
From Teopedia
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vol. 8, p. 165
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 8 (September 1878 - September 1879)


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< Christian Occultism or Esoteric Christianity (continued from page 8-164) >






The Theosophical Society

Madeli and his ilk


Editor's notes

  1. Explanations by Massey,C.C., London Spiritualist, No. 341, March 7, 1879, p. 116
  2. Astrology by Massey,C.C., London Spiritualist, No. 341, March 7, 1879, p. 116
  3. The Theosophical Society by unknown author, Mumbai news, March 27, 1979. Translated from Gujarati