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from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 7, p. 165
vol. 7 (March-September 1878)
page 165


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< Retrospect of the Session of Fortnightly Spiritualistic Discussion Meetings, 1877-1878 (continued from page 7-166) >


Such is the record of our past session; one, I confidently submit, that we have no cause to be ashamed of. Among the many good works accomplished by this Association I know none the fruits of which are more manifest. I very much regret that no permanent record of the discussions which have followed the several papers, has been preserved. We are indebted to the Editor of The Spiritualist for printing the papers themselves, and they have been not the least interesting portion of the matter which is laid before the readers of that journal. There are many difficulties, in the way of reporting the discussion, but I hope they are not insuperable. In the course of another session some means may, I trust, be devised for preserving some record of the criticisms and opinions expressed. One obvious reason among many is this:—A paper, containing sometimes views which are put forward for the purpose of eliciting discussion, goes forth without any record of the criticism passed upon it, and so appears in a false light, unchallenged and, as it were, with the imprimatur of approval stamped upon it. This leads to misconception, and should be avoided. Moreover, some most valuable hints and suggestions thrown out in discussion are lost, and those who are not present at the reading of the paper lose much of its value, even if they do not carry away an erroneous notion of the feeling of the meeting.

I hope that a still more completely organised plan may be carried out in our next session, and that it may be arranged to prepare a list of subjects, with the names of persons who will promise to give us the benefit of their experience upon them, so that a programme may be published at the beginning of the session. This is the plan adopted at the Royal Institution, and it has obvious advantages. Instead of desultory papers, we should then be able to secure an exhaustive treatment of the questions with which we are concerned: members would be attracted by an orderly plan such as we could put forward, and would know what to look forward to. If the results could be collected and published in a cheap form at the close of the session another great boon would be secured for the intelligent and inquiring Spiritualist.

The complete list of papers read during the session is as follows:—

The Religious and Moral Aspects of the Conquest and Retention of India


Editor's notes

  1. image by unknown author
  2. The Religious and Moral Aspects of the Conquest and Retention of India by unknown author, London Friday June 28, 1878
  3. image by unknown author