
From Teopedia

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 10, p. 286
vol. 10
page 286


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My Mediumship*

By the Baroness Adelma Von Vay (Countess Wurmbrand). F.T.S.

January 20th, 1865. In the evening I took a pencil in my hand, and Thomas, (the first spirit who communicated to us), wrote the following:—

“Pray for me every day. We are sympathetic: I shall be with you as long as you are on the earth. Since the hour of my death I have been your spirit guardian, since the time when I appeared to you in a dream. Go to communion and offer up a prayer for the repose of my soul. I have not forgotten your burning a taper for me, and have more than experienced relief from your prayers.”

(Twelve months subsequent to the death of this Thomas, I offered up a prayer for his soul, at the same time lighting the customary taper.

Eight years had passed since then, and I had quite forgotten the circumstance; nevertheless, I was rejoiced to hear that he had derived benefit therefrom).

“Be brave, Adelma, then you can release me completely, for I am still frail and erring. I am glad to see that Odon (Baron Yon Vay) loves you; your spirits are en rapport. I will now write you a poem.”

Here follows a pretty rhythmical poem of thirty lines, in which the name Zrinyi Gilda is mentioned, and the question is put “Who is Zrinyi Gilda?”

Answer. I am Zrinyi Gilda,—a spirit. I guard Odon. Adelma, lead Odon to God: mesmerise him and he will also write.

Question. How long have you been with me?

Answer. Ever since you have known Odon. I love you too; pray for me. Give Odon a glass of mesmerised water and Thomas will guide his hand to draw.

After my husband had drunk the water which I had mesmerised, he took the pencil. His hand was moved, then began to make strokes, whilst the upper part of his body trembled visibly. Presently he experienced a violent agitation at his heart. I then placed my hand upon his, and forthwith the strokes became stronger. I asked the spirit what we must do, and she wrote:—

“The influence works very well. Give him a fresh sheet of paper, and Thomas will draw my dear husband, Zrinyi Miklos, who died in 1552.”

This we did, and my husband under the control of the spirit Thomas, drew the portrait of Zrinyi Miklos, likewise that of Johannes Amade.

Whilst he was thus employed, Gilda wrote through me:

“Johannes Amade was a British robber, who murdered one Bruneleschi, for which he was poisoned by his only daughter Yalerie, who had married the murdered man against her father’s wish.”

Question. Would she not be condemned to eternal perdition for committing murder?

Answer. “A soul whom God has created, <... continues on page 10-287 >

* Translated by Caroline Corner, from Studien uber die Geisterweit.

Editor's notes

  1. My Mediumship* by unknown author, London Spiritualist, No. 291, February 20, 1880, pp. 90-1



SB, v. 10, p. 286, back

< Mr. Rajendralala Mitra on the Ajanta Paintings (continued from page 10-285) >


<Untitled> (Disengagement of the Soul...)


Editor's notes

  1. Disengagement of the Soul... by unknown author