Blavatsky H.P. - The Theosophical Society in India

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The Theosophical Society in India
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 6, page(s) 287-288

Publications: The Times (London), October 9, 1884

Also at: KH; UT

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With reference to the alleged exposure at Madras of a dishonourable conspiracy between myself and two persons of the name of Coulomb to deceive the public with occult phenomena, I have to say that the letters purporting to have been written by me are certainly not mine. Sentences here and there I recognize, taken from old notes of mine on different matters, but they are mingled with interpolations that entirely pervert their meaning. With these exceptions the whole of the letters are a fabrication.

The fabricators must have been grossly ignorant of Indian affairs, since they make me speak of a “Maharajah of Lahore,” when every Indian school-boy knows that no such person exists.

With regard to the suggestion that I attempted to promote “the financial prosperity” of the Theosophical Society by means of occult phenomena, I say that I have never at any time received, or attempted to obtain, from any person any money either for myself or for the Society by any such means. I defy anyone to come forward and prove the contrary. Such money as I have received has 288been earned by literary work of my own, and these earnings and what remained of my inherited property when I went to India have been devoted to the Theosophical Society. I am a poorer woman today than I was when with others I founded the society.

Your obedient servant,


77, Elgin Crescent, Notting Hill, W., Oct. 7.