Besant A - Letter to Zhelikhovsky VP (1893-08-05)

Letter data
Author(s): Besant A.
Place: 17 and 19, Avenue Road, Regent's Park, London, N.W.
Date: 1893-08-05
Language(s): English
Receiver(s): Zhelikhovsky V.P.
Person(s): Solovyov V.S.; Wachtmeister C.; Wachtmeister A.R.
Other: Psychical Research Society
Concerns: Blavatsky H.P.
Summary and notes
Annie Besant thanks V.P.Zh. for received photo, books, and papers; writes about her visit and defense of HPB at Psychical Research Society and about affairs of Countess Wachtmeister and her son. Letterhead with TS emblem, no address or organization.
Location: GARF, items:
Ф. Р-5972. Оп. 1. Д. 79. Л. 11
Ф. Р-5972. Оп. 1. Д. 79. Л. 11об
Besant A - Zhelikhovsky VP, 1893-08-05, 1.jpg Besant A - Zhelikhovsky VP, 1893-08-05, 2.jpg
Other languages


from: Besant A.
to: Zhelikhovsky V.P.
date: 1893-08-05

19 Avenue Road
Aug 5. 93.

My dear Mme. Jelihovsky,

Thank you so very much for your photo & the kind words on it.

And thank you also for the book & papers. I wish I could read Russian. If the Psychical Research Society does not issue it, I must see about getting it translated.

I went down to the P.R.S’s last meeting when they attacked H.P.B with this stuff of Solovioff's, & claimed the right to speak in her defence. They only allowed me 7 minutes! But I made them very uncomfortable by some things I said.

The Countess is away in Sweden, working for Theosophy as usual. Her son is back from the East & is with her.

With my hearty greetings to you & congratulations on your good work,

cordially yours

Annie Besant