Blavatsky H.P. - An Appeal for the Redemption of the Poor Pariahs

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An Appeal for the Redemption of the Poor Pariahs
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 5, page(s) 314-315

Publications: The Theosophist, Vol. V, No. 1(49), October, 1883, pp. 26-27

Also at: KH; UT

In other languages: Russian

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A noble movement, one of a most redeeming and high character, is set on foot by several native gentlemen of Southern India, namely, a Society for the Regeneration of the Pariah classes. Hitherto, these hapless outcastes, or 315 rather, creatures of no-caste, rejected by all their fellow-men, thought that their only way to social and political rather than religious salvation, was by lending a willing ear to the liberal promises made to them by the Missionaries; and thus—they fell an easy prey to these universal way-layers. Had the Padris while baptizing (which does not always mean converting) them, done anything in the way of moral regeneration for this unfortunate class, we would be the first to applaud their efforts. As it is, every European having the misfortune to deal with native converts (of any caste, not only the Pariahs) whether as servants or anything else, will bear out our testimony when saying that Missionary proselytism has done a thousand times more harm to those natives who have succumbed to it than any kind of idolatry or fetishism. Useless to go over a too well beaten ground and repeat that which has been said and better said even by a few honest Christian missionaries themselves. Therefore we applaud most sincerely to the noble undertaking. Once that the Pariahs, among whom there are as many intelligent young men as among any other class, are made to enjoy the benefits of an education that will enable them to think for themselves, the abuses of proselytism must cease. We feel happy to give such a specimen of the growth of philanthropy in the right direction in India as this “APPEAL to the Native Princes, Zemindars, Merchants, Graduates of the University of Madras, and all other educated gentlemen of Southern India.”

[Here follows the text of the Appeal, issued from Bangalore, May 12, 1883, and signed by A. Narasimma Iyengar, Assistant Commissioner in Waiting on H. H. the Mahâ Râja of Mysore, and A. Sreenivasa Chariar, Advocate, and Vice-President, Bangalore Town Municipality. The text outlines the miserable position of the Pariahs, their good qualities and potential capacities for education, and explains the aims of the Association and its objectives.]