Boris de Zirkoff passed on shortly after this current volume of the Collected Writings series was handed to the typesetter. He wished to acknowledge those members of the Theosophical Society, Adyar, who made available micro-film copies of H.P.B.’s unpublished articles during his 1977 trip to India; in particular John Coats, Joy Mills and Seetha Neelakantan. A number of manuscripts and fragments appear here for the first time. In a few cases these were difficult to decipher. Surmised words or phrases are bracketed and the compiler left blank spaces where words were totally illegible. Adjacent to the Kabala and Pherecydes articles we have reproduced by offset the entire documents from micro-film, so that the reader may compare the originals. Mr. Richard Robb has redrawn several of the Coptic and Greek symbols, while Hector Tate rendered the geometrical figures in Pistis Sophia according to the way H.P.B. wished them to be corrected in Lucifer.
We especially thank Mr. Robb for his patient care in expanding the unfinished bibliography. A number of other workers who assisted Boris with Volume XII continued their dedicated tasks. Vonda Urban was able to secure the cuneiform inscriptions of Mr. Jules Oppert from the University of Chicago Library. Nicholas Weeks assisted in the indexing as well as the proof-reading. We were also fortunate to have the help of Mrs. Jeanne Sims and Shelley Von Strunckel.
The serendipity which drew librarians Wayne Montgomery and Vern Haddick to locate several obscure journal references is gratefully acknowledged. Due to circumstances of the Editor’s passing, it was deemed crucial to complete the C.W. series while production could continue in the hands of long-time friend and printer Mr. Everett Stockton, even if a few source materials remained unlocated. Readers who have clues to such quotations are welcome to contact the publisher.
The production of Volume XIII has drawn cooperation between individuals of all groups. We thank Erica Lauber in London, Anita Atkins of New York and Melitza Cowling (who translated a Russian version of the St. James Gazette letter, reprinted in The Moscow Herald). xxiiWe also sought the helpful advice of Emmett Small of Point Loma Publication, and several other long-time friends of Boris.
Of all groups offering time and assistance we make special mention of The Theosophical Society of Pasadena, under the guidance of Grace F. Knoche, Kirby and John Van Mater, as well as I. Manuel Oderberg were tireless in searching their library and archival resources. From the latter Mr. William Dougherty reproduced the photos of Henry More and others.
We hope that no one is overlooked in this attempt to thank the many it requires to produce a work of this kind. If so, such persons will feel amply rewarded by the gems from H.P.B.’s pen. There are futuristic articles and creative tales included here. Archaeological finds and unusual hints appear in small fragments of articles which we hope someday will be discovered in their entirety. We hope and trust this work is all that our departed friend and Editor wished it to be.
MAY, 1982