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from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 10, p. 29
vol. 10
page 29


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< Experiences in Spiritualism (continued from page 10-28) >

the “Dead March’" much too fast. The next time the air came round the box was opened, and the air played slowly. General A. then asked that it might be stopped; it was: that it should go on fast; it did so: he then asked that three notes should be played singly, and it was done. All this was done instantaneously, and in the dark, both hands of the medium being held. It was our musical box. I thanked our spirit friend, and then inquired for another spirit, who often attends this medium; and immediately his voice was heard greeting us. I then asked Peter to show himself; he said he would, and he appeared close to me on the table. I saw the full face clearly. He held, as they always do, a spirit light in his hand, which he held up to his face. As Miss D. could not see well from her position, I asked Peter to show himself to her; she felt a hand tap her shoulder, and looking round saw a form standing beside her. I also distinctly saw dimly the whole form robed in white, and the face clearly. Peter spoke several times, and hummed the tune the box was playing. He then said he must go, as his medium had another stance at night, and he must not use all the power. He added—“You will now, Mrs. Gordon, be able to say you have seen these things in your own house.” With a farewell and thanks to him we broke up. I can imagine some readers throwing down the paper in disgust at the credulity of some A people. But “truth is stranger than fiction.”

18th July, afternoon.—Sitters: General A., Mrs. P., Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. Gordon. A different h medium. We formed circle, Mrs. P. and General A. next medium (who had never been in the room before); we wound up musical box, joined hands, and then the candle was blown out. We soon beard a slight noise, and the large box being very noisy we stopped it (not unjoining hands, which we always hold during sitting), and wound up a very small one. Immediately a drum accompaniment was played on the top of the large box, and well played. A spirit called “Charley” then talked freely and clearly. A light now appeared, attached itself to the hand bell, and waved with it about the room, ringing loudly, A fan from the table was used vigorously. There was another spirit present, as the sitters on both sides of the table were touched at the same time. We all many times felt hands touch us on our hands and beads. The small musical box was waved about while playing, and we were touched gently with it on the check; it was put to our ears in succession, and held there a moment playing. The large box was then started, and was carried round and round the room, and the ceiling knocked with it. This box is very heavy; it is as much as a moderately strong person can do to lift it; it was alarming to hear it floating about over our heads. “Charley” showed himself on the table, his face on a level with ours. We all saw him very clearly; he had light eyes and a short, grisly-looking, brown beard. The medium had dark eyes, and only a moustache. He was in a deep trance all the time, and his hands held; and on fi one side by a lady, who had, until now, declared the phenomena must be imposture. Two of us were asked to get up, and our chairs were then lifted over our heads on to the table. The medium was now awakened by the spirit, and we were wished good-bye, and told to light up, which we always contrive to do without unlinking hands, having matches and candle on the table.

Proofs of a Soul


<... continues on page 10-30 >

Editor's notes

  1. Proofs of a Soul by Atkinson Henry G, F.G.S., Spiritualist, The, No. 367, September 5, 1879, pp. 117-118