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vol. 8, p. 19
from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 8 (September 1878 - September 1879)


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< Spiritualism in Hull (continued from page 8-16) >

plained how it was done—it was “animal magnetism” that did it. Yet such experiments, simple as they appeared, were the thin edge of the wedge of the Spiritualism which was to break through the creedal logs of English theology, and the heavy timbers of materialism, and let the light of spirit penetrate their midst.

About two years subsequent to the “table-turning” experiment referred to, he dated his commencement as an investigator of Spiritualism. He sat with a friend patiently, for a considerable period, and the result of the investigation might be stated thus.; He found it was not necessary to join hands to form an imaginary “circuit”; the table sometimes moved without contact.'' The information received was superior and beyond the knowledge of the circle, and the “force” which moved the table also answered questions, and claimed to be “spirit.”

Such was the undoubted evidence obtained in twenty-six years’ patient inquiry; he knew it was spirit—disembodied human spirit—and now he could say he was a Spiritualist in head and heart, in deed and in truth, and he would strongly recommend the investigation of Spiritualism to their consideration. It would teach them to be patient in hope, to have higher conceptions of duty, it would banish the dark clouds of materialism, unfetter them from creeds, dispel the fear of death, aid them to work out their own salvation and to worship God in spirit and in truth. The lecture was well received.

The Hull Spiritualists inaugurated a series of Sunday services and public lectures, commencing on Sunday, the 17th of March, at Foresters’ Hall.

James Coates

The National Association of Spiritualists


“Isis Unveiled.”


<Untitled> (Sir,—Without doubt...)


A Materialised Spirit


<Untitled> (Dr. Eugene Crowell is in California...)


Editor's notes

  1. The National Association of Spiritualists by Bennett, Edwd. T., london_spiritualist, No. 291, March 22, 1878, p. 143
  2. “Isis Unveiled.” by Showers, Frederica, london_spiritualist, No. 291, March 22, 1878, p. 143
  3. Sir,—Without doubt... by G. (signed as G.), london_spiritualist, No. 291, March 22, 1878, p. 143
  4. A Materialised Spirit by Fitz-Gerald, Charlotte, london_spiritualist, No. 291, March 22, 1878, p. 143
  5. Dr. Eugene Crowell is in California... by unknown author, london_spiritualist, No. 291, March 22, 1878, p. 143
