Blavatsky H.P. - Miscellaneous Notes (7)

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Miscellaneous Notes
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 2, page(s) 414-415

Publications: The Theosophist, Vol. I, No. 9, June, 1880, pp. 217, 222

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The editorial notice of the proposed visit of our Theosophical Delegation to the island of Ceylon, which is transferred to our columns from those of the Pioneer, will be read with pleasure and interest by every Fellow of our Society, Western and Eastern. Its tone is so kind, frank and honourable, that we are all placed under lasting obligations to the Editor. It will be taken as a most encouraging fact that within a single twelve month the objects of our visit to India have become so apparent, despite the strenuous efforts that interested opponents have made to place us in a false position. A year ago, the Government was spending large sums to track our steps; now the case is somewhat different!


In J. G. Lemaistre’s Travels we read that over the gate of a church of La Chartreuse, near Milan, is the following inscription: “Marie Virgini, matri, filie, sponse Dei,” which 415 in English is: “To the Virgin Mary, the Mother, the Daughter, the Wife of God.” This adds another to “the mysteries of Godliness,” for, according to this, Jesus was his own father and the son of his own daughter.[1]


[From H. P. B.’s Scrapbook, Vol. X, Part II, p. 357]

[In connection with a cutting from The Ceylon Observer of May 22, 1880, H.P.B. draws in pen and ink a large bold heading: THE CEYLON MISSION OF MAY-JULY 1880; refers to The Pioneer’s Preliminary Announcement three pages back, and writes:


[In connection with an article in The Ceylon Observer of June 23, 1880, which spoke of Col. Olcott being “caught tripping” on two occasions, in replying to questions, H. P. B. was particularly incensed by the following expressions: “This did not at all please Madame Blavatsky, who spoke her mind rather freely”; and: “The Theosophical Society is not likely to make such progress in Ceylon as its ‘president-founders’ desire.” H. P. B. writes on page 374 of the same Scrapbook:]

A lie and pious falsification from beginning to end. See H. P. Blavatsky’s article on the following page.

[This refers to her article “The Theosophists at Maligawa.”]


  1. [This inscription, preserved in its original orthography, which uses no diphthongs, may be found in Letter XII, Vol. I, page 241, of J. G. Lemaistre’s Travels after the Peace of Amiens, through Parts of France, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany, London, 1806, in 3 Vols. —Compiler.]