HPB-SD(ed.1) v.2 p.1 st.12 sl.47-49 ch.Noah was a Kabir

From Teopedia
The Secret Doctrine
The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy
by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Verbatim first edition
volume 2 Anthropogenesis, part 1 Anthropogenesis, stanza 12 The Fifth Race and Its Divine Instructors, sloka 47-49 The remnants of the first two races disappear for ever. Groups of the various Atlantean races saved from the Deluge along with the Forefathers of the Fifth. The origins of our present Race, the Fifth. The first divine Dynasties. The earliest glimmerings in History, now pinned to the allegorical chronology of the Bible, and “ universal ” History slavishly following it. The nature of the first instructors and civilizers of mankind, chapter Noah was a Kabir, hence he must have been a Demon
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the secret doctrine.

Noah was a Kabir, hence he must have been a Demon.

It matters little whether it is Isis, or Ceres — the “ Kabiria ” — or again the Kabiri, who have taught men agriculture ; but it is very important to prevent fanatics from monopolising all the facts in history and legend, and from fathering their distortions of truth, history, and legend upon one man. Noah is either a myth along with the others, or one whose legend was built upon the Kabirian or Titanic tradition, as taught in Samothrace ; he has, therefore, no claim to be monopolized by either Jew or Christian. If, as Faber tried to demonstrate at such cost of learning and research, Noah is an Atlantean and a Titan, and his family are the Kabiri or pious Titans, etc. — then biblical chronology falls by its own weight, and along with it all the patriarchs — the antediluvian and pre-Atlantean Titans. As now discovered and proven, Cain is Mars, the god of power and generation, and of the first (sexual) bloodshed. † Tubal-Cain is a Kabir, “ an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron ” ; or — if this will please better — he is one with Hephæstos or Vulcan ; Jabal is taken from the Kabiri —  instructors in agriculture, “ such as have cattle,” and Jubal is “ the father of all those who handle the harp,” he, or they who fabricated the harp for Kronos and the trident for Poseidon. ‡

† As he is also Vulcan or Vul-cain, the greatest god with the later Egyptians, and the greatest Kabir. The god of time was Chium in Egypt, or Saturn, or Seth, and Chium is the same as Cain.

See Strabo, comparing them to the Cyclopes — XIV. p. 653 sqq. (Callim in Del., 31 Stat. Silo. IV., 6, 47 ; etc., etc.)

the flood legends.

The history or “ fables ” about the mysterious Telchines — fables echoing each and all the archaic events of our esoteric teachings —  furnish us with a key to the origin of Cains genealogy (Genesis, ch. iii.) ; they give the reason why the Roman Catholic Church identifies “ the accursed blood ” of Cain and Ham with Sorcery, and makes it responsible for the Deluge. Were not the Telchines — it is argued — the mysterious ironworkers of Rhodes ; they who were the first to raise statues to the gods, furnish them with weapons, and men with magic arts ? And is it not they who were destroyed by a deluge at the command of Zeus, as the Cainites were by that of Jehovah ?

The Telchines are simply the Kabiri and the Titans, in another form. They are the Atlanteans also. “ Like Lemnos and Samothrace,” says Decharme, “ Rhodes, the birth-place of the Telchines, is an island of volcanic formation.” (Genii of Fire, p. 271.) The island of Rhodes emerged suddenly out of the seas, after having been previously engulfed by the Ocean, say the traditions. Like Samothrace (of the Kabiri) it is connected in the memory of men with the Flood legends. As enough has been said on this subject, however, it may be left for the present.

But we may add a few more words about Noah, the Jewish representative of nearly every pagan God in one or another character. The Homeric songs contain, poetized, all the later fables about the Patriarchs, who are all sidereal, cosmic, and numerical symbols and signs. The attempt to disconnect the two genealogies — those of Seth and Cain * — and the further attempt, as futile, to show them real, historical men, has only led to more serious inquiries into the history of the Past, and to discoveries which have damaged for ever the supposed revelation. For instance, the identity of Noah and Melchizedek being established, the further identity of Melchizedek, or Father Sadik, with Kronos-Saturn is proved also.

That it is so may be easily demonstrated. It is not denied by any of the Christian writers. Bryant ( See “ Analysis of Ancient Mythology,” Vol. II., p. 760 ) concurs with all those who are of opinion, that Sydic, or

* Nothing could be more awkward and childish, we say, than this fruitless attempt to disconnect the genealogies of Cain and of Seth, or to conceal the identity of names under a different spelling. Thus, Cain has a Son Enoch, and Seth a Son Enoch also (Enos, Ch’anoch, Hanoch ; — one may do what one likes with Hebrew unvowelled names). In the Cainite line Enoch begets Irad, Irad Mehujael, the latter Methusael, and Methusael, Lamech. In the Sethite line, Enoch begets Cainan, and this one Mahaleel (a variation on Mehujael), who gives birth to Jarad (or Irad) ; Jarad to Enoch (Number 3), who produces Methuselah (from Methusael), and finally Lamech closes the list. Now all these are symbols (Kabalistically) of solar and lunar years, of astronomical periods, and of physiological (phallic) functions, just as in any other pagan symbolical creed. This has been proven by a number of writers.

the secret doctrine.

Sadic, was the patriarch Noah (as also Melchizedek) ; and that the name by which he is called, or Sadic, corresponds to the character given of him in Genesis, chap. vi., 9. “ He was צדיה, Sadic, a just man, and perfect in his generation. All science and every useful art were attributed to him, and through his sons transmitted to posterity.” ( See New Encyclopædia by Abraham Rees, F.R.S.)

Now it is Sanchoniathon, who informs the world that the Kabiri were the Sons of Sydic or Zedek (Melchizedek). True enough, this information, having descended to us through Eusebius ( Preparatio Evangelica ), may be regarded with a certain amount of suspicion, as it is more than likely that he dealt with Sanchoniathon’s works as he has with Manetho’s Synchronistic Tables. But let us suppose that the identification of Sydic, Kronos, or Saturn with Noah and Melchizedek, is based on one of the Eusebian pious hypotheses. Let us accept it as such, along with Noah’s characteristic as a just man, and his supposed duplicate, the mysterious Melchizedek, King of Salem, and priest of the high god, after “ his own order ” ( See Hebrews, ch. v. 6, and vii. 1, et seq. ) ; and finally, having seen what they all were spiritually, astronomically, psychically and cosmically, let us now see what they became rabbinically and Kabalistically.

Speaking of Adam, Kain, Mars, etc., as personifications, we find the author of “ The Source of Measures ” enunciating our very esoteric teachings in his Kabalistic researches. Thus he says : —

“ Now Mars was the lord of birth and of death, of generation and of destruction, of ploughing, of building, of sculpture or stone-cutting, of Architecture . . . . in fine, of all . . . . arts. He was the primeval principle, disintegrating into the modification of two opposites for production. Astronomically, too, * he held the birthplace of the day and year, the place of its increase of strength, Aries, and likewise the place of its death, Scorpio. He held the house of Venus, and that of the Scorpion. He, as birth, was good ; as death, was Evil. As good, he was light ; as bad, he was night. As good, he was man ; as bad, he was woman. He held the cardinal points, and as Cain, or Vulcan, † or Pater Sadic, or Melchizadek, he was lord of the Ecliptic, or

* The Æolian name of Mars was ῎Αρευς, and the Greek Ares, ῎Αρης, is a name over the etymological significance of which, philologists and Indianists, Greek and Sanskrit scholars have vainly worked to this day. Very strangely, Max Müller connects both the names Mars and Ares with the Sanskrit root mar, whence he traces their derivation, and from which, he says, the name of Maruts (the storm-gods) comes. Welcker, however, offers more correct etymologies. (See Griech. Götterlehre, I., 415.) However it may be, etymologies of roots and words alone will never yield the esoteric meaning fully, though they may help to useful guesses.

† As the same author shows : “ The very name Vulcain appears in the reading ; for in the first words (of chap. iv. Genesis, 5) is to be found V’elcain, or V’ulcain, agreeably to the deepened u sound of the letter vau. Out of its immediate context, it may be read as “ and the god Cain,” or Vulcain. If, however, anything is wanting to confirm the Cain-Vulcain idea, Fuerst says : “ ‫קין‬, Cain, the iron point of a lance, a smith (blacksmith), inventor of sharp iron tools and smith work ” (p. 278).

the legends of iran.

balance, or line of adjustment, and therefore was the just one. The ancients held to there being seven planets, or great gods, growing out of eight, and Pater Sadik, the Just or Right One, was lord of the eighth, which was Mater Terra. (“ Source of Measures,” p. 186-70.)

This makes their functions plain enough after they had been degraded, and establishes the identity.

The Noachian Deluge, as described in its dead letter and within the period of Biblical chronology, having been shown to have never existed, the pious, but very arbitrary supposition of Bishop Cumberland has but to follow that deluge into the land of fiction. Indeed it seems rather fanciful to any impartial observer to be told that there were “ two distinct races of Kabiri,” the first consisting of Ham and Mizraim, whom he conceives to be Jupiter and Dionysus of Mnaseas ; the second, “ of the children of Shem, are the Kabiri of Sochoniston, while their father Sydyk is consequently the Scriptural Shem.” (Append. de Cabiris, ap. Orig. gent. p. 364, 376, and the latter statement on p. 357.)

The Kabirim, “ the mighty ones,” are identical with our primeval Dhyan-Chohans, with the corporeal and the incorporeal Pitris, and with all the rulers and instructors of the primeval races, which are referred to as the Gods and Kings of the divine Dynasties.