Helena P. Blavatsky
THE head of Madame Blavatsky is one of remarkable strength in many elements of character. With her fine physical constitution and temperamental balance her brain is capable not only of prolonged labor, but of extraordinary exertion under excitement. She is not of that quiet, scholastic mould which is so often found in literary pursuits, but possesses an intensely emotional and energetic nature, adapting her to fields of robust action.
With a large head, whose intellectual development is very marked, particularly in the perceptive region, she exhibits a strong leaning to observation and the study of facts and things as they exist. We do not find much evidence of the disposition to trust to mere impressions, or to be won over by probable or plausible showings; she is rather skeptical, more inclined to be iconoclastic in her attitude toward philosophy, religion, and literature, than to build <... continues on page 4-203 >
In Motherland
Original in Old Russian
Слышатся плачъ и тяжелые стоны: Туркамъ отъ сердца, облитаго кровью, Дҍтки въ избенкахъ и барскихъ домахъ Раннiя скорби невинныя эти Мать, въ той убогой, крестьянской лачужкҍ, Словомъ убогимъ рисуетъ картину… Кинулся къ мамкҍ своей на колҍни… «Тятеньку крҍпко, вишь ранили въ ногу; Дальше… Въ другую иду я избу, Ночь. Догорҍла у прялки лучина, Роемъ въ головушкҍ думушки ходятъ Тошно мнҍ въ сердцҍ терзанья плодить, |
В.В.Поповъ. Херсонъ. |
The Last Songs
Original in Old Russian
Забыты всҍ привязанности, разумъ Вопросъ решенъ: трудись, пока годишься, Непрочно все, что нами здҍсь любимо, Дни идутъ… все также воздухъ душенъ, Но… молчи во гнҍвҍ справедливомъ! |

Know thyself
Editor's notes
- ↑ image by unknown author. A camel with umbrella
- ↑ image by unknown author. Illustrated title of The Phrenological Jornal magazine, March, 1878
- ↑ Helena P. Blavatsky by Buchanan, J. R., Phrenological Jornal, The, Vol.66, March, 1878, Number 3, Whole No. 471, pp.134-7. HPB crossed out “Helena” and wrote “Heliena” or “Heliona”. The article consists of two parts: the first (phrenological) is written by J. R. Buchanan, the second, where HPB described as author of "Isis Unveiled", by the editor.
- ↑ In Motherland by Popov, V. V.. In Russian: В.В. Попов, “На родинҍ (Памяти воиновъ)”
- ↑ The Last Songs by Nekrasov, N. A.. In Russian: “Послҍднiя пҍсни Н. Некрасова”
- ↑ Know thyself by unknown author. Picture from The Phrenological Jornal
The Phrenological Jornal, v.66, No. 3, Whole No. 471, March, 1878, p. 134