Blavatsky H.P. - The Banner of Light

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The Banner of Light
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
H. P. Blavatsky Collected Writtings, vol. 3, page(s) 346-347

Publications: The Theosophist, Vol. III, No. 3, December, 1881, pp. 55-56

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We see that our old friend the Boston Banner of Light, the leading Spiritualist paper of America, begins its fiftieth Volume by enlarging its size with four additional pages. We heartily desire the veteran organ the success it so well deserves. For over a quarter of a century it has remained a staunch defender of its colours. It possesses qualities that many of us might well envy. The spirit it uniformly exhibits is that of tolerance, charity, and true brotherly feeling to all men. It always had on its staff the most excellent and learned writers. It strenuously avoids acrimonious polemics and wrangling, and seems to have tacitly adopted the noble motto: “Better give the accused the benefit of the doubt and even forgive ten culprits, 347than unjustly accuse one innocent.” We may and do differ with it in our views and opinions; nevertheless we most sincerely respect and admire it. All honour to our esteemed old friend, Mr. L. Colby, and may his Banner prosper and wave for long years to come—is the hearty wish of The Theosophist and its Editor.