
From Teopedia

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 1, p. 107
vol. 1 (1874-1876)
page 107


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  • <Archivist note>
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< Col. Olcott and the Eddys (continued from page 1-106) >


<Untitled> (About two TS in New York)

It is said that there are two Theosophical Societies in New York. Just as we expected. . . . . * Yes of 12 in the US of America (From the Baner of Light – same date.)

* And – there is but one “Banner” – thank ye, o gods! Jan. 8. 1876

Col. Olcott's Position


...and sicne American Spiritualists, as a classs, have no desire to trespass # on a domain, ...

# But they do trespass or abuse us right & left! H.P.B.

Experiences at Havana, N.Y. with the De-materializing Medium, Mrss. Markee


Editor's notes

  1. About two TS in New York by unknown author, Banner of Light
  2. Col. Olcott's Position by Saxon, A.
  3. Experiences at Havana, N.Y. with the De-materializing Medium, Mrss. Markee by unknown author