbridge brings the London Illustrated News.—Holkar’s and Some One’s portraits among others.
2 Letters from N. A. Fadeew7—Odessa. H.P.B. 4 feuilletons definitely lost. Asks to write others. Letter from Bundy. Conciliatory and stupid. Package of Sat B’hai8 from Yarker.
Pope dead.—Panic in England. Russians at Constantinople. Gortchakof hoodwinks Disraeli.—I...9 ! ! !
February 8. Mol. home, brings grips from Boston.—Evening—Sotheran. Miss Cowle. [H.S.O.’s entry after H.P.B.’s: Miss S. Emma Cowell, 227 East 20th St.] Letter from Davey,—Spirit of Times, excusing himself on account of his rheumatism. Holkar’s first visit. Mol’s indignation at the profanation of the Elephanta caves.
February 9. H.P.B. added P.S. to the letter sent to Hurrychund Chintamon.10 Enquiry about Holkar and Bhurtpur, Letter from Franklin Register. Today St.11 send 50 copies!! of H.P.B.’s answer to masons. Rel. Ph.12 full of letters which pitch into O.
February 11. Letters from E. Kislingbury to H.P.B. Letter to Moloney from M. A. Oxon13—(reply to his last). Providence Journal sent by Steward (Franklin) with parag. about Masonry. Delivered to W. Mitchell. 2 newsp. to be sent Bombay, Hurrychund. 3 Feuilletons for “Pravda,”14 Letter and portrait to N. A. Fadeev,—the whole insured.
D. Curtis called at 6—had dinner at 4.—Rosetta working the whole day.—Answered Emily—and N. A. Fadeev. Curtis and Mrs. Mitchell.—Harrisse brought his portrait.15 Went away at ten—and Dr. Wilder16 came in.—Remained the whole night. Mr. Mitchell came down sick.—1st day of seamstress.
February 12. Letters—from Franklin—sent in clips from papers—and advertisement for H.P.B.’s fight with M—.
408 1 February “Spiritualist” no 25 January Spiritualist. 2d day of seamstress.
Visits evening—Sotheran, Mrs. Winchester.—Mrs. Ames, Mrs. Oliver.—Wimbridge and—Miss Bates. Stopped till 3.—Olcott arrived.—
February 13. Olcott arrived at 8 in the morning. Bothered H.P.B. with fixing bells. Letter from O’Donovan, announces visits. Letter from Wimbridge about l’Inde des Rajahs.17 H.P.B. went out with I.B.M.
July 8. Went at 10 to Madame Marquette,18 Spring St. Order to supply her as a witness for H.P.B. Went from there to the City Hall. Presented our naturalization claims. and demanded to be made immediately a “citizen.” H.P.B. was made to swear eternal affection, devotion and defence to and of the U. S. Constitution; forswore every particle of allegiance to the Russian Emperor and—was made a “Citizen” of the U. S. of America. Received her naturalization papers and went home happy. Wrote an article for “Vyestnik.”19 H.S.O. came home to dinner and then to Albany by railway on a mutual speculation with Hartmann. Will return—so he says—the day after tomorrow. General Doubleday20 came just before his departure and remained till 1/2 9. Jenny returned to sleep at 10 with her sister.
July 9. “Press,” “World,” “Times,” etc., speak of H.P.B.’s citizenship. Reporter sent by “Graphic,” at 12 to interview the old party. Mrs. and Mr. Shevitch21 to dinner, also Marble and Wimbridge. Evening,—Clark from Washington and O’Sullivan. Telegraph from H.S.O. notifying of his return from Albany. H.P.B. yielding to O’Sullivan’s botherations took a lock of black hair from her head and gave it to him.
July 10. H.S.O. turned in at 9. Passport sent from Washington with mistake in the spelling of the name. H.S.O. took it back to the city. Tropical heat, 89 d. at 11 a.m.
August 4. Went to bathe. H.S.O., E. W. Macgrath and 409 H.P.B. The latter provoked a last farewell admiration from the pious Xtians on the beach by her smoking. Passed the evening with Jennings and Mrs. Cos…. [?] at Gardiner’s Hotel. H.P.B. was given “Cooney’s” portrait. Went to bed at 1. Wimbridge wrote his letter to Hurrychund.
August 5. Got up at 4 in the morning. H.S.O., H.P.B., Wimbridge and Macgrath took train to New York. A letter from E. K. showing pretensions and being offended with Olcott for what he wrote to her about C. C. Blake.22 H.S.O. received a letter from Prof. Wyld.23 Evening to dinner, W. Q. Judge according to orders and Wimbridge. “Indu Prakash” received from India and pamphlet “Answer of Dya Nand Swamee24 to his critics.” An Italian paper from Otho Alexander25 from Corfu with article on Mazzini’s festival and a thrust to the “Fanfulla,” by Menelao.26
August 6. Olcott gone to Albany. Dictionary received from Odessa. Letters received from Mooljee Thackersey27 to H.P.B. from Hurrychund Chintamon and Shamajee Chrishnavarma.28 H. C. sends a whole package of books of the 6 philosophies.—Letter from H.S.O. to H.C. including Wimbridge’s letter sent by the latter also. Answer to Mooljee by H.P.B. Evening—Curtis came and began an article on the Swamee and the Arya Samaj. Wimbridge, then Macgrath, and finally Judge who remained to sleep. Macgrath thinks seriously of joining us and going to India. H.S.O. rec’d from H.C.C. pamphlet on Bhuts and letter.
August 7. Wimbridge to dinner. Evening, Paris and Mr. Tows.
September 11. Wimb. prepared H.P.B.’s portrait for engraving.—Marble dined with us. Then after dinner, McCarthy, Samuels, who wants to join us, Mrs. Morell and Stone (the stony spiritual idiot). Pamphlet received from Hurry C. by a Southern lady—an “old friend” of his. She —a Christian.
October 9. All day ringing of the bell. Mrs. C. Daniels came and remained two hours bothering. O’Donovan went 410 on with the sculpting. Mrs. D. made love to O’D. and the latter returned. He dined here. She went away sighing that her husband dies not. Evening. O’D. and W. and H.P.B. alone. Letters to H.S.O. and H.P.B. with portraits and official letter from Lippitt.29 Consents to accept Fellowship. Write letter the Revd. Ayton, Oxford, Vicarage.—Letter from Stainton Moses. Flapdoodle.
Neuralgia ! ! ! Will frighten it off to-night.
October 10. H.P.B. wrote article for Petersburg.—O’Donovan whole day. Mrs. O’Grady came to dinner.— Letter from Rochelle, from van der Linden.30 Enthusiastic and prepares to send his mite of $1.25 every month to the Arya Samaj. Asks whether he ought not to learn Sanskrit or Pali. Saw Rev. Hoysington the blind lecturer. Agreed with him to preach and stir up the Brahma in the West. Letter from Evans (Philadelph) want to order a Society pin (badge) for himself but is too stingy. Asks how much. Answered, and sent him off to H.S.O.— Evening. O’Donovan, O’Grady, Wm., Macgrath, Mrs. Daniels and Ayre. Kept them all in the dining room. Wrote article. Mrs. D. brought her picture. Sent a Theos. Circular to Revd. Scudder, Brooklyn, and wrote a greeting in Tamil at a corner of the envelope.
October 11. Article.—O’Donovan and plastering. Made a bunion on H.P.B.’s nose on the plaster. Dined here. After dinner Curtis came to finish article on the disposal of Palm’s ashes. Wrote in the closet room. Finished article. Began another.
No letter from H.S.O. to W.’s great surprise. Told him that H.P.B. saw one coming, which had an orange and golden atmosphere around it. O’Donovan finished his bas-relief and took it home.31 Neuralgia!! Damn it. All on account of the premature withdrawing and selling off of the carpet. Damn D—. H.P.B. wrote to Mrs. Corson.32 No use introducing her to Madame von Vay, as poor Wittgenstein33 is dead and she is with his family.
411 October 12. Letter from one who is impudent enough to sign himself M... Junior!!! What next? Prophecy fulfilled. Letter from E.K. sends a circular from Constant in Smyrna and recommends him for a Theosophist. All right. Captain Burton34 elected Fellow of the T.S. of Great Britain. Judge turned up.
Evening: Wilder came and dined. Went away at 9. H.P.B. talked with W. alone till 2 after midnight. He confessed he saw three distinct individualities in her. He knows it. Does not wish to say so to Olcott for fear H.S.O. will make fun of him!!!!!
October 13. Jenny went off at 7 leaving to Wim. a parting note. “Called away upon important business. Will be back tomorrow.” No breakfast—Wim. boiled two eggs and made coffee. Tom35 came at 10. Went off at 1 with Wim.—Wimb. came back at 3. Marble. Prepared cold dinner. At 8 Wim. went away to join Tom at theatre to hear Wilhelmj, the violinist. Louis came. Then Mr., Mrs. and Miss Lackey. H.P.B. wrote answer to the Sun, on the infamous editorial which can hurt H.S.O., make Kali36 pounce on him and Xtians refuse him their money.
Evening. Batchelor, Maynard, Wing. Mrs. Parker37 brought three Spts. Dr. Pike,—W. H. Pruden and Mrs. E. Hallet from Boston. Pike looking at H.P.B. several times, started and said that no one in the whole world impressed him as much. Once saw in H.P.B. a girl of 16, at another an old woman of 100,—and again a man with a beard!! Wim. and Tom returned at 11 from theatre. Tom is here yet with W. and O’Donovan in the dining room chatting and it is ¼ to 4 after midnight. O’Don. brought plaster cast, and it is the portrait of Mrs. Winchester!!! Will correct it tomorrow. Afraid for H.S.O. and his business.
Lackey drunk evidently.
October 14. Magnificent news! Letters from Massey38 and Billing.39 C. C. Blake at the last Theosophical meeting accused us of N. Y. and the Arya Samaj of practicing Siva worship—performing the Linga and Sakti Puja!!! What next? Wrote to C. C. M. and Wim. wrote also 412 expressing disgust. Wrote to H.S.O. to come home. H.P.B. wrote to E.K.—and this letter will be the last.
If H.S.O. not ready, I have to go.
O’Donovan dined and demanded beer.
Evening. Macgrath and his clairvoyant Doctor—a good looking female. Miss Lackey called. H.P.B. wrote to Hurry C. C. and sent copy of Massey’s letter. Let him answer.
October 15. H.P.B. wrote to Billing and Thomas—denying the calumny, and calling Carter Blake an “infamous liar.” Aired H.P.B. along the streets for two hours.
H.S.O. succeeded in writing a French postal-card. First wrote mille, very correctly, then crossed it out and put mil, which is not. His first inspiration always better. Sent to H.S.O. Massey’s and Billing’s letters. ORDERS received for him to create an indignation meeting whether in reality or fancy. On his obeying depends much. H.S.O. expects to get $5,000.
Evening. Curtis and Weisse. Looks ill. H.P.B. is afraid he won’t last long. Finished his book and mentions in it three times H.P.B.’s Isis; calls it one of the grandest productions of the 19th century.
H.P.B. sent a telegram to Massey, Athenaeum Club, London “Infernal lie”!! and paid 5 dollars in gold. Money furnished by M ...
October 16. Letter from H.S.O. Did not yet receive the registered letter with Massey and Billing’s letters. Ordered to write to him. M ... came and raved. Well, I do not wonder.
Wrote the letter to H.S.O. and Ditton.
Tom came and dined before going to theatre.
Evening. Wrote letter of profession of faith to H.C.C. Mrs. Esther Hallet, Dr. Pike, Dr. W. H. Pruden and Miss ———?, a friend of Miss Monachesi. Want to join the T.S.
Took in the afternoon Isis to Dunlop’s Express Co. with introduction letter from Curtis to Dunlop. Visited W. Q. Judge. Went with him and not having found Dunlop left the Isis to his care. Expressage to Paris only $2.—?? Got an aerial drive there and back. Saw Townsend.
413 October 17. Letter from Bouton demanding portrait. All ready. Letter from Hoisington and—Hurrychund to Olcott. Marble brought his portrait and dined. Curtis came before and is going to stay all night. Writes article for the Star on cremation. No letters from H.S.O. Found a postal card in French from—H.S.O. received apparently on Monday, and which Jenny forgot to hand to me. Wimb. found it in the kitchen. O America, oh, servants of America! H.P.B. received a newspaper from Australia Avoca Mail with her article translated from Aksakoff on Zöllner and Slade.40 Sent by Litoner or some such thing.
If H.S.O. does not write we will kill him—the heartless wretch!
October 18. H.P.B.’s article in the Sun with stupid editorial. Letters from H.S.O. to Massey and C. C. Blake. Telegraphed for Judge, he came half an hour after that.—Mrs. Daniels came and forced to send a blank application to Hayden the editor in Providence. I wrote to him for $5. Always main chance first. Tom came and upset my rest. Dined. Went away. Paid the $ initiation.
Evening passed with Wimbridge. Blues and crisles for India. Letter from Bloede, congratulating for article in the Sun.
October 19. Letter from E.K. and from H.S.O. to Swamee. H.P.B. wrote her explanation to Massey. A Miss Potter, tall, young, intellectual, daughter of a millionaire came with a card of introduction from E.K., London. Insisted upon seeing me. Lived half her life in Herbert Spencer’s family. Knows Huxley and Tyndall. Interested in theosophy, doubts Spiritualism. She and her EIGHT sisters all Materialists. Herbert Spencer read Isis and found some beautiful pages and new original ideas. She is going to write to him about H.P.B. Says that E.K. is completely under C.C.B.’s influence. Colby and a Spiritualistic idiot, both sat three hours. Colby as spoony as sugar. Wants to send us paper to India.
Dinner. Tom and O’Donovan. H.P.B. bad humour. Townsend brought letters from Judge. Sent after Maynard, 414 then they sit till 1 a.m. Saddarshana Chintanika came via Bombay and Hong Kong!! for H.S.O. and H.P.B. Time we should send them subscription money I should say.
October 20. Article in the Sun on the “Baron’s Ashes” by Curtis. Sent Hurry C.C., Revd Mohottivati,41 Otho Alexander, etc. Sent copies of official letters to Hurry C.C., and to Massey our protests. Gave all to Maynard to mail. Good Fellow.—Marble before dinner. After dinner Mr. and Mrs. Evans from Philadelphia, Mrs. Parker,—Linda Dietz,—Curtis, O’Donovan, Maynard and Tom. Tom bought owl and paid for it. Evans said that H.S.O.’s business proceeded very fairly. He dined at Mathews and has prospect of work for $200. Good job. Linda Dietz wants to join Theosophy. Sent Tom’s $5 to Hurry C. by Maynard. Couldn’t help telling Wimb. that I felt H.S.O. coming home—his atmosphere very close. He ought to be very near coming. 2 a.m. now, therefore my prophecy is not for Sunday. Well we will see tomorrow. Wimb. thinks not.
October 21. No letter from Mr. Olcott. Spiritualist announcing death of Prince E. Wittgenstein, and copying our Rules of the Arya Samaj in full, without commentaries.
The Sun gives a short thrust to the Baron’s ashes but speaks rather flatteringly than otherwise.
Telegram from Moloney.—Means to sleep at home tonight. Therefore I was right to feel the old boy near. Atmosphere does not agree with ME. As for H.P.B. splendid.
Letters from India, from H.C.C. to H.P.B., to Wimb. and H.S.O. Letter from Mooljee to H.P.B. and papers. Dear H.C.C. is he not bamboozled. Books safe. H.S.O. returned from Philadelphia. Has good hopes.
October 22. Instead of going to business at 9—H.S.O. went at 12. Visits came—Mrs. Hallet and Mr. Somebody.—None received. Won’t have them. O’Donovan came and had dinner with us. After dinner Harrisse.—H.P.B. left them all in the dining room and retired with H.S.O. in the library to write letters. H.S.O. wrote to Hurrychund and Miss E. Kislingbury. Narayan42 left watch—and in came Sahib.43
415 The latter with orders from Serapis44 to complete all by first days of December. Not to change one particle of Blodget’s plans, etc. Well,—H.S.O. is just playing his great final stake.
October 23. And playing it successfully so far. Got names of 13 of best men in N. Y. to a carefully drawn paper which is to be used to help form the Syndicate and to secure the appointment from the alleged President. Sent papers to Blodget for his approval.
Tom Cowell dined with us and was seen to the theatre by Wimb. who went then to the Tile Club.45
Evening. Came Mr., Mrs. and Miss Lakey, and a Lieutenant Harkins, 2nd Infantry, U.S.A., who has read Isis and seems a decent sort of fellow.
October 24. Waiting to hear Blodget’s decision about change of Syndicate paper.
Went to see Belle and found her poorly. She moves to Orange to live next Tuesday.
Curtis dined with us and worked on article on Mme. Shevitch.
Evening. Received Pall Mall Gazette on Oct. 9 and 11 with C. C. Blake’s Jesuitical insult to the Arya Samaj and C. C. Massey’s defence of that Society.
H.P.B. wrote H.C.C. about this, enclosing copies of the two paragraphs and of letter today received from Blake accepting Diploma of T.S. of A.S.! !
She also wrote Blake a stinging letter in reply to same, and sent copy to H.C.C.
I wrote H.C.C. to send Donald Kennedy’s Saddarshana Chintanika to care Baring Bros. and Co., London, and postal card to Massey to send Spst of Apr. 12 (fakir portrait) to H.C.C.
Friday October 25. The Syndicate slowly germinates.
O’Donovan, Wimb., H.P.B. and I were at dinner when Jenny brought in a letter from Massey, left at the moment by the postman. Before it came, H.P.B. announced its coming and nature, and when I received it and before the seal was broken she said it contained a letter from Dr. Wyld, and read that too, without looking at it. Massey’s 1st page contained a message to me from the Divine Brother,46 so I returned that page to Massey with a narration of particulars and Wimb’s certificate added.
H.P.B. wrote letter to Wyld, and others to Carter Blake and C.C.M.
Visitors. Mrs. Barranco and Mr. Thompson—the latter a big, two-fisted medium.
416 October 26. Germination continues.
Received two letters from C.C.M. about Blake matter, one enclosing a letter of B.’s as Jesuitical as possible, and also B.’s second paragraph in P.M. Gazette of 13th.
Evening. Visitors. G. V. Maynard, D. L. Pike (healer), Capt. David Dey, Mrs. Bacon (of Boston), Mrs. Gridley an ex-professional medium, Mrs. Hallett of Boston, and Mons. Frank Daulte, Private Secretary to Chief Justice Daly of the Court of Common Pleas. M. Daulte made application and was initiated into T.S.
October 27. The Sabbath! The Lord’s (not Lord Beaconfield’s) Day.
“This is the Day the Lord has made. He calls the hours His own.”
Worked like the devil all day at cooking, setting the table, washing dishes, etc.
Wrote H.C.C. more about Blake case, sending him extracts from correspondence bet. Massey and Blake, and C.C.M.’s comments on “the little Brown Man.”
H.P.B. wrote Massey and sent copies of the Sun, containing my reply to the Pall Mall Gazette article on the A.S., as well as the Sun’s own Editorial of the previous day, to H.C.C. and others.
Evening. Mrs. Daniels, Marble, O’Donovan, Tom, Mr. Shinn. Delivered to Mrs. Daniels her Diploma and also that of D. F. Hayden, Editor of the Providence Press, Prov., R.I. Gave her a paper empowering her to initiate Mr. Hayden.
Shinn and others looked over all the photo. albums.
October 28. Canvassing for Syndicate continued. Good prospects.
Evening. O’Donovan. Wimb., Ranee and I went to Broadway Theatre to see Miss Von Stamwitz in “Messalina. Empress of Rome.” Comical. Afterwards. Wrote letter to Ed., Pall Mall Gazette threatening to publish the story of the little Brown Man if he didn’t do the square thing. Also to C.C.M. forwarding the above and requesting him to hand it personally to Greenwood.
October 29. Canvassing continued. Brewster and Co., join Syndicate. Frank Daulle called.
Evening. Went to Union Sq. Theatre to see “Mother and Son.” Saw Tom for the first time on the stage. Looked her part well.
Sent photo No. 2 of group to Mohottiwatte Gunananda and Otho Alexander.
October 30. Judge in the morning. All day alone.
Dinner. Tom and Linda Dietz, O’Donovan.
Evening. H.S.O. gone to Philadelphia. H.P.B. remained alone with Charles 47 who purred all the evening near the fire. Wimb. went Tile Club and returned at 1 a.m.
417 October 31. Ditson—letter and photo sent from Albany.—Judge writes to Dear—wants to know whether his vision of a party come to bribe him into betraying the T.S. was a reality. And whether Poodi’s bell, who rang his chimes on his upper lip was sent by any of us. Answered both. Went to see Macgrath and Wimb. Came back and found A. Wilder and Prof. Woodward of the Medical College. Latter got enchanted by H.P.B.’s unsophisticated graces and both remained to dinner. Then after dinner came Marquette and took her diploma. Went away. Wimb. sick—got the chills. Daulte came and passed evening, then Batchelor and Tomlinson. No letters.
November 1. A postal card from H.S.O.—When can I get Curtis to write about Sosiosh.48 No one whole day. Wimb. bad cold, remained at home. Dined alone with him, thank goodness! Evening five double bells and no one,—mistake, except another card from H.S.O.; wants his black leather portfolio with certificates. Sent with Wimb. by express. H.P.B. finished her article for Pravda.
November 2. H.S.O. writes to say he comes back.—Thus his black portfolio need not be sent to Philadelphia. H.P.B. went to 60th St. 23 to see Mrs. Rhine but found her not for she went to try and get brother to 18th Street at Mr. Pollock—her brother-in-law. Talked with Mrs. Barnett an hour or so, and then H.P.B. returned home on foot through the Park. Lovely day. Sat under the trees near the pond and caught chill.
Came home at 3 and found Belle Mitchell—poor, dear soul! Miss Bates came home. Letter from Hurrychund. Thinks we are going directly and writes but two words. Well . . . Vediamo!
H.S.O. turned up at 7 and reports good progress. A friend of Wim’s, Mr. Gus Petri, came. He is a kind-hearted psychological fellow. Has gift of prophecy and vision. Foretold H.P.B.’s death at sea suddenly. Doubted that she would reach Bombay. Hinted shipwreck for us all, in which Wim and I would be saved and H.P.B. lost! Goak!
418 November 3. Wrote business letters to further Syndicate affair.
Evening. Tom, Batchelor, O’Donovan, Marble and the Bombay quartette.
November 4. Secured subscriptions of Brewster & Co., and Valentine & Co., T. C. Howell & Co., leather, offered me a consignment of $500 worth of leather. Or that if I got them one order from Bombay or Calcutta they would subscribe.
Evening. Batchelor, Curtis and the Bombay 4.
Today received Curtis’s article on Dyanand Saraswati in Rev. Dr. Deems’ “Sunday Magazine.”
November 5. Silence. Letter from Evans, wants to come on Monday and be initiated. Answered.
Evening.—Dr. Pike.
November 6. Mrs. Thompson came. Sniffled. H.P.B. “guessed” wouldn’t buy anything more.
Evening. Wim. went to Tile Club. Alone with Miss Bates.
November 7. Worked all day. Letter from Otho Alexander. Letters from Hurry Ch. Sends portraits of various princes and “Fellows.” Holkar’s also. Says he grows with every day fonder of H.P.B. Curtis dinner; writes article for Herald on the four Saviours.
Evening. Curtis, Harrisse—Daulte brings portrait and self-writing pen.—Jack Passit, gave diploma to him and made him pay $5. Promised to bring rich man to give toward fund of the Arya Samaj.
No letters from Junior.
November 8. Letter from Junior—not a damned thing in it. Curtis came at 12 and wrote his article on the 4 Saviours for Herald. Lunch: Letters from Massey—E. K.—declares she will stick by C.C.B. and asks mercy for him!! She be damned. Massey dissatisfied because the Billings, Wyld and Thomas won’t have C.C.B. for a Fellow. Letter from Thomas; a good and honest one. Sent both to Hurrychund. Wrote to him—answer.
Evening.—All alone—only Maynard. Worked.
November 9. Body sick and no hot water to bathe it. Nice caboose. Worked all day. Belle Mitchell came and kept company with us for three hours—dear and pure soul.
419 Letter from Junior. Becomes a lecturer. Aye. Returns Monday. It’s time; and leaves half-things undone in Boston. So says—Senior.49 Evening. The sad Gay lord, from Brooklyn. Assembly of women. Mrs. Haskell with Mrs. Longstreet—a literary lady,—Dr. Pike with Mrs. Mary Don and Mrs. L. L. Denny from Georgia South. Then Mrs. Hallet. Miss Bates saved me by entertaining them.
November 10. Morning.—Maynard called and brought his little girl. Dinner 3.
After dinner Marble,—Curtis,—Pike,—Blackmore, Mrs. Hallet,—Tom.
Evening ditto. Pike fell into a trance and gave flapdoodle. Curtis played at Manfred. No Peck. Botheration of a cold.
Pike asked Miss B. whether H.P.B. had money; then whether Wim. could lend him some. Having received negative answers to all his questions he departed disgusted.
November 11. Very big cold.—Afternoon at 5 p.m. a man came; would not allow Jenny to announce him and gave no name; forced himself after her, and introduced himself—very strangely. An old, respectable white-haired party. As soon as seated, he mildly declared that he had come to subpoena H.P.B. in the Vanderbilt case!! H.P.B. told him she did not know the Commodore, never saw him. Yet, the old party served her with a paper in which the “people of New York State” commanded the new citizen to appear in the court of the Surrogate and say all she knew; after which he delivered to her on behalf of “the people” a silver dollar, gave hell to Beecher, and said the old Commodore was no better, paid compliments, said that Mr. Lord had charged him to tell H.P.B. that they would give her “plenty of money” if she helped them to win the case and—departed.
Evans of Washington did not come.
November 12. Fearful sleepless night on account of the cold and coughing. Got up at 8, sent for a carriage and went 258 Broadway to Lord’s office; was received politely and 420 cuddled; declared (H.P.B.) she knew nothing; but was asked to remember, and try to think of something!! Was asked to go to court, and promised money again.
H.P.B. went to court and produced sensation being seated on witness’s chair. William Vanderbilt and lawyers stared at her all the time. Would not swear on the Bible and declared herself a—heathen. Disgusted went away. Vanderbilt’s lawyer ran after her, and tried to make friends; was sent to Hell. Her carriage was followed by another carriage. Will wait developments. Judge at dinner.
Evening Mr. and Mrs. O’Sullivan. Theological and anti-Christian conversation. H.P.B. played a trick on them by suddenly fainting to the great dismay of Bates and Wim. Used the greatest willpower to put up the body on its legs.
Letter from C. Daniels. Wants biography for a series of Boston Index or something else of articles on H.P.B.
November 13. Moloney back.
Brought letters from H.C.C. and Shyamjee.—Sick. Answered letters. Miss Bates posted letter to Vera Jelihovsky50 and H. C. Chintamon. Marble took off the canopy and made himself generally useful.
November 14. Same.
Curtis at dinner.
Evening. Dr. Pike and Mrs. Hallet. Gaylord came in for a moment. Naray decamped and Morya walked in—broken finger and all. Came with definite orders from Serapis. Have to go; the latest from 15 to 20th Dec. Wimb. bothered by lawsuit, very gloomy.
Declared intentions to Bates and Wim. Taffy—Bates going to London before us. On the 1st probably.
O God, O Indra of the golden face! Is this really the beginning and the end!
November 15. Cobb spent the evening with me in the dining-room, but would not see H.P.B.
November 16. Curtis to dine and got points for Sun article on the auction.
Maynard and Dr. Baruch, a mystical Hebrew physician. A strange, 421 very strange man. Has a prescience as to visitors’ death and a spiritual insight as to disease. Old, thin, stooped; his thin, fine, grizzled hair stands out every way from his noble head. Rouges his cheeks to relieve their natural pallor. Has a habit of throwing his head far back and looking up into space, as he listens or converses. His complexion waxen, skin transparent and as thin as tissue paper. Wears thin Summer clothes in the depth of winter, Peculiar habit to say, when answering: “Vell, see he-ere, tee-ar!”
November 17. Visitors evening. Curtis, Dr. Pike, Mrs. Hallet, Mr. Dye (Nibs—the Infant Prodigy), Tom Cowell, Linda Dietz, O’Donovan, M... read the girls’ fortunes in cards (?) to their considerable astonishment.
November 18. Letters today from C.C.M., Carter Blake (2), Palmer Thomas, Dr. Wyld (with his photo), O. Alexander, and others.
November 19. To dinner Paris (just back from Colorado) and Marble besides our quartette.
Evening. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard, Mrs. Dr. Edward Bradley, escorted by Batchelor, Curtis and Marble.
Dad pulled out and gave Taffy a lock of hair—the kind that looks to the missionaries like the edge of a thundercloud! Major Poud-hi rang his bell for the first time in months.
November 20. Letter from Mr. Blodget encouraging me about Syndicate and promising that the papers shall be forthcoming from Washington.
H.P.B. received from Revd. W. Ayton, Vicar of Chacombe, Eng., the MSS of his translation of J. Trithemius’s prophecies.
Evening: Held the Vedic ceremony of casting the Baron de Palm’s ashes into the sea. A highly interesting episode. Our mysterious Hindoo Brother ... was present with his helper [. . .]51 H.S.O. cast the ashes into the waters of N. Y. Bay at exactly 7:45 p.m.
November 21. Wim. in trouble from a blackmailing lawyer in the matter of the Photo Plate Co.
In Sun, Curtis’s description of the ash ceremony of last evening. Evening Telegram copies it and pretends it is its own enterprise that secured it! Taffy52 all astral tears from dread of Wim.’s being arrested. Orders from Headquarters to sail on December 7th or 17th, and to pack up at once.
Evening. Mr. Daulte and Batchelor here. The former put $3 silver into Arya Samaj fund.
November 22. Wim. dodging the sheriff’s writ and baffling the blackguards who want to lock him up. Curtis dined and worked on his article on the auction at the Lamasery.
Two spiritualists called but were turned off. No other visitors.
422 Bought Taffy’s ticket to Liverpool by the Wisconsin Tuesday next—Price $30.
November 23. Sent third and last photograph to Mohottiwatte Gunananda and Otho Alexander. Mrs. Fowler-Wells called in the evening and confided to us certain designs of old Joe Buchanan which make me laugh. His game is so transparent.
November 24. All hands packing trunks preparatory to Taffy’s departure tomorrow evening.
Evening. Mr., Mrs. and Miss Lakey, Batchelor, Mrs. Hallett, Mr. Shinn, Macgrath, 3 Italians (one the friend of Chaille Long).
November 25. Skirmishers to the front! Taffy went aboard ship this evening, and Wim. and I in parting left her in tears. Mr. A. H. Underhill, Freight Manager of the Guion Line was aboard and kindly interfered with the ship’s officers to have Taffy well looked after. Two trunks of H.P.B.53 went by same vessel to L’pool to await our arrival.
O’Donovan and A. Gustam dined with us, and after dinner they two and Wim. and I measured heights of body sitting on the floor backs against wall. I never saw this curious experiment before, and was amused and surprised at the result. Wim’s legs were 5 or 6 inches longer than Gustam’s and mine, while his body was more than half a head shorter.
November 26. Had a delightful interview with Mrs. Willcox, who feels the same as ever and will be a most useful ally in a certain quarter. News from Hartmann that Westbook has decided the Albany case in favour of the Receiver. Thus two card prophecies made last evening of Taffy are already fulfilled.
Wrote Mooljee to receive samples of goods shipped by the Syndicate to his care.
November 27. Bright prospects for Syndicate. Had a very valuable talk with Henry Lewis about Reading R. Rd contribution and at his request wrote him a letter to lay before the Reading Board.
Evening. Call from James R. Heenan of the National Assd Press, 145 Broadway, on behalf of the Boston Globe, and gave him the points about the Holmes mediums (?). Batchelor also called. Wim. at Tile Club.
November 28. Thanksgiving Day—and my last in the U.S.
I dined with Emmet R. Olcott54 at 2 and took the 4½ p.m. boat for Fall River.
Wim. brought Pietri and Macgrath to dinner. H.P.B. had dinner at 3.
423 Marble turned in, and as Jenny55 went away made himself as useful as he is ornamental.
Evening. Pietri laid out cards for H.P.B. Prognosticated delay for departure but safe arrival to Bombay. Also death through murder for H.P.B. in 8 years, at the age of 90 (!!). Nothing like clairvoyance.
Mrs. Haskell—and daughter, a Mrs. Parsons, and Dr. Pike. Talked H.P.B. to death.
From 10½ alone with Wim. Go to bed directly. Paid Jenny 5.
November 29. Morning.—Letters from Mrs. Daniels, a Mr. J. D. Dr. Buck, Cincinnati, 305 Rose St.—wants to join Society (answered and circular sent), and Wilder.
Had seven letters to write and no money and no stamps. Had to call Sahib.—Got fearfully mad.—Well, it is no fault of mine. Alas! poor “Junior”—if he only knew what he does not know. If he reads this—let him remember—à bon entendeur salut. M... gave 50 cents for stamps. Answered the Russian aunt; Buck, Wilder, Daniels—wrote for portraits to Hayden and Brown. Wrote Judge likewise.
Dinner. Enlivened by a telegram from Judge to Wimb. Tells him “to wait for him early in the morning, important news”;—perhaps arrest! If so, Wimb. will have to clear out before us to London. Let him go to France.
Evening. Blues—crisles and other piggish feelings.— Our solitary Curtis—rang dumb-waiter bell at nearly 11. Told that Dana was opposed to having a new article about “the Madam”—and so Curtis took his article on the “Lottery in the Lamasery” to the World.
November 30. Belle Mitchell came at 12, and took away the Sahib for a walk and drive. Went to Macy’s. Had to materialize rupees. H.P.B. came home at 4. No one at dinner but Paris.
After dinner. Paris signed an application and went off with his violin to a party. Wim. also went off and returned at 2 p.m.
424 Evening. Maynard—helped the orphlin to pass time and made himself generally useful. Mrs. Wells came and brought a heap of Phrenol. Journals.
A letter brought from Judge by Wimbridge from office. H. C. Chintamon writes a declaration of love and sends official letter to the Council through H.P.B. Snubs them all very politely.
Letter from E. Kislingbury with resignation in it. Too Christian! Too Blakian I should say. Oh this villainous brood! When shall we be rid of it!
December 1. About—from 17 to 23 days left. We will see how the Junior will be ready!
Morning, H.P.B. in bath, heard H.S.O.’s melodious voice—the Junior had returned from Providence. Got “Tool Company” to sign for $500. Saw Hayden, the latter coming here Saturday.
Furniture and rest must be sold or disposed of before the 12th. ORDERS.
Dinner. The faithful Marble turned in. Now O’Donovan and Batchelor. Who next? H.P.B. answered H.C.C. Bombay. He will receive the letter a fortnight before her arrival. All right.
Evening. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard, “Tom,” Marble, Batchelor, O’Donovan, Curtis, Col. Chaille Long.
December 2. Letters from H. J. Billing,—Palmer Thomas, and a fool from Chicago—Stanley Sexton, 2 Park Row.—The latter demands to join the T.S. and to take “three times three” degrees from the first. Enquires whether H.P.B. saw or felt this magnetic subject’s double five months ago. The ass! Answered all the letters.
Fearful rain. Wimb. did not go to the office but lounged in the arm chair by H.P.B.’s side and slept soundly. H.S.O. gone this morning to Philadelphia. His last and conclusive trip he says. Well—may I.—speed him.57 Paris at dinner.
Evening. A Mr. Thompson from Montreal, Ex-clergyman 425 whose eyes were opened to the fraud of Xtianity; who read Isis, “learned much in it,” and was bound to see its author. Harrisse came, disgusted at Thompson’s serious talk, walked off into dining-room and retired early. Found the Rosy Cross Jewel58 missing from the bureau drawer. Know who took it. It will come back.59 Daulte came in late and put $3 into Arya Samaj fund. Noble man!
December 3. Letters from Evans (Wash.) gushes—flap-doodles and winds up by saying that it is his kismet fate to join us in India. Went for Sahib’s errand today.
Marble brought album, and fixed day for auction sale on Tuesday next Dec. 10. Judge at dinner.
Evening. Letter postal card from Miss Ellen Burr—sends 10 copies with Mrs. D’s article in. Profession of regret at departure. Curtis, Judge, Wimb., and H.P.B. produces a charm.—Mrs. Wells comes for her talisman; receives it; makes a present of a new book with H.P.B.’s portrait in it as a Lama. Wimb. decorates it with moustache and beard. H.P.B. gives to Mrs. Wells the two vases.
December 4. 10 copies of Hartford Daily Times at hand. Gushing and flattering article. Sent copies to Bombay, London—(Massey and Thomas), Corfu and Washington to disconsolate Evans. Postal card from Ammi Brown. Will send photo,—if not ready—to India.—Postal card from H.S.O., writes of great success—went last night to Washington. Vediamo. Last night Judge slept here. H.P.B. went out for postage stamps—another third row with Sahib.
Cheek swollen again. A row with Jenny. Claims $9 owed her by H.S.O. from Wim. and H.P.B. Neither could satisfy her. W. gave her $2, and she swore that her landlord would put her on sidewalk. Can’t help it. Somewhat able to get money for “body” and our needs—for Jenny—no orders. Wrote to Miss F. E. Burr asking for portrait and thanking for papers.
Dinner. Telegram from W. Q. Judge to Wimb. “Motion denied,” etc. W. in despair and prison crisles again. Time to clear out.
426 Evening. Mrs. Haskell of 116 West 29th St. with daughter, a young girl studying medicine; brought a Mrs. Elizabeth K. Churchill from Providence, editorial writer—going to write us up, and Miss Alice C. Fletcher, and Dr. Bennett, a psychic Doctor (whatever it means). Mrs. Haskell invites H.P.B. after breaking up home to come and sleep at her home and pass a few days with her.—Letters from Hurrychund.
December 5. Judge came early. The only thing he asks Wimb. to do is to keep quiet till his departure; but our Don Quixote cannot promise it. Well, if he gets into jail it will be his own fault, and then—good-bye. No waiting. Letter from Junior to M. Has good hopes of making his entrée into Bombay with the Govt. seal stamped upon his back side.60 Vediamo. Got samples of ore for M...—so much the less trouble for [ . . . ]61
Letter from Mrs. Ames. Supplicates to come and see her. Says her Ned is overjoyed at the idea. Don’t feel like it— don’t feel at all! Taffy in Liverpool, we suppose.—12 days more! Marble came. Carpentering over the broken chair to make it look respectable at the auction sale.
Sale Tuesday next. He passed the whole afternoon preparing all, hanging picture frames and taking notes. Good and honest soul. Wimb. went away after dinner to pack up. H.P.B. remained alone with Marble, then came Daulte and remained till 12.
December 6. A letter from Richard and Boag informing of the arrival from Russia of a parcel. Went down town with Wimb.
Just come from Rich. and Boag. Received Mme. Jelihovsky’s book and papers; also letter stating in despair that no parcel had arrived yet from America! And this on the 29th of October, five months after it was sent!! Olcott has to see, or get insurance money back.
We got cold again, I think. Oh, unfortunate, empty, rotten old body!
After dinner Wimb. was sorely surprised by the arrival 427 of Sinclair and Moses. Thought they were going to arrest him. They came for a compromise. If he does not make a fool of himself he will be free of all trouble tomorrow.—He plays his last card. Evening. Pike and Hallet. Wimb. went to his office. When at 12 they wanted to go home, the door downstairs could not be opened! Latch and knob were broken. They returned and sat till 2. At last H.P.B. suggested that a policeman should be called through kitchen window, and he broke door and so liberated them. Wimb. came home half past two.
December 7. No letters from H.S.O. A letter from Miss Ellen F. Burr, with a dollar enclosed in it for my portrait. Cannot give hers as it always represents her as if drunk. Wants me to write for their paper from India. Have to go and have some made today. Letter from Billing—says a voice was heard in their drawing-room which told them there were but four theosoph. in London who should be taught by him theosophy,—when asked who he was answered: “One of the Brothers from India.” Thomas was present. Judge came this morning. Last night went to Tiflis, and learnt that parcel was just received finally, and that Mme. Jelihovsky had sold her bird for 30 roubles! She must have been starving. Wimb. wound up matters—all safe now. Sold monkey and brought money. H.P.B. with Marble the whole day preparing for auction. Bought a stateroom trunk, 4 doll. Had photos taken $3 a dozen. Evening. Letters from Otho Alexander, Nicolaides and three for Olcott. Marble, Batchelor and Thompson from Montreal.
December 8. Miss Potter came and she, H.P.B. and Wimb. went all to photographer. H.P.B. was taken with Wim., a group!! Miss Potter will call on Tuesday again. We write from the closet room, anciently occupied by H.S.O. where Marble drove us in under the pretext of auction. Sent Stars with Curtis’ article on H.P.B.’s lottery to 428 Hurrychund, Mooljee, Thomas and Otho Alexander, also letter to Vera Jelihovsky. Pike was first to make his appearance—and welcome; for Jenny went away at three, and Marble drove me nearly crazy fidgeting. Evening Visitors. Blackmore and Clough—latter wants his diploma. Then Curtis, Maynard with a Captain Hommons (a mystic and seer and a Rosicrucian). Then Tom, with Wimb. and O’Donovan, finally Paris broke gas lamp and carried off lots of rubbish—Marble went to sleep on four chairs with no mattress in dining room. Tomorrow good-bye all. But—will H.S.O. be ready? That’s the question. One, only one week more! God help him if he fails . . . . [ . . . . . ]62
December 9. Went to bed at four and was aroused at 6—thanks to Marble, who locked the door and Jennie could not get in. Got up breakfasted and went off to meet [ . . . . ]63—Battery. Came home at 2. Most infernal row and hullaballoo at auction. All went for a song, as they say in America. If Marble surpassed himself in kindness he did the same in zeal. He sold at auction Levi’s,—the landlord’s three window shades for 50 cents ! ! ! Curtis came to look out for an article on the sale. Levi the landlord came and demanded his money believing H.P.B. was going away with the furniture. The grocer insulted Jenny and saying that over $100 being due to him he would not trust for one penny more. Elegant.— Auctioneer took big clock—promised to sell for 60 dollars. Capt. Hommons came with Maynard,—gave N: 64 the grip and password of the Madagascar [ . . . . ]65 and therefore was accepted as a Fellow, signed the obligation, paid Maynard $5 initiation to be sent to Hurrychund and went off. 5 o’clock—Everything gone. Baron de Palm—adieu. Evening. Curtis came to write article. Marble prostrated. Wimb. gone office.—Evans from Philadelphia turns up to fetch me! Impossible. Suddenly H.S.O. makes his 429 appearance. Bosses and patronises Wimb. at night until the latter becomes raving mad! H.S.O. calls the [ . . . .] 66 “old horse.”
December 10. We breakfast on a board three inches wide. Letter from Daniels and Evans. Article in Herald “Mad. Blavatsky” appears. A reporter from the Graphic comes to interview H.P.B. Is respectfully begged to go to the devil. H.P.B. writes to Buck, Cincinnati,—to Ellen Burr, Hartford,—and to Hyde and sends him back his diploma. Two rich Jewesses, Mrs. and Miss Hoymen, produce a sudden siege and force themselves in. She wants to join the Society and signs application. Evening. H.S.O. lends M ... 100 dollars.
December 11. Letters from Miss Burr. Marble flap-doodling all day. Visitors, visitors, visitors. H.S.O. lends Morya $100. Went out on a jamboree with Judge.
December 12. Letters,—from everywhere. H.S.O. goes Orange to Belle. and H.P.B. has teeth extracted and does not go. Send replies and buy things. Evening.—Curtis comes and invites to Fulton’s theatre. Tom at dinner, and brings album. Marble flapdoodles and fidgets—sets me mad. Harrisse after dinner. Dr. Weisse brings his new book on philology and we remain at home. Doulton Fulton and the son of Stephen Pearl Andrews! H.S.O. does not go to sleep at all and
December 13. [H.S.O.] goes to Menloe Park to Edison67 about phonograph. H.P.B. sick; telegraphs to Belle Mitchell who comes from Orange and passes day with her. Visitors, visitors. Articles in all papers. Mrs. Wells is initiated. Mrs. Ames comes with daughter and is also initiated. Curtis. Our photographs brought. Sent to Miss Burr to Thomas and Wyld, England. Orders—go from Philadelphia. Kali suspects departure and thinks of arresting H.S.O. He receives his regular nomination from the Govt. and appointed commissioner with 430 special passport. He has to go to Phil. on Monday or Tuesday too. Never return to New York. Judge and Wim. and H.S.O. and Morya in consultation till 4 a.m.
December 14. H.S.O. gone off early. Wimb. and Judge trying to help H.P.B. Today the trunks must go.—They do go—care of Hur. Chund, Bombay. So much the less. Tales feeling a sudden love for H.P.B. sends carriage and boy after her. Positive refusal.—Miss Potter came and wants to join Theosophical. Promises to send $5. Vediamo. Marble comes and—H.P.B. falls asleep. H.S.O. returns with phonograph weighing 100 pounds. General Doubleday came.—Went away as he came. Wimb. on a jamboree with tile club men again. He takes it easy. Poor H.S.O. had barely the time to swallow three spoonfuls of soup and went off. H.P.B. dines alone with Charles purring and Marble jabbering. H.S.O. will have to go to Philadelphia. We send trunks by train on Monday night; and go—when H.S.O. writes he is ready. Wise determination of “old Horse.” Marble—fidgeted and sent telegram to A. C. Wilder. Tile Club gave Wimb. a dinner at Monico’s Hotel. Wimb. DRANK. Olcott back at 10—and passed evening writing letters. Sent Edison’s photo to Constant [inople], Corfu and London. Phonograph whistles.68
December 15. Whole day packing up. Dinner. Paris, Wimb., Tom, Marbles and Gustam. Evening. Two Judges—Wm. and John.—The latter initiated. Wilder,—Dr. Weisse, Shin and Ferris, Two brothers Langham, Clough,—Curtis. Griggs came from Connect. to be initiated. O’Sullivan and Johnston of the phonograph. All sent speeches to the Brothers in India. Mrs. Wells, Mrs. Ames and daughter, Maynard, O’Donovan and a painter who came with Mrs. Ames. Edison was represented by E. H. Johnson.
431 December 16. Packing up. H.P.B. went to O.’s office and destroyed papers. Changed money into English bank notes. Met at office Maynard, Marble, Griggs. Olcott came home after. Wimb. disappeared till 2 p.m. Evening. Brosnan, brought presents to Olcott, Wilder, Dr. Gunn and Dr. Campbell, O’Sullivan and wife, Tomlinson, Maynard and wife. Letters from Massey, Taffy and Billing.
December 17. Great day! Olcott packed up. At 10 he thought going to Phil. At 12 [ . . . . ]69 stepped in and— as he [H.S.O.] would have no more money coming, and received his last $500 from Reading Co.—he concluded to send him off from New York tomorrow or the day after. Bouton came and gave three copies.—Dr. Weisse brought two copies also for the Bombay and Calcutta papers. Marble fidgeted but made himself useful. Tom the whole day. What next? All dark—but tranquil.
Olcott returned at 7 with three tickets for the British steamboat the “Canada.” Wrote letters till 11½. Curtis and Judge passed the evening. Maynard took H.P.B. to dinner to his home. She returned home at 9. Maynard made a present of a tobacco pouch. Charles lost ! !71 At nearly 12 H.S.O. and H.P.B. took leave of the chandelier72 and drove off in a carriage to the steamer, leaving Marble to sleep at home and wait for Wimbridge who was taking leave of Tom until a very late hour.
December 18. Passed last night on the “Canada.” Got frozen, sleeping in wet blankets and passed a sleepless night, but S———— 73 had the best of us and we did leave the American soil on the 17th. H.P.B. in trances of fear for H.S.O. (Kali) and Wimb. (Sinclair) who both had a right to prevent their leaving America—till the moment of departure. Instead of leaving at 11 the steamer left at 2½. Both Judges came on board. Curtis, Paris, O’Donovan,
Mac Grath, Tom. Maynard brought H.P.B. a silver tankard with the initials—Good fellow. Tom remained with O’Donovan till the last moment. Touching scene. He on deck she waiting on wharf. Poor girl, she really felt for us. At last we sailed off at 3,—ran three or four miles and— dropped anchor off Coney Island waiting for tide. H.P.B. who had begun breathing collapsed in fear again for Kali might hearing of H.S.O. departure on the 19th send after him, etc., etc. No real fear, but great exhaustion in order to ward off danger from H.S.O. Evening. Made acquaintance with a Mrs. Wise, Capt. and Mrs. Payton, a Revd. and a young Mr. Wansborough. After tea theological dispute with the Rev.
December 19. Magnificent day. Clear, blue cloudless but—devilish cold. Fits of fear lasted till 11 (the body is difficult to manage—Spirit strong but flesh very weak). At last at 121/2 the pilot took the steamer across the Sandy Hook bar. Fortunately we did not get stuck in the sand.
(No danger of that. O.)
All day eating—at 8, 12, 4 and 7. H.P.B. eats like three hogs. Wrote letters to Judge, Billing—London and Brosnan. Wimb. wrote to Tom. Yesterday morning Judge brought to me on the steamer Hurrychund’s letter of Nov. 18, the last I will receive from him in America. (How very wise!)
December 20. Still splendid weather, wind abaft, and sea very quiet. Slight motion to ship, but not enough to speak of. Yet H.P.B. the only woman at table. Last eve after tea had my first set-to with the Revd. Sturge (who has a mouth like a sturgeon). He’s an eloquent, oily chap but apparently an easy antagonist to handle. The debate drew from Capt. Payton the admission that missionaries were an unmitigated nuisance. He believed they caused the Sepoy Mutiny.
December 21. Good weather. Little motion. Monotonous and stupid. Several tugs with the Revd. Sturge. Eating all day.
December 22. Weather changed. Wind and gale. Rain and fog. Came pouring into the saloon skylarks [? sky- 434 lights]. Everyone seasick except Mrs. Wise and H.P.B. Captain Payton and the Revd played piano and Moloney sang songs.
December 23. The same. Only Moloney and Wimb. sick and flapdoodle all day. Weather cleared up. Evening. After a beautiful day, a fearful gale. Captain telling fearful stories of shipwreck and drowning the whole evening. Mrs. Wise and Mrs. Payton frightened out of their wits.
December 24. Night of tossing and rolling. H.S.O. sick in bed.—Monotonous, stupid, wearisome. Oh for the land —oh for India and home!