A New Manifestation with Dr. Slade at Leipzig University
The scientific investigation of the phenomena produced in the presence of Dr. Slade, which was undertaken by several professors of the Leipzig University in the months of November and December last, has been attended with the best results; indeed, I may say with results as splendid as they were unexpected.
These results are further confirmed by the publication of the book of the Professor of Astronomy at the University of Leipzig, Mr. Zollner, Wissenschqftlicke Abkandlungen (Scientific Treatises), Leipzig, 1878, Vol. I., of which I have just received a copy.
In the first part of this volume, printed last August, Mr. Zollner shows that, in the course of speculations on the fourth dimension of space, he came to the conclusion of the possibility of certain medial phenomena, viz., that beings existent in the fourth dimension of space (Vierdimmensionale Wesen) could produce knots on a continuous thread by a simple process of manipulation of matter—a process impossible and incomprehensible to us. (Three dimensional beings.)
At a seance with Slade on the 17th December, experience confirmed the reality of the fact, the possibility of which had been admitted a priori. On a string, the two ends of which were sealed and held by Mr. Zollner, while the remaining portion rested on his knees, four knots appeared in the space of a few minutes.

This phenomenon belongs, as you will see, to the category of what we know as the passage of matter through matter.
We have here the first attempt at a scientific hypothesis in explanation of medial phenomena; and more than that, a hypothesis which renders necessary the acceptance of the cardinal dogma of Spiritualism. The record of numerous other experiments will, I hope, appear in Mr. Zollner’s second volume, which is in the press. *[3]
Thus Slade, who was attacked in the name of science, receives his justification in the most striking manner at the hands of science. These exceptional considerations have induced me to continue my German journal (Psychic Studies), at all events for a time.
St. Petersburg, February 8th, 1878.
Lament of the Prince of Choshin on the Dead his Wife
[Japan Weekly Mail.]

The Dog and the Shadow
* ...

Editor's notes
- ↑ A New Manifestation with Dr. Slade at Leipzig University by Aksakof A., London Spiritualist, No. 286, February 15, 1878, p. 78
- ↑ image by unknown author
- ↑ HPB here draw a line to the fable "The Dog and the Shadow."
- ↑ Lament of the Prince of Choshin on the Dead his Wife by unknown author, London Spiritualist, No. 286, February 15, 1878, p. 81. From "Japan Weekly Mail". Translated from Japanese.
- ↑ image by unknown author
- ↑ The Dog and the Shadow by unknown author
- ↑ image by unknown author
London Spiritualist, No. 286, February 15, 1878, p. 78
London Spiritualist, No. 286, February 15, 1878, p. 81