Blavatsky H.P. - Introductory Note to Spiritualistic Black Magic

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Introductory Note to “Spiritualistic Black Magic”
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 4, page(s) 300

Publications: The Theosophist, Vol. IV, No. 4, January 1883, p. 92

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[A correspondent states his position with regard to certain letters in The Theosophist of July, 1882, protesting against his allegations published previously in the same magazine. H. P. B. introduces his statement with the following remarks:]

Certain allegations by a “Caledonian Theosophist,” as to the spread of immoral ideas and even practices, in certain spiritualistic circles at London, were printed in The Theosophist for April last, and indignantly denounced by sundry correspondents in the number for July. The accuser was editorially called upon to make good his charges, and by returning post he sent the following communication. At the time of its arrival, the Editor was very ill, and shortly after went, under orders, to Sikkim to meet certain of the BROTHERS. The matter has thus been unavoidably delayed. The communication from London to our correspondent, we must say, puts a very grave aspect upon the case, and apparently warrants the position taken up by the latter, as well as our editorial strictures. It is, however, unfit for publication in these pages. Readers of Des Mousseaux will find similar examples of authenticated immoral relationships between mortals and elementaries, narrated in his Mœurs et Pratiques des Démons, and Les Hauts Phénomènes de la Magie (pp. 228 et seq.); and other authors, among them the Catholic Fathers, have described them. Recently a case in India, where the victim was actually killed by his horrid siren, and another in an adjacent country, where a most estimable lady was sacrificed, have come to our knowledge. It is a terrible contingency for the patrons of “Spirit materialization” to face, that too close intercourse with these moral vampires of materialized “guides,” may lead to spiritual ruin and even physical death.