Blavatsky H.P. - To the Theosophists of Europe

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To the Theosophists of Europe
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 12, page(s) 329-332

Publications: Lucifer, Vol. VII, No. 37, September, 1890, pp. 77-78

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[Lucifer, Vol. VII, No. 37, September, 1890, pp. 77-78]

Friends and Brothers,

After fifteen years of persistent refusal to take office in the Society, I have at last been persuaded to assume the duties of the President of a new section of the Theosophical Society, to be known as “The European Section.” My reasons for this new departure are as follows:—

Firstly.—The acquirement of new and extensive premises in London, vested in the hands of Trustees for the Society, to serve as a real centre of Theosophical work:

Secondly.—The pressing invitations of the vast majority of the working Theosophists in Europe:

Thirdly.—The reason contained in the following official order, which has already been sent to all the Branches and non-official Groups in Europe, by Col. H. S. Olcott, P.T.S., my respected co-worker, who has so assiduously labored for our beloved cause for the last fifteen years.

330 Theosophical Society, Adyar, Madras,

Executive Offices. July 9th, 1890.

To secure a better management of the Society’s affairs throughout Europe than I can give from this distance, I do hereby depute to my co-founder, H.P. Blavatsky, full authority to come to an agreement with the Branches of the United Kingdom, Greece, France, Austria and Holland, and the non-official Groups in Spain, Russia, and other Continental countries, for the consolidation of the whole into one section of the Theosophical Society to be designated as the European Section; and to take the general supervision over and have as full management of the same as I could myself. Provided:—

1. That the formation of the said Section shall be agreed to by three fourths of the whole number of Branches and non-official Groups.

2. That the constitution of the said Section shall fully recognize the three declared objects of the Theosophical Society, and no bylaws be enacted in violation of the same.

3. That the said European Section shall have complete autonomy to the same extent as the American Section.

Branches receiving copies of this order, are requested to put themselves in official correspondence with Madame Blavatsky.

(Signed) H.S. OLCOTT, P.T.S.

I hereby beg to inform you that I have received letters of assent from all the active Branches and non-official Groups in Europe.

I have, therefore, after calling to my assistance an advisory council, decided that the organization of the European Section shall be as follows:—

1. The British Section shall retain its present organization.

2. The Continental Branches shall be severally autonomous within the constitution and rules of the Theosophical Society.

331 3. Contributions to the working expenses of the European Headquarters and to the General Headquarters at Adyar shall remain voluntary as heretofore.

4. The London Theosophical Headquarters at 19, Avenue Road, Regent’s Park, N.W., shall be the Headquarters of the European Section, and shall serve for the issuing and cancelling of all Charters and Diplomas; for the transaction of all official business connected with the European Section; and for the transmission of all official documents to the general Headquarters of the Theosophical Society at Adyar.


It is further proposed to gradually organize a Staff of Corresponding Secretaries to answer the questions of Branches and individual members, and at the same time to put members, if they so desire it, into communication with fellow students.

Mr. G. R. S. Mead, who has already been in communication with many of you, is hereby appointed Secretary of the European Section. All communications and correspondence should be addressed to him at the European Headquarters, at 19, Avenue Road, Regent’s Park, London, N. W.

As there will be no fixed sectional dues, to meet the expense of printing charters, diplomas and circulars, of postage and stationery, it is suggested to Branches and individual members that they should contribute sufficient to cover such expense, in proportion as they may avail themselves of the services of Headquarters.

Miss E. Kislingbury is hereby appointed Treasurer of the Section, to take charge of such donations.

In order to facilitate the drawing up of a revised list of the membership of the Society in Europe, the Secretaries of the Branches and Groups are requested to kindly send the names and addresses of the members on their lists to the Secretary, Mr. G. R. S. Mead, and to inform him whether the members hold diplomas of the Society, in order that those who are without such diplomas may receive them 332forthwith. Unattached members are also requested to forward the same information individually.


It is hoped that the formation of the European Section is the beginning of the ascending arc of the evolution of the Theosophical Society in Europe, and that the day may soon dawn when each European country will have a section of its own. For were such a happy result to be achieved, and were the units of these sections to work together for the moulding of European thought, as only those who have a right conception of Theosophy can work, then should we surely have advanced a decided step in the direction of that ideal of Universal Brotherhood, which we have set before us as our first object.

H. P. BLAVATSKY, President of the European Section T.S.

London, 25th August, 1890