Blavatsky H.P. - The Alleged Real Meaning of Educational Missions in India

The Alleged Real Meaning of Educational Missions in India
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 3, page(s) 69-70

Publications: The Theosophist, Vol. II, No. 6, March, 1881, pp. 136-137

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We confess to having read with great surprise an authoritative explanation that the real object in view in the establishment of the Christian Vernacular Education Society was—Revenge! In the Wisbeach Advertiser, an English journal of wide circulation—of November 20, 1880, is the report of a public meeting to collect funds for the above-named society. Col. S. D. Young, an old Indian officer, appeared as a delegate from the society in London, the Revs. Littlewood, Bellman, and Hollins attended, and the chair was occupied by the Rev. Canon Scott. Col. Young went on to describe the dark and dreadful heathenism of the Hindus, and said that the Mutiny of 1857 “although a dreadful affair and a time of mourning for England, was the beginning of good for India,” for it was the immediate cause of the organization of the Vernacular Education Society.

Up to 1858 the missionaries had to do all kinds of work, and they were thus burthened and hindered in their efforts to christianize the people. They had had up to that time to sit down and compile the school books, translate them into native languages, etc., which caused them to lose half their time. This state of things caused Dr. Venn and Henry Carr Tucker to originate the Christian Vernacular Education Society as a memorial of the mutiny, a thank offering to God for his goodness to them during that dark period and A CHRISTIAN RETALIATION upon the natives.

70 Now this is charmingly frank, and we ought to be grateful to the Vernacular Education Society’s official delegate, Col. Young, for so liberally showing us the Society’s little game. Doubtless, now that the poor blind Hindu heathens know why their dear friends are sending them so many teachers, they will appreciate the delicacy of motive which has begotten such zeal. Pity that Col. Young forgot to mention this before he left India !