The dog ‐headed god, identical, in a certain aspect, with Horus. He is pre‐eminently the god who deals with the disembodied, or the resurrected in post mortem life. Anepou is his Egyptian name. He is a psychopompic deity, “the Lord of the Silent Land of the West, the land of the Dead, the preparer of the way to the other world ”, to whom the dead were entrusted, to be led by him to Osiris, the Judge. In short, he is the “embalmer” and the “guardian of the dead”. One of the oldest deities in Egypt, Mariette Bey having found the image of this deity in tombs of the Third Dynasty (TG).
To show: ; sortable: Anubis
Shortly: The dog ‐headed god, identical, in a certain aspect, with Horus. He is pre‐eminently the god who dea...