Template:VPZ about HPB header

From Teopedia

This template creates header for pages of book «Vera Petrovna Zhelikhovsky about her sister Helena Petrovna Blavatsky».

To copy:

{{VPZ about HPB header
 | title = 
 | prev  = 
 | next  = 
 | rus   = 
 | source= 


{{VPZ about HPB header
 | title = Raddha-Bai
 | prev  = Modern Priest of Truth
 | next  = Truth about H. P. Blavatsky
 | rus   = Радда-Бай
 | source= Biographic essay by V. P. Zhelikhovsky in H. P. Blavatsky’s book Enigmatic Tribes on Blue Mountains. The Durbar in Lahore. Saint Petersburg, Publishing House of Bookseller V. I. Gubinsky, 1893 (Желиховская В.П. Радда-Бай // Блаватская Е.П. Загадочные племена на «Голубых горах». Дурбар в Лагоре. – СПб.: Издание книгопродавца В.И. Губинского, 1893.).