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Author(s): | Orlovsky K. |
Organization: | |
Place: | Tiflis, Russia |
Date: | 1862-08-23 |
Language(s): | Russian |
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Receiver(s): | Blavatsky H. P. |
Place: | |
Date: | 1 year |
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Person(s): | Blavatsky N. V.; Blavatsky Yuri |
Place(s): | |
Other: | |
Concerns: | |
Summary and notes
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Passport granted to Madame H. P. Blavatsky to travel with infant-ward Yuri throughout several Russian provinces | |
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Location: | Theosophical Society Archives, Pasadena, California, USA |
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Other languages
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Russian | |
Literal translation
Price 90 kop. sil.
Price 1 Rub. – 1862.[1]
This is given to the wife of the governor of the Caucasian State Councilor Blavatsky, to Elena Petrova daughter of Blavatsky[2], on the basis of a memo filed by her husband, we are convinced that she, Mrs. Blavatsky, is going with a infant-ward Yuri to visit relatives in the Tauride, Kherson and Pskov provinces, for the term of one year. Therefore, the local authorities are invited to give unimpeded passage for Mrs. Blavatsky and a lawful assistance should follow from everyone. August 23, 1862, the city of Tiflis.
Tiflis Civil Governor [signed] K. Orlovsky
Secretary [signed] N. Blavatsky
Original in old Russian
Цҍна 90 коп. сер.
Цҍна 1 Руб. – 1862.
Данъ сей жене Состоящаго при Главномъ Управленiи Намҍстника Кавказского Статского Совҍтника Блаватскаго, Еленҍ Петровой дочери Блаватской, на основанiи докладной записки поданной ея мужемъ, въ том, что она, г-жа Блаватская, отправляется съ малолетнимъ воспитанникомъ Юрiемъ для свиданiя съ родственниками въ Таврическую, Херсонскую и Псковскую губернiи, срокомъ на одинъ годъ. А потому местныя Начальства благоволятъ чинить г-же Блаватской свободный пропускъ и законное въ семъ будетъ слҍдовать вспоможенiе. 23 Августа 1862 года, город Тифлисъ.
Тифлисскiй Гражданский Губернаторъ [подпись] К. Орловский
[гербовая печать]
Секретарь [подпись] Н. Блаватский
Official translation, 1890
This document is given to the wife of the Civil Councillor & Attaché of the Chief Department of the Viceroy of the Caucasus, Blavatsky, Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, in pursuance of a petition presented by her husband to the effect that she, Madame Blavatsky, accompanied by their infant-ward Youry, proceeds to the provinces of Tauris, Cherson & Pskoff for the term of one year. Therefore the local governments are invited to give Madame Blavatsky unimpeded passage and to lend her every lawful assistance. August 23. 1862 – The city of Tiflis.
(Signed) Orlovsky
Civil Governor.
(Countersigned) Nicolas Blavatsky
No 2111. The Imperial Russian Consulate General herewith certifies the correctness of the foregoing translation. London, 1st September 1890.
Consul General for Russia:
A. De Vorborth
[Stamp] Imperial Russian Consulate in London
Certificate of authority to A. de Volborth
I, John C. New, Consul-General of the United States of America for Great Britain and Ireland at London, do hereby make known and certify to all whom it may concern, that the signature “A. de Volborth” subscribed to the annexed Certificate, is of the true and proper handwriting of A. de Volborth; that the said A. de Volborth is the Russian Consul General in London, that the seal affixed to the said Certificate is the seal of the Russian Consulate General in London, and that to all acts signed as the annexed full faith and credit are and ought to be given in Judicature and thereout.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Consulate-General of the United States at London, aforesaid, this 1st day of September 1890.
John C. New
- ↑ In the upper right corner there is a state stamp with official price for such a document. It states the value of 90 kopecks in silver. But at the top in the middle there is a red stamp with a new price approved in 1862: 1 ruble. On the left field of the letter there is a note: "No. 1159". Apparently it refers to the document number. – Ed.
- ↑ So in original text, in official translation it is corrected. – Ed.