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[In the alphabetical arrangement of sub-entries of various chief headings, the word “and” has been disregarded. References to definitions of terms are in italics. References to pages above 618 are to Biographical and Bibliographical information.]
Aaron, initiated by Moses, 265.
Aba, the Father, as initiator, 265.
Abbott (or Abott), 78, 81-82.
Abercrombie, J., Intellectual Powers, 294, 619.
Abhava [Abhava], non-being, 580 d’Abrew, Peter, on Kotahena riots, 428fn.
Absolute: does not create karma, 194; or limitless unity, 52; relation of, to man, 195; we need not elbow each other on way to the, 47.
Academy of France, Committee of, for study of psychic phenomena, 132, 145, 175.
Accidents, victims of, and death, 189.
Adept(s): as rare as flower of Vogay tree, 170; Brotherhood of, and Sinnett’s testimony, 132; commands elemental forces by occult sounds, 166; do not transport themselves bodily, 176; first hand knowledge of, 484(487); and founding of T.S., 133; and Gurus, 229; how to become an, 342; know the extent of occult science, 583; longevity of, 448; and magicians in Atlantis, 263; moral qualities of true, 38-39; naturalborn, very rare, 607; no, in T.S. since Spring 1881, 39; not animated mummies, but happiest of mankind, 342; not infallible, 484(487) ; original hierarchy of, and later subdivisions, 515fn.; perfect, 228; personal relationships of, 4 & in.; physical organism of, 405; practical, always unmarried, 47, 266; proofs of existence of, should be examined, 294; protect chelas, 476-77; some ancient, incarnate in Tibet, 367; studies invisible agencies in full consciousness, 594; true, prevented by false, from publicly asserting their knowledge and existence, 40; what love means to, 341.
Adept-Brothers: criticized in Light, 274; criticized by Hume and Chelas’ protest, 229-30; H.P.B. with the, 272; modesty of, 228; source of teachings, 122, 182.
Adeptship, or ignoble martyrdom, 611-12.
Adi Brahmo Samaj: 109, 110, 406; English organ of, 146.
Adi-Buddha [more corr. Adi-Budha], and Dhyanis, 99-100.
Adi-Buddaship, perfect, 228.
Adrishta[Adrishta], 580.
Adultery, and Bible, 236.
Advaitee(s), beliefs of learned, identical with those of Theoso-phists, 336.