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The system of diacritical marks used in the Bibliographies and the Index (with square brackets), as well as in the English translations of original French and Russian texts, does not strictly follow any one specific scholar, to the exclusion of all others. While adhering to a very large extent to Sir Monier-Williams’ Sanskrit-English Dictionary, as for instance in the case of the Anusvâra, the transliteration adopted includes forms introduced by other Sanskrit scholars as well, being therefore of a selective nature.
It should also be noted that the diacritical mark for a long “a” was in the early days a circumflex, and therefore all of H.P.B.’s writings embody this sound in the form of “â.” No change has been made from this earlier notation to its more modern form of the “macron,” or line over the “a.” Such a change would have necessitated too many alterations, and almost certainly would have produced confusion; therefore the older usage has been adhered to throughout.
Realizing that it will assist the earnest student to have a list of selected editions of Oriental Works, most of which are not readily obtainable, the following Bibliography has been prepared. No attempt has been made to include all the known editions. Those mentioned below represent, therefore, only some of the most noteworthy publications. In a few instances, no definite information could be secured. Translations are in the English language, unless otherwise stated. Certain Serial Publications of Oriental Writings are indicated by italicized capital letters following the editions. Many of the works referred to may be consulted for a short time by means of Inter-Library Loans. To facilitate this, Institutions and Libraries where such works may be obtained, are indicated within square brackets.
The Key to the Abbreviations used is as follows:
Ed.—stands for Editions of the original text in Devanagari characters.
Roman—indicates the text to be in Roman characters.
AOS—Library of the American Oriental Society, New Haven, Conn.
B—Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass.
BM—Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass.
C—Columbia University Library, New York City, N. Y.
Ch—University of Chicago Library, Chicago, Ill.
Cl—Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio.
Cong—Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
H —Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Mass.
JHU—Johns Hopkins University Library, Baltimore, Md.
Μ—McGill University Library, Montreal, Canada.
NYP—New York Public Library, New York City, N. Y.
P—Princeton University Library, Princeton, N. J.
Pea—Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md.
UP—University of Pennsylvania Library, Philadelphia, Pa.
Y—Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn.
362 AKM—Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, publ. by the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Leipzig, 1857—,8vo.
AnSS—Ananddsrama Sanskrit Series, Poona.
Bibl. 1nd.—Bibliotheca Indica; a collection of original works (in Sanskrit, Hindi, Persian, and Arabic) publ. by the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta, Benares, Tungoo, London and Hertford, 1845—. Old and New Series, 4to and 8vo.
BSS—Bombay Sanskrit Series.
HOS—Harvard Oriental Series, edited, with the co-operation of various scholars, by Charles Rockwell Lanman. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1891—.
PTS—Pali Text Society Publications, London, 1882—. Text and Translation Series, 8vo.
SBE—Sacred Books of the East·, translated by various Oriental scholars, and edited by F. Max Müller. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879-90.
SBH—Sacred Books of the Hindus: translated by various Sanskrit scholars, edited by Mai. B. D. Basu, I.M.S. (Retired). Allahabad: Panini office.
Adhikarana-ratna-mdla or Jaiminiya-nyaya-mala-vistara or Bhattasara (Madhva Anandatirtha). Ed. by T. Goldstiicker and E. B. Cowell. London: Triibner and Co., 1878 [AOS.C.NYP.UP.Cong.Cl.H.B.]. No translation.
Aitareyaranyaka. Ed. by R. Mitra (with comm, of Sayanacharya). Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal, 1876. Bibi. Ind. 82.—Trans, (with text) bv A. B. Keith. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909, in Anecdota Oxioniensia, Aryan Series [both Y.JHU.Pea.UP.Cl.].
Amarakosa or Ndmalinganusasana or Trikdnda (Amarasinha). Ed. by K. Govind Oka. Poona: Law Print. Off., 1913.—Trans, by H. T. Colebrooke. Serampore, 1808; 3rd ed., Calcutta: Banerjee and Co., 1891 [both NYP.UP.C.C1.].
Ashtddhyayi (Panini). Ed. with partial Engl, trans, by Wm. Goone- tilleke. Bombay: Educ. Soc. Press, 1882 [UP.Cl.]. — Trans, by S. C. Vasu. Allahabad. 1891-98. 8 vols. [UP.Cl.Ch.]. — Germ, trans, by Otto Bohtlingk. Leipzig: H.Haessel, 1887 [UP.Cl.Ch. NYP.JHU.Cong.H.].
363 Atma-bodha (Samkaracharya)- Text (Roman) and trans, by I. F. Kearns. Madras: Christ. Knowl. Soc. Press, 1867 [H.]. — Trans, by J. Taylor. Bombay: Tookaram Tatya, 1886. Theos. Soc. Public. [C.]. — Trans, by Chas. Johnston. New York, 1897 [Cl.].
Bhagavad-Gita. Ed. and trans, by Manmatha Nath Sastn. Calcutta: Soc. for the Resuscit. of Ind. Lit., 1903 [C.Pea.Cl.].— Ed. and trans, by W. Douglas P. Hill. London: Oxf. Univ. Press, 1928 [YAOS.C.NYP.UP.H.]. — Ed. (Roman) with trans, and comm, by Prof. S. Radhakrishnan. London: Luzac and Co., 1947.—Trans, with notes and references to Christian Scriptures by Mohini M. Chatterji. Boston: Ticknor and Co., 1887 [Cl.]. — Recension with valuable Introductory by William Quan Judge. New York: The Path; London: Theos. Publishing Soc., 1890. Many subs, editions. — Trans, (almost verbally) by Dr. G. de Purucker. Lucifer, Point Loma, Calif., Vol. I, Nos. 1-6, 1930; Vol. II, Nos. 1-6, 1931; Vol. Ill, Jan.,Meh., May, 1932; Vol. IV, July, Sept., Nov., 1932. — Trans, by Bhagavan Das and Dr. Annie Besant. London: Theos. Publ. Soc., 1895 [Cl.H.]; rev. ed., 1896, and subs, editions. — Trans., with Samkaracharya’s Commentary, by A. Mahadeva Sastn. 2nd ed. Mysore, 1901. Vedic Religion Series, I.
Bhishma-parvan. 6th Book of the Mahabharata (q.v.).
Bhojaprabandha (Ballala). Ed. by Kasinath P. Parab. 2nd ed. Bombay: Nirnayasagara Press, 1904 [C.JHU.]. — Trans, (with text) by Saradaprasad Vidyabhushan. Calcutta: S. C. Auddy and Co., 1919 [Brit. Museum].
Brahma-sutras or Uttaramimdnsd or Sarirakasutra or Vedantasutras (Badarayana). Ed. with comm, of Samkaracharya and Anandagiri by N. S. Ekasambekara. Poona: Anandasrama Press, 1890-91. AnSS 21 [NYP.JHU.H.]. —Trans, with comm, of Samkaracharya and Ramanuja by Geo. Thibaut. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1890, 1896, 1904. SBE 34, 38, 48. — Germ, trans, by Paul Deusssen. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1887 (text in Roman) [C.NYP.JHU. UP.Cong.].
Brihadaranyakopanishad. Trans, with comm, of Madhavacharya (and text of Upanishad) by Sris Chandra Vasu. Allahabad: Panini’s Off., 1916. SBH 14. [AOS.C.NYP.UP.Cong.CLH.]. — Bide entries under Kaushitakibrahmanopanishad.
Brihatsamhita (Varahamihira). Ed. by MM. Sudhakara Dvivedi. Benares: E. J. Lazarus and Co., 1895-97. Vizianagram Skt. Series, voL 10 [Cl.Ch.H.]. — Trans, by N. Chidambaram Iyer. Madura: So. Indian Press, 1884-85 [H.BM.].
Brihat-Samkara-Bijaya. — No information available.
364 Charakasamhita (Charaka). Ed. by Jivananda Vidyasagara. Calcutta: Saraswati Press, 1877 [H.]; 2nd ed. Calcutta: Narayana Press, 1896 [Ch.]. — Trans, by K. A. C. Kaviratna. Calcutta, 1890-1925 [Y.C.JHU.].
Dabistan. Trans, by David Shea and Anthony Troyer. Paris: Orient. Trans. Fund, 1843. 3 vols.; same in Univ. Classics Libr., Washington and London: Μ. Walter Dunn, 1901, vol. 6.
Garga-samhitd (including Yuga-purana). With Hindi tika. MS. form, ff. 3, 429. Bombay: Venkatesvara Press, 1911 [Ch.].
Harivansa. Text in editions of Mahabharata (q.v.). — Trans, by Μ. N. Dutt. Calcutta: H. C. Dass, 1897 [C.NYP.Cl.Ch.H.].
Infancy, The Arabic Gospel of, an apocryphal gospel, probably an Arabic translation of a lost Syriac original compilation; refers expressly to the “Book of Joseph Caiphas, the High Priest,” the “Gospel of the Infancy” and the “Perfect Gospel.” Consists of 55 chapters covering period from the birth of Jesus to his twelfth year; stories deal mostly with the residence in Egypt; shows contact with Zoroastrian ideas. No definite date can be ascertained, though it must be prior to Mohammedan era. No MS. exists earlier than the 13th century. Very popular with the Syrian Nestorians. This Gospel may have been a Catholic retouching of a Gnostic compilation. English version by Walker. See Ante-Nicean Fathers, VIII, 405-15 (American reprint of Edinburgh edition. New York: Chas. Scribner’s Sons, 1908).
Karika or Agamasästra or Gaudapädiyakärikä (Gaudapäda). Famous comm, on the Mandukya Upanishad ca. 780 A.D. — Ed. by E. Röer in his edition of the Upanishads. Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal· Bibi. Ind. 7, Old Ser. — Trans, by Manilal N. Dvivedi. Bombay: Bombay Theos. Fund, 1894 [H.].—Trans, by Swami Nikhilänanda. Mysore: Sri Ramakrishna Äsrama, 1936 [H.].
Kathdsaritsagara (Somadeva-Bhatta). Ed. by Durgaprasad and K. P. Parab. Bombay: Nirnaya-sägara Press, 1889 [C.Ch.H.]. — Germ, trans, and text in Roman ed. by Hermann Brockhaus. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus; Paris: Brockhaus and Avenarius, 1839, 1862, 1866 [Y.C.NYP.UP.Cong.Cl.]. — Engl, trans, by C. H. Tawney, ed. by N. Μ. Penzer. London: Chas. J. Sawver Ltd., 1924-28. 10 vols. [Y.C.NYP.UP.Cong.Cl.].
Kaushitakibrdhmanopanishad. Ed. with Engl, trans, by E. B. Cowell. Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal, 1861. Bibi. Ind. 39 [Y.AOS.Pea.Cong. Cl.H.]. — The Upanishads. Trans, by F. Max Müller. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879, 1884. SBE I and XV. — The Twelve Principal Upanishads (Engl, trans.), Tookaram Tatya. Bombay: Bomb. Theos. Public. Fund, 1899 [C.UP.Cl.Ch.].
365 Kerala Utpatti. Work cont. historical and statistical acc. of the region of Kerala (Malabar). — No information available.
Kusumanjali or Nydya-busumanjali (Udayana). Ed. and trans, by E. B. Cowell and Mahesa C. Nyayaratna. Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press, 1864 (incl. comm, of Hari Dasa Bhattacharya) [Y.AOS.Cong. Cl.Ch.H.].
Lalitavistara. Ed. by R. Mitra (partially trans.). Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal, 1877. Bibi. Ind. 15 [Y.NYP.Cong.Cl.]. — Trans, by R. Mitra. Bibi. Ind., New Series, vol. 90 [Brit. Museum].
Laws of Manu. See Mdnavadharmasastra.
Mahabharata (Vyasa). Ed. (with the Harivansa) for the Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, Calcutta, 1834-39. 5 vols. 4to. Ed., with comm, of Nilakantha, by R. Kinjawadekar. Poona: Chitrachala Press, 192933. 6 vols. — Critically ed. by Vishnu S. Sukthankar. Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1927. ... (in progress) Y.AOS.C.NYPJHU.UP.]. — Trans, by K. M. Ganguli and Pratap Chandra Roy. Calcutta: Bharata Press, 1883-96. 12 vols. [Y.AOS.C.NYP.JHU. UP.H.]; 2nd ed. Calcutta: Datta N. Bose and Co., 1923, etc. — Trans, by M. N. Dutt. Calcutta: Elysium Press, 1895-1905. 18 vols. [Cl.H.BM.].
Mahabharata-anusasanaparvan. 13th Book of the Mahabharata (q.v.).
Mahdbhashya (Patanjali). Ed. by F. Kielhorn. Bombay: Govern. Central Book Depot, 1878-80, 1882-83, 1884-85. 3 vols. BSS 18-20, 21, 22, 26, 28-30 [Y.C.Cong.CLCh.]. — Trans, in parts by P. Chandra Chakravarti, Indian Hist. Quarterly, 1(1925), 703-39. No complete translation in existence.
Mahanirvanatantra. Ed. by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe). Madras: Ganesh and Co., 1929 [Y.C.NYP.UP.]. — Trans, by same author. London: Luzac and Co., 1913 [Y.C.NYP.Pea.UP.Cong.].
Mahaparinibbdna-sutta (Pali; Skt.: Mahdparinirvana-Sutra). Trans, by T. W. Rhys Davids. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1881. SBE XI.
Mahavansa. Ed. by Wilhelm Geiger. London: for Pali Text Soc., Oxford Univ. Press, 1908 (Roman). PTS 63. — Trans, by Wilhelm Geiger and Mabel Bode. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1912. PTS., trans, ser. (3.). [both Y.C.NYP.JHU.Pea.Cong.Cl.Ch.H.].
Mdnavadharmasastra or Manusmriti (Manu). The most important and earliest of the metrical Smritis, prob, based on a Manavadharma- sutra. Closely connected with the Mahabharata, of which three books alone (iii., xii., xvi.) contain as many as 260 of its 2684 slokas. Prob, assumed its present shape not much later than 200 A.D. Text crit. edited by J. Jolly. London: Triibner and Co., 1887. Triibner’s Orient. Ser. — Trans, by G. Buhler. Oxford: Clarendon 366Press, 1886. SBE XXV. — See The Dharma-Sutras, M. N. Dutt, under Yâjnavalkyasmriti.
Matsya Purâna. Ed. by Jîvânanda Vidyâsâgara. Calcutta: Saraswati Press, 1876 [Cl.Ch.H.j. — Trans, by a Taluqdar of Oudh. Alla- hâbâd: Pânini Off., 1916-17. SBH vol. 17 [C.NYP.UP.Cong. Cl.Ch.H.BM.].
Nârâyanopanishad. Ed. with notes by Col. G. A. Jacob. Bombay: Govern. Central Book Depot, 1891 (contains eleven Atharva-Veda Upanishads) [Y.AOS.C.JHU.UP.Cl.Ch.]. — Ed. with comm, of Srl Upanishad Brahma Yogin by A. Mahâdeva Sâstrî. Adyar Library Publication, 1923 (contains 14 Vaishnava Upanishads) [Cong.Cl.Ch.H.]. — Thirty Minor Upanishads. Trans, by K. Nârâyanasvâmi Aiyar. Madras, 1914 [NYP.C1.].
Nirukta (Yâska). Ed. by Lakshman Sarup (incl. the Nighantu). Lahore: Univ, of Punjab, 1927. — Trans, by same author. Oxford Univ. Press, 1921 [both Y.UP.C1.BM.].
Nyâyasûtra or Nyâyadarsana (Gotama Akshapâda or Akshacharana). Text and trans, by Satîsa. C. Vidyâbhûshana. Allahâbâd : Pânini Off., 1913. SBH vol. 8 [AOS.C.NYP.Cong.Cl.H.]. — See also The Dharma-Sûtras, M. N. Dutt, under Yâjnavalkyasmriti.
Panchatantra. Ed. by F. Kielhorn and (IV and V) G. Biihler. Bombay, 1868-69. BSS 1, 3, 4 [Y.UP.H.]. — Text and trans, by F. Edgerton. New Haven, Conn.: Amer. Orient. Soc., 1924 (Roman). 2 vols. Amer. Orient. Ser. [Y.AOS.C.NYP.UP.Cong.H.].
Parâsarasmriti or Parâsara-dharma-samhitâ (Parâsara). Anterior to 1300 A.D. Ed. with comm, of Sâyana by Pandit Vâman S. Islâma- purkar. Bombay and Poona, 1898-1919. BSS 47, 48, 59, 64, 67, 74 [C.Cl.Ch.H.]. — Trans, by Krishnakamal Bhattacharya. Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal, 1887. Bibi. Ind. Ill [Y.NYP.JHU.Pea. Cong.H.].
Popul-Vuh. Text in Quiche and French trans, by the Abbé Charles Étienne Brasseur de Bourbourg. Paris, 1861. 8vo. — The Book of the Azure Veil. With Explanatory Notes and Comments. By Aretas. Lucifer, London, Vol. XV, Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., 1894; Jan., Feb., 1895. Contains about one fourth of the Popul-Vuh, transl. from the above French rendering.
Râjadharmànusâsana parvan. “Instruction in a King’s duty,” being the 1st part of the 12th Book of the Mahabharata (q.v.) and containing the precepts given to the five Pândavas by Bhishma on his death-bed.
Rajataramgini (Kalhana). “River of Kings,” a Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir, begun by its author in 1148 A. D. Contains 367ab. 8,000 slokas. Early part is legendary; more historical in later times. Of consid. value for the archaeol. and chronol. of Kashmir. Ed. by Μ. A. Stein. Bombay: Educ. Soc. Press; Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz, 1892. — Trans, by same author. Westminster: A. Constable and Co., 1900 [both AOS.C.JHU.Cl.Ch.].
Ramayana (Valmiki). Ed. by T. R. Krishnächärya and T. R. Vyäsä-charya. Bombay: Nirnaya-sägara Press, 1911-13 [Cl.Ch.].—Trans, by Ralph T. H. Griffith. London: Trübner and Co., 1870-74. 5 vols. [NYP.Pea.Cong.Cl.Ch.H.].
Rigveda-Samhitä. Ed. by F. Max Müller (Samhitä and pada texts in nägari). 2nd ed. London: Trübner and Co., 1877. 2 vols. 8vo. — Ed. by Theodor Aufrecht (Samhitä text in transliteration). 2nd ed. Bonn: Adolph Marcus, 1877. 2vols. [both Y.C.NYP.UP. Cong.H.]. — Trans, by H. H. Wilson. London: Trübner and Co., and Wm. H. Allen and Co., 1850, 54, 57, 66, 88 [AOS.Cong.H.]. — Trans, by R. T. H. Griffith. Benares: E. J. Lazarus and Co., 1889-92 [C.JHU.UP.]. — Trans, by F. Max Müller and Hermann Oldenberg. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1891, 1897. SBE XXXII, XLVI.
Samaveda-Samhita. Ed. with comm, of Säyanächärya by Satyavrata Sämasrami. Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal, 1874, 76, 77, 78. 5 vols. Bibi. Ind. 71, New Ser. [Y.AOS.NYP.Pea.Cong.P.H.]. — Trans, by R. T. H. Griffith. Benares: E. J. Lazarus and Co., 1893; 2nd ed., 1907 [NYP.UP.C1.].
Samkaradigvijaya (Mädhava Vidyäranya). Poona: Anandasrama Press, 1891.AnSS 22; 3rd ed., J932 [NYP.UP.H.Cl.Ch.]. — Trans, by Swami Tapasyänanda, Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1978.
Samkaravijaya (Anandagiri or Änandajnäna). Ed. by Jivananda Vidyäsägara. Calcutta: Sarasudhänidhi Press, 1881 [H.]. — Ed. by J. Tärkapanchänana. Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal, 1868. Bibi. Ind. 46, New Ser. [Y.NYP.AOS.Pea.Cong.Cl.Ch.].
Samkara-vijaya-vilasa (Chitsukhächärya). — No information available.
Satapathabrahmana. In The White Yajurveda, ed. by Albrecht Weber. Part 2. Berlin: F. Dümmler’s Verlagsbuchhandlung; London: Williams and Norgate, 1855 [Y.C.NYP.JHU.UP.Cong.H.]. — Trans, by Julius Eggeling. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1882, 85, 94, 97, 1900. 5 vols. SBE XII, XXVI, XLI, XLIII, XLIV.
Surya-siddhdnta (Asuramaya). Ed. by Sudhakara Dvivedi. Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal, 1909-11. Bibi. Ind. 173 [C.NYP.C1.]. — Trans, by Rev. Ebenezer Burgess (assisted by W. D. Whitney). Journ. Amer. Orient. Soc. 6 (1860), 141-498.
368 Sutras (Panini). See Ashtadhyayi.
Upanishadbhashya (Samkaracharya). Text in Works of Samkaracharya, ed. by Hari Raghunath Bhagavat. Vol. 2. 2nd ed. Poona: Ashtekar and Co., 1927-28 [BM.].
Vaiseshikasutra {Kanada). Text publ. in Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press, 1887 [Y.ÜP.Cong.Ch.H.]. — Trans, by A. E. Gough. Benares: E. J. Lazarus and Co., 1873 [Y.UP.Cl.Ch.H.B.].
Vdrttika (Kätyayana). Meaning “Notes.” Prob. 3rd century B. C.; deal with 1245 of Panini’s rules. Text in Roman and partial trans, in French by Väsudeva Gopäla Paranjpe. Heidelberg: Weiss’sche Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1922 [Cl.].
Vayu-Purana. Ed. by R. Mitra. Calcutta: As. Soc. of Bengal, 1880, 1888. 2 vols. Bibi. Ind. 85 [Y.AOS.NYP.JHU.Pea.Cong.H.].
Vishnu-Purana. Ed. by Jivänanda Vidyäsägara. Calcutta: Saraswati Press, 1882 [Cl.BM.]. — Trans, by H. H. Wilson. Ed. by Fitz- edward Hall. London: Trübner and Co., 1864, 65, 66, 68, 70. Works by the late H. H. Wilson [Y.AOS.NYP.Pea.Cong.H.].
Yajnavaliyasmriti or Yajnavalkya-dharma-sastra (Yajnavalkya). Rather concise, cont. only 1009 slokas. Prob, based on a Dharma-Sutra of the White Yajur-Veda. Dated ca, 350 A. D. Its author prob, belonged to Mithilä, capital of Videha (Tirhut). Text and trans, in The Dharma Sutras, ed. by Μ. N. Dutt. Calcutta: Soc. for the Resuscit. of Ind. Literature, 1906-08 [H.]. — Skt. with German trans, by Adolph Stenzler. Berlin: F. Dümmler, 1849 [Y.AOS. JHU.UP.H.].
Yajurveda (Black). (a) Taittiriyasamhita. Ed. by Albrecht Weber. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1871-72 (Roman). Indische Studien, vols. 11-12 [Y.AOS.NYP.JHU.UP.Cong.H.]. — Trans, by A. B. Keith. Cambridge, Mass.: Harv. Univ., 1914. HSO 18, 19. — (b) Maitrayanisamhita. Ed. by Leopold von Schroeder. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1881, 83, 85, 86. 4 vols. [Y.NYPJHU.UP.H.]. — Ed. by E. Röer and E. B. Cowell. Bibi. Ind. 26, Old Ser. [Y.AOS.NYP.JHU.Cong.H.].
Yajurveda (White). Ed. by Albrecht Weber. Berlin: F. Dümmler; London: Williams and Norgate, 1852 [Y.C.NYP.JHU.UP.Cong. H.]. — Trans, by R. T. H. Griffith. Benares: E. J. Lazarus and Co., 1899 [Y.C.UP.Cong.H.].
Yogasutra or Pätanjala (Patanjali). Text and trans, by Ballantyne and Govind Sastri Deva. Ed. by Tookaram Tatya. Bombay: Theos. Soc., 1882; 2nd rev. ed. for the Bombay Theos. Public. Fund. Bombay: Subodhaprakash Press, 1885 [NYP.P.H.]. — Trans, by James H. Woods. Cambridge, Mass.: Harv. Univ., 1914. HSO 17 369[Y.C.NYP.Pea.Cong.UP.H.].—The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali. An interpret, by Wm. Quan Judge, ass. by James H. Connelly. New York: The Path, 1889 (trans, and conun.) ; many subs, editions.— Trans, with Notes by Manilal N. Dvivedi. Bombay: Bombay Theos. Public. Fund. 1890 [NYP.UP.Cong.Cl.Ch.BM.].
Yuga-Purana. A section of Gargasamhita (q.v.).
The material contained in the following pages is of necessity a selective one, and is intended to serve three purposes: (a) to give condensed information, not otherwise readily available, about the life and writings of some individuals mentioned by H. P. B. in the text, and who are practically unknown to the present-day student; (b) to give similar data about a few well-known scholars who are discussed at length by H. P. B., and whose writings she constantly quotes; and (c) to give full information regarding all works and periodicals quoted or referred to in the main text and in the Compiler’s Notes, with or without biographical data of their authors. All such works are marked with an asterisk(*).
Agassiz, Jean Louis Rudolphe (1807-1873). *Principles of Zoology, etc. In collab. with Augustus A. Gould. Boston: Gould, Kendall and Lincoln, 1848. Subs, ed., 1851, 1856, 1873.
Amara (or Amarasinha). Hindu Buddhist Sanskrit lexicographer, fl. about middle of 6th century A. D. His dictionary, the *Amara- ko'sa (See App. p. 362), known also as the Namalinganusasana or Trikanda (mean, “in three parts”), superseded all previous similar works, and occupies same dominant position in lexicography as Panini’s work does in grammar. Essentially a dictionary of synonyms ; words being arranged acc. to subject-matter. Contains 1,500 verses.
Anandagiri (or Anandajnana). Pupil of, and annotator on, Samkaracharya. Author of Samkaravijaya (See App. p. 367).
Anandatirtha. See Madhava.
Arrianus, Flavius. Greek historian, native of Nicomedia, fl. 2nd century, under Hadrian and the Antonines. In his own country, priest of Ceres and Proserpina. Became disciple of Epictetus in Rome. Patronized by Hadrian for learning and talents, honored with citizenship of Rome, appointed Prefect of Cappadocia, later Senator and Consul. Like Xenophon, united literary with military 370character. On intimate terms with men of learning. Of numerous historical works, only two remain: *Anabasis of Alexander, seven books principally comp, from the memoirs of Ptolemy Lagus and Aristobulus, both of whom served under Alexander (ed. by Grono- vius, Ludg. Bat., 1704, fol. and Schmieder, Lips., 1798, 8vo.) ; and *Indian History, appended to the former (ed. by Schmieder, Halae, 1798, 8vo.). Orig. Greek and English trans, by E. Iliff Robson, Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press; London: Wm. Heinemann, 1946. 2 vols. Loeb Class. Libr.