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from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 8, p. 258
vol. 8 (September 1878 - September 1879)
page 258


  • HPB note
  • HPB highlighted
  • HPB underlined
  • HPB crossed out
  • <Editors note>
  • <Archivist note>
  • Lost or unclear
  • Restored
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SB, v. 8, p. 258, inlay, back



On India's Coral Strand

Ierophant Olcott's Observations of a Primitive people


Autograph of Charles Farrar Browne


  1. article by unknown author, Deccan Star, The, 20 July, 1879
  2. Artemus Ward at Cleveland by unknown author
  3. article by unknown author
  4. article by unknown author, Deccan Star, The, 20 July, 1879
  5. On India's Coral Strand by unknown author, Sun, The, Monday, July 7, 1879
  6. Autograph of Charles Farrar Browne by unknown author