<Untitled> (Invitation to Baron de Palm cremation)
New York, November, 1876.
To ___________________
- ___________________
- ___________________
Dear Sir; Upon the 6th of December, proximo, at Washington, Pa., will be cremated the body of the late
in compliance with wishes expressed to his executors shortly before his decease. This ceremony you are respectfully invited, either in person or by proxy, to attend.
The cremation will be effected in a furnace specially designed for the purpose, and erected by F. Julius Le Moyne, M. D., as an earnest of his preference for this mode of sepulture.
The occasion being one of interest to Science, in its historical, sanitary, and other aspects, the Executors of Baron de Palm have consented that it shall have publicity. This invitation is accordingly sent to you in the hope that you may find it convenient to be represented, and in case the general subject of cremation should be discussed, take part in the debate. The University of Pennsylvania, the Washington and Jefferson College, the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons, other institutions of learning, and the Health Boards of Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, (D. C.,) and other cities, have already signified their intention to send representatives, It is believed that the occasion will draw together a very large number of highly competent and influ-<... continues on page 4-17 >
- ↑ Invitation to Baron de Palm cremation by Olcott H.S.; Newton H.J.