Zirkoff B. - Index (BCW vol.2)

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by Boris de Zirkoff
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 2, page(s) 555-590


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[In the alphabetical arrangement of the sub-entries of various chief headings, the word “and” has been disregarded. References to definitions of terms are in italics.]


Abdals, 290.

Abhinavagupta, and Sankara, 218. Abich, 0. W. von, 126 fn., 521. Abkari, law of, 294.

Absheron, valley of, 122.

Abu Bekr, and Bustan., 290 fn. Abuse, no argument, 27-28.

Action, and reaction in the occult, 218.

Adam, and Elohim, 8(19).

Adam Kadmon, or Tikkun, 91.

Adam’s Peak, 138.

Adepts: can duplicate Spiritualistic phenomena, 37; character of true, 467; in touch with only five Fellows of T.S., 494(501) fn., 499(506); living now, 438; or Rahats, 438, 487-88; Oriental, compose Esoteric Section, 493(501). See Rahat.

Adeptship: belief in, firmly established in Ceylon, 438; may be attained even now, 488.

Aditya, Rishi, 208.

Adonai, 760.

Adonis, 164.

Aethrobacy: and altered polarity, 272; or levitation, 466, 470.

Afghan, war, 299.

Agardi, Endreinek, 366.

Agassiz, Louis, 364.

Age, retarded by hibernation, 461.

Agham, writing, 347-48.

Aghora Panthas, and liquor, 456. Aglio, 521-22. See Kingsborough. Agni: 143; and Agnus Dei, 14445; identical to tsvara, 34-35; Rishi, 208.

Agnihi poorvebhihi [Agnih purve- bhih], and hiranya, 285 fn.

Agnus Dei, and Agni, 144-45.

Agochari, 119.

Agra, 77.

Agrippa, C., on perfect square, 145.

Ahriman, 127.

Ahura-Mazda: and Ahriman, 127; eye of, the sun, 124; origin of, 128.

Akasa [Akasa], or Universal Ether, 397.

Akasic, currents and sorcery, 21819.

Akbar, tomb of, 77.

Aksakoff, Hon. Alex., 153, 154, 522.

Albertus Magnus, Lib. de Univers., on Sign of Celestial Virgin and Dec. 25th, 164.

Alchemists, 36.

556 Alcohol, used by Aghoras, 456.

Alexandrian School, 87.

Algerians, 263.

All, Divine, 91.

Allbutt, H. A., on antiquity of man in America, 335; 522.

All-Saints, and grave offerings, 168.

Amaswazi, atrocities of, 407-08. Amazulu, superstitions of, 173. Amberley, Viscount, 364.

America: antiquity of man in, 335; and Chinese, 432; freedom of personal abuse in, 490; known to ancient India, 79; most ancient ruins in South, 319; name of, and Meru, 313 fn.; only land of true freedom, 41; prehistoric ruins in, 303 et seq.

Amerih, similar to Meru, 313 fn.

Ammonius Saccas: and oath of secrecy, 95; objects of, 88-89; to revive work of, is most important object of Theosophists, 100.

Amphioxus, 187.

Amrita Bazaar Patrika: 262; on Chendry, 294, 296.

Anacalypsis. See Higgins.

Anahuac, 315.

Analogy, 146.

Anastasis, 91-92.

Ancestors, deified by most people, 176-77.

Anchi, 325.

Andes, Heath on subsidence of, 313.

Angiras [Angiras], Rishi, 208.

Anglo-Indians, not inclined to scholarship, 473-74.

Anima [Animan], 119, 272, 273.

Animal, magnetism, 275.

Animal. See Gregory.

Animals: anaesthetised by Rotura, 202(205-06); placed into trance by Tibetans, 203(206).

Anima Mundi, and magnetism. 275, 277, 278.

Annihilation: and the Book of the Dead, 11(22); personal. 9(20).

Anthony, St.; 125 fn.; appointed Lt.-Col., 180.

Anthropogenie. See Haeckel.

Anthropoid, 185, 187.

Anthropomorphism, is blasphemy, 91.

Antiquities: cyclopaedia of world’s, required, 311; of America, least known, 303, 314; of the New World, 303 et seq.

Antiq. of Mexico. See Kingsborough.

Apes, on Gibraltar, 337.

Apollo, 164.

Aporrhéta, 90.

Arahat(Rahat), and Ceylon, 438.

Arani [Arani], as symbol, 143.

Arax, 410.

Arc, Noah’s, should be scuttled, 347.

Archaeology: no true, without first sweeping away biblical superstition, 347; vast importance of, 311.

Archaeological. See Rivett-Carnac.

Architecture, five styles of, in Andes, 308.

Arhat(s). See Rahat, Adept.

Arica, and Inca’s treasure, 340-41, 343.

Aristocracy, Russian, 351-56.

Aristotle: on gods, 95; precepts of, hindered science, 398.

–, Metaphysics, 95 fn.

Arjuna, and Patala, 79.

Armenians: cuneiform writing of, 351; in Russia, 263-66 & fn.

Arms Act, 297.

Arnold, Sir Edwin, The Light of Asia, reviewed, 130 et seq.; 522.

Aryan(s): connection between, 557Egyptians and natives of America, 312; migrations of, 209; revival of, philosophy to stem materialism, 381; wisdom of, resurrected by The Theosophist, 427; wisdom of, to be rekindled by the young, 405.

Aryas [Aryas]: and Hebrews, 273; a title to be proud of, 406; seven among the, 413-14.

Arya-Samaj, and T.S., 31, 33, 39, 99, 204(207), 509.

Aryavarta: 89; cradle of all philosophies, 409; literary glories of, 478; oldest in esoteric wisdom, 99; schools of, and Greece, 11(22), 57(63).

Asclepiadae, 199.

Asia, Central, as cradle of human race, 432-33.

Asiatic Researches, 145 fn.

Asiatic Society, Journal, 348.

Asiatic Turkey, See Geary. l’Assommoir. See Zola.

Astral: body withdraws at death, 172 fn.; Light, and Yogis, 467.

Astrology: ancient, based on mathematics, 419; schemes of ancient Mexican judicial, 316.

Atavism, 150, 159.

Atharvaveda, 34, 522.

Atheist(s), 95 fn., 101-02.

Athena, 89.

Atkinson, H. G., 277 fn.

Atlantis: as prehistoric continental formation, 433-35; objection to, 431-32; probability of, supported by analogies in names. 313.

Atman [Atman], acting through, 94.

Atmu, God-soul, 94.

Atrocities, committed by natives under British flag, 407-08.

Attesh-Gag (or Attesh-Kudda), Gheber temple at Baku, 122 et seq.

Auclaire, Hubertine, 514, 516.

Aullagas, Lake, 316.

Aura: magnetic, projected by man, 398; mesmeric, can be developed, 471.

Avatâra, and triple essence, 160.

Avesa: possession of another’s body, 467, 472; temporary transmigration of soul, 217; and Tibetan Hobilgans, 471-72.

A vesta, 123, 522.

Aymaras, 308, 316.

Ayton, Rev. Dr., 42.

Aztecs: 315; degraded by Christian fanatics, 322; high moral code of, 321; and julio, 171, 173; rite of, closely similar to baptism, 321.


Babe, divine, in every heathen religion, 164-65.

Babka, silver coin, 147.

Bacchus, 164.

Bacon, Lord. New Atlantis, 313 fn., 522.

Badkube (or Baku), 127.

Badrinâth, traditions about Mahatmas at, 121-22, 262.

Bahudaka, 778.

Bailly, 276.

Bain, 183.

Bairâgîs, 457.

Baku (or Badkube), 127.

Banditti, invasion of Spanish, 309.

Banner of Light, 175.

Baptism, Aztec rite similar to, 321.

Baronius, confirms story of St. Josaphat, 134 fn.

Barons, Livonian and Esthonian, 354.

Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire, 104.

–: Le Bouddha et sa religion, on Buddha’s loftv character, 133; 522.

558 Basques, superstitions of, 175.

Bastian, A.: Zur Mythologie, etc., on shadow and Benin negroes, 170; 522.

Bates, Rosa: expelled. 480; supported by H. P. B. in India, 479; and The Bombay Review, 25; and the “kitchen row,” 475 et seq.

Bathybius Haeckelii, and man, 185, 187.

Batten, Hon. Geo. H. M., 349.

Batukram, Dr., 511.

Bazaroff, type created by Turgen- yev, 360.

Beecher, H. W., adulterer and perjurer, 45.

Bering Strait, 433.

Belfast News Letter, on stonethrowings, 448.

Belisaire, 367 fn.

Belisarius, 367.

Bellati, foreigners, 79.

Benares: ancient Kasi and, 120; seat of subtlest metaphysics, 120.

Bengal Magazine, The, abusive. 363.

Benin, Negroes and shadow, 170. Bentota (Ceylon), and former adepts, 438.

Berosus, 112.

Bestemia, Italian proverb on, 219.

Bethlehem, stable of, and Catholic display, 162.

Beverage, sacred, of Mysteries. 10(21).

“Bewitched Mirror,” tale of, 43536.

Bhagandara, and Sankara, 218.

Bhashyas, 216.

Bhuchari, 119.

Bhuts; 37, 39, 68, 69, 74, 78, 80, 350, 377; earth-bound souls, 177; worship of, 137.

Bible: and Catholic Church, 163; chronology of, and Vedas, 115; mute on immortality, 12(23), 70; not the “word of God,” 52; revision of, and mistranslations in, 50-51, 69-70; superstitions of the, and archaeology, 347; thousands of errors in, 27.

Bible. See Jacolliot.

Bigotry, those who fight, often reviled, 210.

Billing, Dr. & Mrs. D. H. J., 42. Birs-Nimrud. See Borsippa.

Bishanganga [Bishanganga], 121. Bisvas, Amrita Lal, 432, 433. Blaland, Capt., 295.

Blanche de Castille, 575.

Blavatsky, H. P.: age of, and Revue Spirite, 30; as U. S. citizen, 28; and British law, 402; declared to be a “spy,” 54; disclaims supernatural powers, 491; draws Peru’s coast, 34243; espionage calumny and the Viceroy’s order, 140 et seq.; has natural democratic feelings, 491; in personal touch with adepts, 488; intended writing art. on Great Theosophists, 92 fn.; knows the laws by which occult phenomena are produced, 491; not a professional medium, 490; purpose of sevenweek journey through India, 75 et seq.; and Olcott invited to Simla, 481; on America’s freedom, 41; on honour and cowardice, 142-43; on production of occult phenomena, 490-92; on the “First Trumpet Blast,” 415; ordered to speak about trance of animals in Tibet, 203 (206); placed into an eleven- weeks trance, 203(206); provides money in support of T.S., 482; spent thirty years in India. 202; toughened by personal abuse in U.S.A., 490; translates Grodekoff’s work, 391; values her U.S. citizenship 559above all titles, 40-41, 55.

–, “From the Caves and Jungles, etc.”, 161.

–, Isis Unveiled: on action and reaction, 218; on Atlantis, 434; on interpolarisation, 470; on name of America and Meru, 313 fn.; on Peru and Inca’s treasure, 326, 339-42; on Pra- laya, 486 fn.; on Pythagoras, 472; opinions of Dayananda and Sumangala about, 73 fn.; translation of, 73 fn.

–, Nightmare Tales, 219 fn.

–, Scrapbook: 402 fn.. 483; on H. Chintamon, 47-48.

–, The Secret Doctrine: inception of work on, 46; on inscriptions, 346 fn.; on Pralaya, 486 fn.

–, The Theosophical Glossary. 92 fn.

Blochwitz, Dr., on number seven, 420, 523.

Bobadilla, Father F. de. and Aztec julio, 171.

Body: acting independently of, 94; formation of spiritual, and A. J. Davis, 171-72 & fn.; living outside of, 76; physical, cannot be separated into atoms, 273.

Bohme, Jacob, 94, 99.

Boldetti, M. A.; Osservazioni, etc.. on early Christian usage of svastika, 144; 523.

Bombay Branch T.S., 476 et seq. Bombay Gazetteer, art. by K.

Raghunath]i, 172.

Bombay Review, The: and Rosa Bates, 25; and “Russian spy” idea, 28-29; misrepresents Theos, work, 482; on ghost stories, 350.

Bonwill, Dr., and deadening of pain, 465.

Book of Nature, and innate powers of the soul, 103.

Book of Numbers, 315.

Book of Ser Marco Polo. See Yule. Book of the Dead, and annihilation, 11(22), 523.

Borsippa, temple of, and its seven stages, 410.

Bouddha. See Barthélemy. “Boulinas,” 261.

Boyars, proud caste, 355.

Bradlaugh, atheist, 402, 509.

Brahm: manifested, 91; Vishnu and Siva, 160.

Brahma [Brahman] : absolute consciousness, 91, 472; eternal and universal essence, 160.

Brahma, Night of, 420, 486.

Brahmachâri, 118.

Brahmachâri Bâwâ, 160, 209.

Brahmana [Brâhmana]: and Incas, 306-07 ; insulted by Englishman, 298.

Brâhmanas [Brâhmanas], age of, 112.

Brahmo Samaj [Samâja]: 507, 508; principle of, 104.

Braid, Dr., and hypnotism, 278.

Brain: and intelligence, 186; size of, in Cuvier and women, 515: and withdrawal of electric principle, 172 fn.

Breath, spirit or ghost, 171.

Breathing: rapid, and deadening of pain, 465; regulation of, 457.

Breeze, cool, and magnetic current of vital force, 136.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad [Bri- hadâranyaka], 90, 523.

Brisham Courier, 203(206).

British: condone native atrocities, 407-08; Government alters attitude to T.S., 292.

Broca, 283, 523.

Brotherhood: sacred cause of human, 427, 478; T.S. a, of men in search of Absolute Truth, 443; T.S. established on footing of a Universal, 105.


Browne, Bishop Harold, 50, 69.

Browning, Pheidippides, 131, 523.

Buchanan: 201; and psychometric faculty, 397.

–, Manual of Psychometry, 135, 523.

Buddha, Gautama: 130 et seq.; beatified by Catholics as St. Josaphat, 134; erroneous views about, and adeptship, 438.

Buddhism: in Ceylon and its High Priests, 138-40, 428, 439; should prepare for new propaganda, 447.

Buddhism and Christianity Face, to Face, 139, 523-24.

Buddhist, missionaries in So. America, 432.

Buddhist. See Simpson, Wm.

Buddhists: and seven stages of soul’s development, 409; do not believe in immortality, 13(23); do not need Christian preaching, 403.

Budha, 89.

Bulgarians, pagan Christmas rites of, 146-49.

Bulls, made barren bv the “word,” 446.

Bulwer-Lytton, E.G.E.L.; genuine mystical writer, 141-42; the “viewless races” of. 259-60: 524.

–, A Strange Story. 141.

–, The Coming Race, 141.

–, The House and the Brain. 141.

–, Zanoni, 141, 160.

Bulwer-Lytton, E. R., Viceroy of India and the espionage calumny, 141-43.

Bunsen, C. C., Egypt’s Place in Universal History, on partial deluge, 394; 524.

Burenin, V. P.: and controversy on Spiritualism, 151 & fn., 152: on effect of demonstrated survival, 156-57; on why scientists espouse Spiritualism, 157-58.

Bumouf, Émile L., La Science des religions, on Agni and cross. 143; 524.

Burnouf, Eugene, 104, 107.

Bûstân. See Sa’di.

Butleroff : 151 ; art. by, on séances with medium Williams, 152-54; remarkable qualities of, as researcher, 152; 524.


Cabiri, 146.

Cabral, P. A., 432.

Caciques, 309.

Cagliostro, 367.

Cajamarca, 326.

Calhoun, A. R., and Arizona Indian stone circles, 324.

Cambridge Mission, 406.

Cannar. shrine of the Sun at, 323. Carbonic acid, and Yoga, 456-57. Carpenter, W. B., 98, 152, 364.

Caste(s): Hindu, the most inflexible of gods, 455; Russian, and classes, 355-56; system helps Britain to rule India, 297.

Castrén, Μ. A., Vorlesungen, etc., 178, 524.

Catéchisme. See Comte.

Catherwood, F. C., 305, 322.

Catholic Mirror (Baltimore, Md.): and story of MacMahon, 194, 389; on desecration at Lourdes, 196-97; on lightning, 197-98; q. Times on decadence of Protestantism, 447.

Catlin, and Lander, 173.

Cayambe, 323.

Cazeneuve, de, on numerical proportions, 449.

Ceres, and Isis, as Holy Virgins, 164.

561 Ceylon: and adeptship, 438; delegation sent to, 497(504) ; Founders in, abused by papers, 41617; High Priests of, and Theosophists, 138-40; number seven and the trip to, 451-52; once part of Indian continent, 337; results of the Founders’ trip to, 439-40; sacred historical books of, 134; and T.S., 204(207), 414.

Ceylon Examiner, on T.S., 498 (505).

Ceylon Observer: abuses H.P.B., 402: misrepresents Founders, 415, 417; strictures Lord Lindsay, 403.

Ceylon Times, The, throws malicious reflection on H. P. B., 41617.

Chachuri, 119.

Chaîne magnétique, La: 277 fn.; and mesmerism, 135.

Cham (or Ham), and Egyptians, 394.

Chan-Chan, capital of Chimus, 327.

Chandravansa [Chandravansa], in So. America, 316.

Change, is constant, 8-9(19-20). Chant. See Hoffmann.

Charâcharî, 119.

Charcot: 280 fn., 525; experiments of, and mesmerism, 283 et seq.

Charivari, on Richelieu’s mistress, 199-200.

Charles le Téméraire, 515.

Chaturthâsrama, 118.

Chavin de Huanta, 331-32.

Chendry, and mutiny of Rumla, 294 et seq.

Chepén, 326.

Chichen, 309.

Chin, as Russian caste, 355.

Chincha Islands, and guano, 310. Chinchas, 308.

Chinese: and America, 432; monosyllabic language at Eten understood by, 337; spirits among, 176-77.

Chinovnik, 356.

Chips. See Muller, Max. Chodavaram, 295.

Cholula, Temple of, 304, 305, 309, 319.

Christianity: arrested scientific progress for centuries, 57(63); and atrocities, 407-08; and clergy in India, 378; degrades Aztecs, 322; foundation of, tottering, 379; doom of, is sealed, 381; given deathblow by geology, 59(65); a misnomer, 183; needs Satan, 195; not an active purifying force, 379; renounced by Whitworth, 383; state of, today, 167; Theosophists not hostile to, 362.

Christian(s): art of war, 407-08; atonement and murderers, 437; few in India, 26.

Christmas: customs in older Europe, 165-66; date of, how established by church, 163-64; festivities pagan in character, 164; pagan, rites among Bulgarians, 146-49.

Chronology: Bible, and Vedas, 114; and comparative Theology, 111; modern, will vanish, 99.

Church: burns thounsands for witchcraft, 97; Catholic, and Protestantism, 447; Catholic, not infallible, 390; little Christ- tianity in, 362; present ceremonies in, copied from ancient Mysteries, 164; tortures unbelievers, 37; vicar of, in England an F.T.S., 52.

Churingham, Pagoda of, 410.

Cicero, on magi, 33.

–, Tuscul. Disp. 93 fn., 525.

Cincinnati Enquirer, 509.

562 Civil and Military Gazette, The, 32.

Civilizations: grow and die like continents, 336-37 ; occur in cycles, 310.

Clairvoyance: fake, 200-01; and Yogis, 281.

Clarétie, J., letter of Dumas to. 512-14.

Classes, Russian, and castes, 35556.

Clausius, R. J. E., on sun. 483: 525.

Clavigero, F. J., on Teotihuacan. 320; 525.

Clergy: Christian, in India, 378; in America, 380.

Clergymen, T. S. not proud of them as Fellows, 54.

Coati, Island, ruins on, 318.

Cobija, 341.

Coins, ancient Indian, 348.

Colebrooke, 104.

–, Essays, etc., on Agni, 145, 525.

Coleridge, on reverence, 44.

Colonial Gazette, 40.

Color, and ruling planets of Borsippa Temple, 410.

Coming Race. See Bulwer-Lytton.

Communication, of man with celestial and dark powers, 96.

Comte, A., Catéchisme positiviste, paradoxical, 58(64), 526.

Confucius, on “spirits,” 178.

Conscience: and inner divine essence, 160; true tabernacle of man, 388.

Contemporary Review, Midler on St. Josaphat, 134 fn.

Contes. See Hoffmann.

Continent(s): ancient, in Pacific Ocean, 434; grow and die like civilizations, 337 ; interconnection between, 308, 336-37.

Contributions. See Wallace.

Control, Yoga, of body, 76.

Conway, Moncure, and Lord Queensborough, 364.

Cook, Canon, 50, 69.

Cook, and Maskelyn, 33.

Copan: 309, 315, 316, 319; most ancient ruins of Central America, 322-23.

Cordilleras, 303.

Corpses, human, used by Tantri- kas, 238.

Corralones, 332.

Cortez, 304, 319, 322.

Coulomb, A. & E., and the “kitchen row,” 475 et seq.

Cowardice, and honour, 142-43.

Cox, S., The Mechanism of Man, 183, 187-91, 526.

Crantz, on shadow among Greenlanders, 170.

Creeds, shells around spiritual knowledge, 100.

Crespei, Councillor, 239.

Crimes: dark creations of human vices, 96; in America, 13(24); of clergy, in America, 45-46.

Cromlechs, near Bangalore, 324.

Crookes, Sir Wm.: 36, 60(66), 150. 377, 396, 497(504); doubts agency of “spirits,” 57 (63).

Cross: as spirit and matter, 145; Christian, and hell-fire, 146; and Fire as foundations of universal laws, 145; and fire worship in Bulgaria, 146-49; Plato on universe as a, 145; svastika form of, widely used, 143-45.

Crux dissimulata, or svastika, 144. Cuneiform, inscriptions in Armenia, 350-51.

Cunha, Xaviers Cabra de, 180.

“Cup,” phenomenon at Simla, 492.

Cuvier, brain of, 515.

Cuzco, Temple of the Sun at. 308, 323, 331, 334, 340.

Cycles: and civilizations, 310, 563335-36; and Eternity, 421; and periodicity in events, 408, 449; of cold winters, 424-25; theory of, receiving new recognition, 418 el seq.; Zasse on historical, 421 et seq.

Cyril of Jerusalem, and date of Christmas, 163-64.


Dactyls, Phrygian, and magic, 274. Daily Chronicle, on stone-throwings, 448.

Daily News (London), on atrocities under British flag, 407-08.

Daily Telegraph, on stone-throwings, 448.

Daimon, as guardian angel, 7 (18). Daimonion-photi, spiritual illumination, 92.

Dakoits, 294, 296.

Dalai-Lamas [Taley], 471.

Dame. See Dumas, A.

Damodar: admitted to membership, 83; private letter of Olcott to, published, 489.

Dand [Danda], 119.

Darkness, and Winter Solstice, 164.

Darwin, 158, 187.

Darwinism, 150.

Dattatraya [Dattatreya], two meanings of, 160, 464.

Davis, and mounds, 314.

Davis, A. J., 108, 526.

–, Death and the A f ter-Life, on formation of spiritual body and its withdrawal from the cadaver, 171-72 & fn.

–, Stellar Key, etc., q. 176.

–, The Stellar Congress, q. Galen on other solar systems, 176 fn.

Dayananda Sarasvati: 52, 73, 75, 78. 99, 121, 139, 140, 199, 209, 258, 262, 450, 509; and missionaries, 302; notes on autobiography of, 117 et seq.; on the Vedas, 111-13; rejects divine revelation, 200; spent seven years in jungles, 204(207); undergoes Yoga training, 75-76, 204(207).

–, Veda-Bhashya·. 34; on age of Vedas, 113; on Agni, 35; on Diksha and higher powers, 93; on hiranya, 285 fn.; 526.

Death: desires and thoughts take shape after, 397-98; Fichte on spiritualism and life beyond, 154-55; and trance contrasted, 469; withdrawal at, described by A. J. Davis, 171-72 & fn.

Death. See Davis, A. J.

Deccan Star, misprint in, 349.

Deity: as Central Point, 145; and emanation, 91; indwelling, and Rishis, 208.

Deleuze, Histoire critique du magnet isme animal, 276; 526.

Deluge, Noachian, and Egypt, 394. Demi-Monde. See Dumas, A.

Denton. The Soul of Things, 398, 526.

Desaguadero, El, 316.

Desires, and thoughts take shape and become real after death, 397-98.

Destouches, Philinte. on criticism and art, 3(14); 526.

Devil: Christianity needs, 195; and occult sciences, 403; origin of idea about, 7(18); Te Deum for the, 196; and the Virgin, 195. See also Satan.

Dhobi Talav, fountain of, 268. Dhotipoti, and Hatha-Yoga, 119. Dhyána, def. 262.

Diaz del Castillo, Bernal, on horses and Spaniards, 319; 527.

Diksha, initiation and higher powers, 93.

564 Dikshita [Dikshita] : initiate, 93; and Paramahansa, 118; and Yoga-vidya, 119.

Diogenes Laërtius, Lives, on Aristotle and “atheists,” 95 fn.

Dioscuri, 146.

Discoveries, resulting from trifling facts, 346.

Diseases: drugs and psychology, 188-89; and Indian medicine, 199.

Diu, 90.

Dnyanodaya, The·, abusive, 363; libels T.S., 48.

Doctors. See Physicians.

Doctrine, Esoteric, based on ages of research, 11(22).

Dolgoruky, Prince P., and Alexander II, 353.

Dolgoruky, Princess Maria V., 353 & fn.

Domovoy, house-spook, 445.

Donato: Aksakoff on the experiments of, 285 et seq.; on will, 282, 284.

Dondukov-Korsakov, origin of Princes, 354 & fn.

Doubleday, Gen. A., 81.

Dracontias, of So. America, 319.

Dream of Ravan, The, 215, 527.

Drugs, effects not understood, 189.

Druids, and evergreens, 162.

Dryden, 237.

Duality, origin of, acc. to Ghebers, 128.

Dubuque Daily Telegraph, 465.

Duj ardin-Beaumetz, and alleged urticaria, 261-62; 527.

Dumas (Père), A., Travels in the Caucasus, fanciful “facts” of, 129-30; 527.

Dumas (Fils), A., La Dame aux camélias, 512, 527-28.

–, La Dame aux perles, 512. –, Le Demi-Monde, 513. –, Les Femmes qui tuent, etc.: on enfranchising God, 517; on women’s rights, slavery and divorce, 512-14.

Dupotet, Baron, and mesmerism, 135-36, 277.

–, La Magie dévoilée, on evocation of “spirits,” 178; 528.

Dupuis, on Virgin and Child, 164. Duw, 90.

Dyaus, and Brahmâ, 486.


Eagle (Gainsville), on numerals in a hornblende boulder, 192.

Earth, surface of, and fog of vice over it, 399.

Earthquake, raised Peruvian cities, 333.

East, and West as unlike as day and night, 406.

Eaton, CoL, spirit-daughter of, is wedded in Summerland, 176 fn.

Ecclesiastes, compares man to animal, 12(23).

Eclectic Theosophical School: 8889; higher doctrines in, 95; teachings of, 90.

Economist (London), and Armenians, 263 et seq.

Ecstasy, attained by Neo-Platon- ists, 94.

Edison, Thos. A.: 36; escaped the rack, 33; and eternity of sound, 499(506).

Edwards, Jonathan, 159, 528.

Eek, Sven, Dâmodar, etc., 489 fn. Effluvia, absorbed by fresh milk, 399.

Egg, and serpent symbols in mounds, 315.

Ego: has free will, 9(20); human and divine, 7(18); human, made into devil, 7(18); only conditionally immortal, 7-8(1819) ; Present the only time for Inner, 470.

565 Egypt’s Place. See Bunsen.

Egyptians: divine characters of, similar to those of Peru, 306; Indo-Caucasians, 394.

Eidolon; and shade, 173; or simulacrum, 5(16).

Electricity, and somnambulism, 284.

Elementáis: and spirits, 80; world of, universally recognized, 259-60.

Elementarles: bhuts, 74; def. 510. Elements, conflicting, in Societies, 210.

Elephant, and Sivatherium, 336.

Elijah, seeks the Lord, 388.

Eliza of Lucca, 219, 237.

Elliotson, Dr., 277 fn., 528.

Elohim, and Adam, 8(19).

Emanation (s): from Deity, 91; psychic, and mediumship, 396 et seq.

Emerson, The Over-Soul, on Soul of World, 95-96, 208-09; 528.

Englishmen: politics of, in India. 301-02; relations with Indians, 298-301.

En-Soph [Ain-Soph], 90.

Epicurus: 169; on nature of gods, 95.

Epiphany, 163.

Epopteia, 10(21), 92.

Epoptés, 90.

Equilibrium, and occult world, 218.

Erivan, and relics of antiquity, 350.

d’Eslon (or Desion), Chas., 275, 526.

Esoteric: circle and sacrifice, 10 (21); divine, symbols of nature, 96; doctrine, universal, 89 et seq.; Section composed solely of Oriental adepts, 493 (501); Section or Branch of Yogins, five members of T.S. in, 499(506).

Espionage: calumny and the Viceroy’s Order, 140-43; calumny wiped out by altered attitude of Government, 291-93.

Essays. See Colebrooke.

Essence: divine, and conscience, 160; Supreme, 90, 102.

Etchmiadzine, 350.

Eten, tomb of, and monosyllabic language understood by Chinese, 337.

Eternity, and cycles, 421.

Ether, as symbol of spirit, 6(17).

Europe, possible unification of, 422-23.

Evil, and Good balancing, 382.

Evolution: future, of man a necessity, 186; Manu taught, 185; physical and spiritual, 185, 186.

Examiner, on Hindus and Englishmen, 299-300.

Exile, probationary, on earth, 9 (20).

Exorcism, of Bhuts, 74.

Experientia docet, 510.


Facts: and theories, 37, 59(65); Theosophists willing to accept, 430.

Faith: blind, 12(23); no middle ground for, 184.

Fakir(s): buried, at Lahore, 468; most, are idle vagabonds, 457; and Yogis in trance, 203-04 (207), 453-54.

F ancher, Mollie, psychological powers of, 190-91.

Faraday, on judgement and reservation, 311.

Farrar, Canon, and belief in hell, 183.

Fasting: by Hindus and Catholics, 460; and Yoga, 76 & fn. See also Tanner, Dr.

566 Fauvety, Charles, 493(500), 528-29.

“Femme lithographique,” and psychic phenomena, 261-62.

Femmes. See Dumas, A.

Fergusson, James, on Indian architecture, 345.

Fichte: 151, 183, 529; on Spiritualism and continuation of personal existence after death, 154-55.

Figures, occult meaning of, 408, 412.

Fijians, on shadow, 170.

Fire: and cross as foundations of universal laws, 145; and cross worship in Bulgaria, 146-49; emblem of sun, 143; essence and origin of, unknown to science, 499(506); eternal, at Teotihuacan, 320; in ancient mythologies, 34-35, 143 et seq.; Rosicrucians on, 36.

Fire-insurance, post-mortem policies, 53.

Fire-worshippers, 122, 124, 128.

Flammarion, 36.

Fludd, R, on fire, 35, 499 (506). Fohi, 307.

Foissac, R. F., and mesmerism, 276; 529.

Forbes, Archibald, on missionaries, 393; 529.

Force(s): centripetal and centrifugal, 145; intelligent, directs man’s mechanism, 188; periodicity of, and cycles, 424.

Forms, evanescent, 8(19).

Four, symbol of cosmic forces, 412.

Franklin, B., 276.

Freaks, of nature, 192-94.

Friend of India: and mutiny of 1857, 26, 51; vilifies T.S., 48.

Frothingham, Rev. O. B., on our debt to science, 103.


Gadgil, Judge, on pisachas, 399.

Galen, on other systems, 176 fn.

Galenites, 199.

Ganges, 76.

Garima [Gariman], 119, 470.

Gazette (Lima), 328.

Geary, Grattan, Through Asiatic Turkey, on Ghebers, 129 fn.; 529.

Gegenwart, Die, art. by N. Blochwitz on sacredness of number seven, 409, 420.

Geikie, on continents, 431; 529-30.

Geograjia. See Paz Soldan.

Geograph. Memoir. See Kinneir.

Georgia, 125-26 fn.

Ghatkas, 118.

Ghebers: called Behedin, 127, 128; most honest, 129; Temple and worship of, 122 et seq. See also Parsis.

Giants, monoliths ascribed to, 316, 317.

Gibraltar: caves of, and gigantic human bones, 337; once joined to Africa, 337.

Gilray, and Hogarth, caricaturists, 380.

Girardot, Baron, collection of autographs, 199.

Glacial, period and man, 115.

Glastonbury Abbey, blooming hawthorn at, 167.

Glauerbach, 366 et seq.

Gnosis, secret, has three degrees, 95.

God: personal, 160; Will of, 193, 194.

Godavari, 295.

Gods: Aristotle on, as first principles, 95; created, 5(16); created and pulled down, 210; 567Epicurus on nature of, 95; purity alone can raise us to the, 96; sun—, and Dec. 25th, 164.

Goetia, sorcery, dangers of, 96.

Golden Legend, on St. Josaphat, 134.

Goldstiicker, Prof., and Sanskrit Text Society, 473; 530.

Golos, Markoff on magic in Russia, 445.

Gomara, Lopez de, on Teotihuacan, 320; 530.

Good, and Evil balancing, 382.

Gopal, Dr. Pandurang, on Indian medicine, 199.

Gopichand [Gopichandana], and emblems, 119.

Gordon; Lt.-Col. Wm. & Mrs., 260; Mrs. A., on missions in India, 363, 393.

Gortchakoff, Prince A. M., 392 & fn.

Gosains, 77, 457.

Gotama, Nydya-Sulra, on the soul, 11(22); 530.

Gougenot des Mousseaux, Moeurs et pratiques, etc., on necessity of Satan, 195; 530.

Govindasami, 61(67).

Great Year, and Polar Star, 337.

Greenlanders, and shadow, 170.

Gregory XIII, Pope, 134 fn. Gregory, Wm., 277 fn., 530-31.

–, Animal Magnetism, 398.

Grihasthasrama, 118.

Grodekoff, Col. N. L, biogr. sketch and H. P. B.’s transl. of his work, 391.

Guanape Islands, and guano, 310.

Guano (huano), age of deposits of, 309-10; golden vases under, 310.

Guardian Angel, real meaning of, 7(18).

Gumpha, cave, 467.

Gunananda, M., 44.

Gupta Kâsi. See Kâsi.

Guru, 121.

Gymnosophists, 93 & fn.


Hachette, Jeanne, 515, 531.

Haeckel, E., 150.

–, Anthropogenie, and its effect on public mind, 183 et seq; 531.

Hamiltons, or Homutoffs, 355 & fn.

Hammond, Dr. Wm. A., metallic discs and mesmerism, 189-90, 283; 531.

Hansa, 118.

Hardy, Spence, 134.

Hart, Prof., 36, 149.

Harichandra Chintamon: expelled, 48; and finances, 41-43.

Hari-Kula, 345.

Hari-Mukh, term used in Egypt and India, 345.

Harivansa Parva, and “spirits,” 37-38.

Harmony, of spheres and races, 499(506).

Hate, fear and slander, 98.

Hatha-Yoga [Hatha-Yoga], and Dhotipoti, 119.

Hatha-Yogis [Hatha-Yogins]: and coma, 460; contrasted with Raja-Yogis, 462, 463-64; occasionally are true Yogis, 463; practices of, lead to physical results, 464.

Haug, 104.

Hawthorn, blooming Dec. 25th, 167.

Heath, E. R., “Peruvian Antiquities:” on ancient architecture, 308; on Andes and probability of Atlantis, 313; on degradation of Incas, 336; on deposits of guano, 310; on quipus, 334; 568on treasures of the huaca of Toledo, 327-29; on various Peruvian ruins and treasures, 325, 326, 326-29, 329-33; on Vega as Polar Star, 337;531.

Heathens, degraded and ruined by Christian fanatics, 322.

Heber, Bishop, and Taj-Mahal, 77.

Hebrews, and Aryas, 273.

Hell, Max, and Mesmer, 275.

Hell Fire: and Cannon Farrar, 183; probable origin of, 146.

Hehnont, van, 36, 531.

–, Opera Omnia, on second sight, 281.

Hermetic axiom, 9(20).

Herodotus, on Orphism, 95.

Hibernation: not Yoga, 456-57; of fakir at Lahore, 468; of serpents, 460; of tortoise, 459; of Yogis stops wear and tear of organs, 460-61.

Hieroglyphics: abundance of, in Peru, 305, 325; no clue to, in Peru, 305, 334; of Mexico, Palenque & Copan, 315; on rock near Arica, 326.

Higgins, G., Anacalypsis, q. Dupuis on Virgin and Child, 164; 531-32.

Hillarion Smerdis, 219 & fn., 366. Himalayas, and Sankara, 121.

Hindu(s); born metaphysicians, 75; no, is a Spiritualist, 78; relations of, with Englishmen, 298301; and subjective phenomena, 80; two parties in, Society, 455; views of, studied by Olcott & H. P. B., 78.

Hiranya [Hiranya] def. 285.

Hiranyagarbha [ Hiranyagarbha], as divine light, 285.

Histoire. See Deleuze.

Historia. See Sahagûn.

History. See Prescott; Robertson, Wm.

History oj Sepoy IF ar. See Kaye.

History of the Goths. See Olaus Magnus.

Hobilgans, 471.

Hoffmann, E. T. W., Chant <TAntonia, 220, 532.

–, Contes Fantastiques, 229.

–, Violin of Cremona, 239.

Holy Ghost: and fire, 146; as flame, 35.

Homer, Iliad, 152.

Honour: and cowardice, 142-43; pledge of, 476.

Horses, unknown in America before Spaniards, 320.

House and the Brain. See Bulwer-Lytton.

Houghton, Miss, medium, 492.

Howitt, Wm., and stone-throwings, 448.

Hozyain, housekeeper, 445.

Huacas (mounds): 324 et seq.; of Pando, 329; of Toledo and its treasures, 327-29.

Huancas, 308.

Huatica Valley, mounds of, 329-30.

Hue, Abbé, Travels in Thibet, 44, 532.

Huitzilopochtli, 320.

Human. See Quatrefages.

Humboldt, A.: 323; and guano, 309; on Teotihuacan, 319; vindicates truth about ancient America, 304.

–, Researches, etc., on analogies between monuments of Old and New World, 320-21; 532.

Hume, David, 92 fn.

Huxley: 158; fooled by Haeckel, 184.

–, “Darwin and Haeckel,” 184, 532.

Hypnotism : ancients acquainted with, 458; and Dr. Braid, 278; erroneous causes ascribed to, 282.

569 Hyponoia, esoteric, 95.

Hypostasis, 7(18).

Hysteria, 261.


lamblichus, and theurgy. 96.

Tao, 90.

Ikshvaku, 132 fn. Iliad. See Homer. Illuminati, 36. Illumination, 95. Imagination, and actual existence, 171.

Immortality: Bible mute on, 12 (23), 70; Buddhists do not believe in, 13(23); conditioned, discussed, 8-9(19-20), 10-11 (21-22); doctrine of, and crimes, 13(24); is not survival, 12(23).

Inca(s): and Aymaras, 317; had no written language, 334; meaning of term, alleged origin and office of, 305-07; tomb of, 340 et seq.; treasures of, and hieroglyphics, 326, 339-42.

India: ancient medicine of, 199; architecture in, and Greece, 344-45; British Government in, and T.S., 292, 428; coins of ancient, 348; and cycles, 424; degenerate yet more moral than Christian lands, 379; English politics and, 301-02; materialistic youth of, 121; mediumship in, considered a curse, 74; missionaries in, wretched failures, 258, 260; modern, shadow of Äryävarta, 99; Müller on religious ideas of, 210; mutiny in, due to missions, 26, 51; and mutiny of Rumla, 293 et seq.; needs schools of ancient psychology, 217; opposed to return of bhütas, 177-78; owes much to British Government, 26, 52; owes nothing to Christianity, 26, 52; phenomena in, 68-69; philosophers of, superior to any from European Universities, 508; population of, 26, 71, 72, 297; regeneration of, must be effected by Hindus, 181; scepticism of young, 38-39; six schools of philosophy in, 209; and Spiritualism, 71 et seq.; suffers from lack of harmony and unanimity of purpose, 297.

Indian Christian Herald, abuses T.S., 48-49, 52, 53.

Indian Daily News, on the burial of a murderer, 437.

Indian Echo Press, 453 fn. Indian Tribune, The, 31.

Individuality, obliteration of human, 109.

Indo-Caucasians, and Egyptians, 394.

Indra: def. 273; and Jahve, 274. Indu Prakash, 54, 483.

Infidels, acknowledged later as wise men, 90.

Influence, moral, of bad company, 398.

Ingersoll, Col. R. G., on Paine, 381.

Inichua, language of Incas, 317. Initiates, compose First Section of T.S., 494(501) & fn.

Inquisition, celestial slaughter house, 47.

Inspiration, as source of knowledge, 88.

Instinct, and intelligence, 186.

Insurance, life, and law of probability, 449.

Intelligence, and cerebral development, 186.

Interpolarisation, and Yoga, 470. Introduction. See Müller, Max.

570 Intuition: alone can perceive ideal laws, 103; Müller on, and faculty above reason, 179; reason subordinate to, 95.

Ireland,and letter P, 390.

Isaiah, and Israel, 140.

Isis, and Ceres as Holy Virgins, 164.

Israel, and Isaiah, 140.

tsvara: 94, 160, 467; identical with Agni, 34-35.

Izors, 356.