HPB-SD(ed.1) v.1 p.1 st.3 sl.3

From Teopedia
The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Verbatim first edition
volume 1 Cosmogenesis, part 1 Cosmic Evolution, stanza 3 The Awakening of Kosmos, sloka 3
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the secret doctrine.

STANZA III. — Continued.
2. “ Darkness ” radiates light, and light drops one solitary ray into the waters, into the mother deep. The ray shoots through the virgin-egg ; the ray causes the eternal egg to thrill, and drop the non-eternal (periodical) germ, which condenses into the world egg (a).

(a) The solitary ray dropping into the mother deep may be taken as meaning Divine Thought or Intelligence, impregnating chaos. This, however, occurs on the plane of metaphysical abstraction, or rather the plane whereon that which we call a metaphysical abstraction is a reality. The Virgin-egg being in one sense abstract Egg-ness, or the power of becoming developed through fecundation, is eternal and for ever the same. And just as the fecundation of an egg takes place before it is dropped ; so the non-eternal periodical germ which becomes later in

nature’s symbols.

symbolism the mundane egg, contains in itself, when it emerges from the said symbol, “ the promise and potency ” of all the Universe. Though the idea per se is, of course, an abstraction, a symbolical mode of expression, it is a symbol truly, as it suggests the idea of infinity as an endless circle. It brings before the mind’s eye the picture of Kosmos emerging from and in boundless space, a Universe as shoreless in magnitude if not as endless in its objective manifestation. The simile of an egg also expresses the fact taught in Occultism that the primordial form of everything manifested, from atom to globe, from man to angel, is spheroidal, the sphere having been with all nations the emblem of eternity and infinity — a serpent swallowing its tail. To realize the meaning, however, the sphere must be thought of as seen from its centre. The field of vision or of thought is like a sphere whose radii proceed from one’s self in every direction, and extend out into space, opening up boundless vistas all around. It is the symbolical circle of Pascal and the Kabalists, “ whose centre is everywhere and circumference nowhere,” a conception which enters into the compound idea of this emblem.

The “ Mundane Egg ” is, perhaps, one of the most universally adopted symbols, highly suggestive as it is, equally in the spiritual, physiological, and cosmological sense. Therefore, it is found in every world-theogony, where it is largely associated with the serpent symbol ; the latter being everywhere, in philosophy as in religious symbolism, an emblem of eternity, infinitude, regeneration, and rejuvenation, as well as of wisdom. (See Part II. “ Tree and Serpent and Crocodile Worship.”) The mystery of apparent self-generation and evolution through its own creative power repeating in miniature the process of Cosmic evolution in the egg, both being due to heat and moisture under the efflux of the unseen creative spirit, justified fully the selection of this graphic symbol. The “ Virgin Egg ” is the microcosmic symbol of the macrocosmic prototype — the “ Virgin Mother ” — Chaos or the Primeval Deep. The male Creator (under whatever name) springs forth from the Virgin female, the immaculate root fructified by the Ray. Who, if versed in astronomy and natural sciences, can fail to see its suggestiveness ? Cosmos as receptive Nature is an Egg fructified — yet left immaculate ; once regarded as boundless, it could have no other representation than a spheroid. The Golden Egg was surrounded by seven natural elements (ether, fire, air, water), “ four ready, three secret.” It may be found

the secret doctrine.

stated in Vishnu Purâna, where elements are translated “ Envelopes ” and a secret one is added : “ Aham-kâra ” (see Wilson’s Vishnu Purâna, Book I., p. 40). The original text has no “ Aham-kâra ; ” it mentions seven Elements without specifying the last three (see Part II. on “ The Mundane Egg ”).