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vol. 3, p. 154
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 3 (1875-1878)


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< Strange Powers Manifested. – Physical Effects Produced by Spirit of a Mesmeric Sensitive (continued from page 3-153) >

powers are possessed by the spirits of mediums while their bodies are entranced, and what results may they not possibly produce under the influence of the wills of the observers, if not by their own volition, in the other state of consciousness? Scores of arguments both for and against the spirit theory may be founded upon the valuable mass of new facts which is coming in like a flood upon the students of psychology.

A Reincarnated Baby


Grace Greenwood

Her Opinion of Mediums and of Spiritualism


A New Religion


Queen Victoria and the Spiritual Phenomena


Editor's notes

  1. image by unknown author
  2. A Reincarnated Baby by unknown author (signed as W***, Emily de)
  3. Grace Greenwood by unknown author
  4. A New Religion by unknown author
  5. Queen Victoria and the Spiritual Phenomena by unknown author